Chapter 1

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<Eli's pov>

"What on earth... happened?"

"N-No way." Hanayo trembled as she looked around the room.

"Guys, check this out." Honoka said, picking up a piece of paper on the floor. Everyone huddled around her staring at what looks like an old newspaper article.

13 October, 1917

Paranormal Activities Occured In A Local School.

Lately, residents have been feeling that something ..........
The suspect who was identified as.... Shinoko is nowhere to be found. Residents should keep their eye out for this missing child

There were some red substance splattered across the page, making it impossible to read most of the content.

"Ah geez... This is some bullshit. There's no way the school is like this. It's all rotten!" Maki exclaimed.

She then headed towards the window and tried to pry the window open.

"Can I get some help here?" She exclaimed.

Umi, Rin and I gave her a hand trying to pry the planks open. Unfortunately, the planks holding the window together are much more sturdy that it seems.

"Sorry, guys." Nozomi suddenly apologized as she looked down at her feet, her bangs blocking out most of her face.

"There's no need to apologize, Nozomi." Umi stated.

"B-but... It's my fault for telling that story. I didn't know it was real... I saw the story on the school's website and-"

"That doesn't mean that you opened up a portal or something."

"T-then, what should we do?" Kotori questioned as she shivered in fear behind Umi.

"For now, let's look around this room." I replied, looking around the post apocalypse-like room. "There has to be a way out."

Everyone agreed and went around the clubroom to find ways to get out this place.

We had spent the past couple minutes trying to find ways which could possibly lead us out that we are starting to get a lot more desperate. The doors are practically useless since it had landed itself in the same fate as the windows.

I was flipping absently through a photo album, trying to find some clues when a piece of paper fell out. I picked up the crumpled and slightly brown paper before reading the contents of it.

17, October 1917

To anyone reading this, I..... without them running away from me..... They'll never leave me.....


The other half of the paper was torn off. I frantically flipped through the book again to find the rest of the paper. No luck.


I sprung up from my position and looked towards the direction of the sound. A huge gaping hole is seen settled in the middle of the wall.

"S-sorry nya!" Rin yelped. "It's just that there's a crack in the wall and it makes the wall really wea-"

"No wait it's fine." Umi interrupted Rin's rambling. "We can finally get out of this confined room."

Umi then proceeded to walk through the hole and looked around the hallways.

"The hallways are in a bad shape... However, I think it's safe for us to go through." She signaled us to come out of the club room.

"Guys, lets split up and find the way out." Nico suggested, once she stepped out into the hallways.

"But, Nico-chan," Hanayo perked up. "Isn't splitting up a lot more dangerous?"

"Then what can we do? We won't get to cover much space if we were to stick together." Nico stated as her arms crossed over her chest.

"For once, I agree with Nico-chan." Maki looked up from a scrap paper. "However," She stood up from the worn out chair and walked out of the hole. "If we were to split up, isn't it better to be in a group of threes? It's much safer that way."

"And how are we supposed to communicate with each other?" Honoka inquired.

I looked down at my cellphone. "Wait... Can we call for help instead? Looks like I'm getting a strong signal."

"Are you kidding me? Now you noticed it!?" Nico scolded. "What are you waiting for? Call for help!"

I dialed for police and waited for them to pick up.

'Beep.. The number you dialed is out of range. Please try again.'

I then keyed in Arisa's number and the same message is repeated. What's intriguing is that my signal is strong enough to contact just about anyone.

"Nico, it's not working. I can't call anyone."

"Try calling someone from here." Nico suggested.

I nodded, dialing in Nozomi's number. After about a second, her phone rang.

'It worked? What does this mean? Are we stuck in some kind of dimension completely different from others. If it's so... Why and how did this happen? What if someone is behind this, watching us from behind a screen or something?' Millions of questions flooded up my mind.

"Does this mean we can't call anyone outside this school?" Honoka asked.

"Seems like it." Maki stated as she looked up from her cellphone. "Well we've settled the contacting problem. Now how are we going to split up?"

"I know! I'll have Umi and Eli with me-"

"You just want to protect yourself, don't you?" Maki interrupted Nico's suggestions.

"Do you have any better idea?" Nico remarked.

"Of course I do."

We ended up being split up into our respective sub-units, BiBi, Printemps and Lily White.

"Okay, Nozomi, Rin and I will check the east side of the building, Eli, Maki and Nico will check the west side and Honoka, Kotori and Hanayo will check the courtyard since it's safer there." Umi instructed as she took out her bow. "Looks like we're able to call each other through our mobile phones but calling for help outside school is out of the question..."

"We'll call each other when something happens, alright? We'll get out of here if we work together." I added. "Let's do our best and solve this."

Ayeeeeee first chapter is out! Took me some time to come up with ideas and rearrange the situations in order.... But it's finally out!

If there's any way for me to improve, please feel free to send some feedbacks. Criticisms are welcomed ^^

See ya in the next update whenever I'm done with it. Peace out!


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