Purple Energy

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Dark Ezra Is Coming. We Need To Hide. Ezra said. You Can Go Through The Air Ducks. Hera said Pointing To One Above Us. Thanks Hera. Sabine said. No Problem. I Won't Reveal That You Are Here. And Here. Hera Handed Ezra The Purple Crystal and Ezra Used The Force To Open The Vent.

He Gave Sabine A Boost and He Jump Up Next. He Close The Vent and Dark Ezra Enter The Room. Hera What Are You Doing? Aren't You Suppose To Be Working? He ask. I'm Finish. The Room Is Clean and The Bed Is Made Up. Hera said. Dark Ezra Walk Up To Her and Grab Her Jaw.

It Seems You Are Finally Learning Your Place. But Can Answer Me One Question? Yes Sir. Why Does It Feel Like Someone Was Here? Well The Guards We're Here Early To Check To Make I Was Doing My Job. He Gave Her A Look and Spoke.

Alright Then. You Know What Would Happen If You Didn't Right. Yes. I Know The Consequences. Very Well. I'll Be Back Later. Dark Ezra Left The Room and Hera Calm Down. That Was Close.

Meanwhile In The Vents.
Sabine and Ezra Were Quietly Crawling Through The Air Ducks Trying To Stay Undetected and Find Away Out. Ezra You Still Have The Crystal? Sabine ask. Yeah Sabine. Once We Get Outside. I Put It In Cube. Ezra said. Good We'll Have Enough Room To Jump To The Next Dimension.

Um Do We Know Which Way Is Outside? I'm Not Sure. Maybe If We See Daylight. That Will Be The Way Out. Just As They Were Crawling. It Felt Like The Air Duck They Were In Was Getting Lower. Sabine Something Does Seem Right. It Feels Like We Are Going Lower.

I Was About To Say The Same Thing. Sabine said But Then She Broke Through The Air Duck. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! SABINE!!! Ezra yelled As He Too Broke Through. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! They Both Landed In Room and Were In A Little Pain.

Ezra Get Off Me. Sorry Sabine But It's Hard To When Someone Falls From A Air Duck and Is In A Little Pain. I Don't Care About Your Pain. I Care About Our Safety. We Still Need To Find Away Out. There's No Escape. Someone said.

They Turned Around and Saw The Other Sabine. Who Was Dark Ezra's Prisoner. You. Sabine said Get Up. What Is The Meaning of This? Why Are There Two of Me? Prisoner Sabine said. The Better Question Is Why Did You Do It? Did What? Ruined Your Friendship With Ezra. How Could You Do That?

I Just Didn't Like Him Saving Me All The Time Ok. It Was Getting Annoying. Annoying. You Should Be Grateful That Ezra Saves You Life. I Am and Always Will. You're Saying I Should Be Grateful. No I'm A Warrior. Not A Weak Person Who Gets Scared In A Fight.

He Saving Me Made Me Look Weak. Like I Wasn't A Warrior. Like I Couldn't Handle Myself. Well I Ended Our Friendship and Told Him To Stop Saving Me. So He Did. Yeah and Look Where You Are Now. You Capture and You Created A Monster. Congratulation. Sabine said Giving The Other Sabine A Slow Clap.

Whatever. Who Are You and Why Are You Here? Other Sabine ask. Well If Must Know We Are Ezra and Sabine From Another Dimension and We Must Be Leaving. Why? Because We Are Searching For These. Ezra said Showing Her The Crystal.

Amazing. Now If You Excuse Us. We Must Be Going. Sabine said. Then The Door Open. It Was Dark Ezra. No I Think You'll Be Staying. Now Hand Over That Crystal. Or Does This Have To Get Ugly. He said and Actvied His Lightsaber. Ezra Took Out His Lightsaber and Actvied As Well.

No Way You Monster. Well I Guess I'll Have Kill You To Take It. It's Seems I Get To Kill Sabine Twice. Oh This Will Amazing. STAY AWAY FROM HER!!! Ezra yelled and Attack Dark Ezra. He Block Ezra's Strike and Their Fight Led Into The Hallway.

They Were Both Evenly Match. Neither One of Them Could Get The Upper Hand. How Am I Supposed To Defeat Someone Who Looks Like Me and Possesse The Same Skills. Dark Ezra said Getting Angry. Well I Guess The Darkside Didn't Teach Anything Then I Figured. Ezra said. Oh I Learned Some Move.

Dark Ezra Lifted His Hands and Shot Lightning At Him. Ezra Used His Lightsaber To Block The Lightning. Ha Didn't Expect That Did You. Dark Ezra Listen. You Have To Let Me Go. And Should I. Your Dimension Is In Trouble. A Evil Seeks To Destroy Our Dimension. Including Yours. That Why I'm Here. To Get The Crystal I Have. Ezra said.

Yes I Heard You Talking About That Crystal and The Other One. Once I Kill You and The Other Sabine. I'll Take Them Both and Find The Others With That Book. Dark Ezra Increasing The His Lightning. His Lightning Is Too Strong. I Won't Be Able To On Much Longer. Ezra Through To Himself.

Then The Purple Crystal Started Glowing and Shot Out of Ezra Pocket and Got In Front of The Lightning. The Lightning Was Absorbe Into The Crystal Until The Lightning Stop. THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!! MY LIGHTNING POWERS ARE GONE!!! Dark Ezra yelled.

The Crystal Fell Into Ezra's Hand and He Felt The Engery Inside. Wow This Crystal Can Absorb Energy. I Wonder If It Can Release Energy. Ezra Through. I Don't Know You Did That But You Will Pay For It. Dark Ezra said  and Ran Towards Ezra With His Lightsaber.

Well It's Now Or Never. Ezra Pointed The Crystal At Dark Ezra and Released The Energy At Him.

The Energy Ball Hit Dark Ezra and Sent Him Flying Back Through Wall Through Wall. HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE HIT BY YOUR OWN ENERGY!!! Ezra yelled To The Unconscious Dark Ezra. Ezra We Still Need To Go. Sabine said. Right Sabine.

Ezra Place The Crystal Inside The Cube and Went To Sabine. Wait Free Me. The Other Sabine said. Sabine Look At Her and said. Riot In Hell. Book Take Us To The Next Dimension. The Book Started Glowing and They Were Both Teleported To The Next Dimension

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