The First Dark Ezra

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After Leaving The Clan Bridger Universe. Ezra and Sabine Were Traveling Through The Rings of The Dimensions Waiting To Arrive So They Can Find The Next Crystal. So What Do Think The Next Dimension Will Be Like Sabine? Ezra ask.

Maybe One Where Me and You Aren't Proud Warriors and We Don't Have A Child Together. Sabine said. So What? Your Saying That You Don't Want To Have A Child With Me In The Future. I'm Not Saying That. I'm Just Saying That All The Dimensions We Are Traveling To Can't Be Us In Future. Some Have To Be In The Present.

Oh Okay If That's How You Feel Then. Sabine Look At Ezra's Sad Face and Started Thinking To Herself. Don't Worry Ezra. You and I Will Have A Future Together. Some Day. As Sabine Was Done Thinking. They Exited The Dimension Rings and Appeared In A New Dimension.

Are We At A Base? Ezra ask. Yeah But On A Planet I Never Seen Before. Hum Let's Ask The Book About This Dimension. Book What Do You Know About This Dimension? Sabine ask and The Book Turned To A Page About The Dimensions History. Sabine Look and Started Reading It.

In This Dimension. Sabine Doesn't Want Ezra To Save Her Anymore and Ezra's Agrees. Soon Both Stop Talking To Each and On One Mission. Ezra Gets Suspended By and Capture By Empire. He Turns To The Darkside and Now Seeks Revenge On Sabine For All The Pain She Put Him Through.

Wow I Can't Believe This Happens To Us. Ezra said. I Don't Understand. I Always Like You Saving You Saving. I Never Had A Problem With It. Sabine said. Well Obviously This Sabine In This Universe Did and Made Me Go To The Darkside.

Hey That's This Ezra In This Dimension. Not You. We Need To Hurry and Find The Next Crystal Before We Run Into You. Just As Sabine Finishes Her Sentence. The Cube That Ezra Currying. Started To Glow. What's Going With This Thing? Ezra ask.

I Think It's Showing Us The Next Crystal Location. Sabine said. Ezra Move The Crystal and It Started Glowing Even More. You're Right Sabine. The Crystals Must Have A Deeper Connection With Other. Come On. But First We Need To Blend In.

10 Minutes Later.
Inside The Base.
Ezra and Sabine Exit From From A Closed Wearing Stormtrooper Armor. I Hate Wearing This Armor. Sabine said. Well We Have To An Order To Find The Crystal and Make Sure Not To Run Into My Evil Self. Ezra said. Fine But Let's Hurry.

They Started Walking and Ezra Pulled Out The Crystal. Ok It Should Be This Way. If We Hurry We Can Leave Before Anyone Suspect Us. HEY YOU TWO!!! Someone yelled. They Turn Around and Saw Another Stormtrooper. You Two Are Going The Wrong Way. The Court Yard Is This Way.

Now Come On Or You'll Make The Boss Mad. Oh Thank You Fellow Trooper. We're Coming. Sabine said and Pulled Ezra Along. What Are You Doing? Ezra ask. We Don't Want To Blow Our Cover Do We. No You're Right. Good Let's Just What This Meetings About.

5 Minutes Later.
Ezra and Sabine Were In A Huge Court Yard With A Lot of Stormtroopers. And On The Top of Building Was The First Dark Ezra Ever. MY FELLOW STORMTROOPERS!!! THE TIME HAS COME FOR THE DEATH OF SABINE WREN!!! He yelled and All His Troopers Cheered.


The Stormtroopers Started Cheering Again But Not Ezra Or Sabine. Actually Sabine Felt Quite Disgusted. You Really Are Full of Yourself Aren't You. She said. What That's Him Not Me? Ezra said. Whatever You Say Ezra. NOW ALL YOU!!! BE PREPARED FOR THE KANAN AND HIS FRIENDS TO ARRIVE TOMORROW!!!

I WILL ENGAGE THE JEDI AND SET UP AN TRAP FOR THE LASAT AND DROID AT EVER DOOR TO THE BASE!!! NOW BACK TO WORK!!! Dark Ezra Ordered and Everyone Left. Come On Now Our Chance. Sabine said and Went Back To Looking For The Crystal.

3 Minutes Later.
Ezra and Sabine Kelp Searching For The Crystal and They Came To The Location. The Crystal Should Be In Here. Ezra said and He and Sabine Entered The Room. Only To Their Surprise To Find Hera.

She Was Cleaning The Bed. She Turned Around and Jump. Don't Worry Troopers. I'm Doing My Job. There's Nothing To Worry About. She said Scare. Hera What Are You Doing Here? Sabine said Pulling Off Her Helmet. Sabine You Escape. But How? Escape What Are You Talking About?

Yeah Hera? What Are You Talking About? Ezra ask As He Pulled Off His Helmet. Ezra I'm Sorry I Didn't Mean To Stop Working. Please Don't Stock Me. What Why Would I Shock You? She Must Think You're Dark Ezra. Hera This Not The Ezra of Your Dimension. Sabine said

What Are Talking About Sabine? Hera ask. Me and This Ezra Are From Another Dimension. We're Not The Ezra and Sabine of This One. See Look At This. Sabine Pulled Out The Book and Showed It Hera. This Is The Book of Dimensions. We Been Traveling Through Dimensions To Find These Powerful Crystal.

Did One Landed Came In Here By Any Chance? Why Yes I Find A Strange Crystal. It Show Up Out of Nowhere. Here Let Me Get It. Hera Went To A Drew and Open It. She Pulled Something Out and Showed It To Us.

It's A Purple Crystal. I Wonder What It Does? Ezra ask. Well I Don't Want To Stick Around and Find Out. Sabine said Then She Had Question For Hera. Hera Why Are Here? I'm Dark Ezra's Slave. I Have To What He Says Or The Others Die. He Has Already Broken Me and Sabine.

There's No Escape. Hera said. What About The Other Sabine? She's Here Lock Up Tight In One of The Prison Cells. Dark Ezra Gose There Everyday and Tortures Here. Then Tells Me About. It's Sick. I Can't Believe I'm A Monster In The Universe. Ezra said Disappointed.

No You Don't. This Ezra Is The Monster. Not You. I'm Pretty Sure That More Ezra's Who Are Good Out There. We Just Have To See. Sabine said and Put One of Her Hands On His Cheeks. Ezra Was About To Say Something Until He Felt A Disturbing Feeling. Oh No. Dark Ezra Is Coming.

Btw There In The Don't Save Her Book If You Are Confused About What Dimension They Are In.

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