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After 30 minutes of running, we make it to the top of the mountain. Walking over to the fence I lean on it and look over the town we were raised in.

Kat steps beside me and looks around. "Wow, this spot is amazing. How did you find it?"

Turning towards her I say. "After Chloe and Nina moves out I had to find something to keep me occupied. Walking and running did it for me. I stumbled across the path when I used the running track we took. This one took me higher up the mountain." Pointing towards our house. "You can see Mom and Dad's place from here."

She looks harder and then finds it. Smiling she says. "You're right. Have you ever taken anyone up here?"

"No," I start walking along the fence line. "This is my personal place. I haven't seen anyone come up here in years. That track was overgrown when I found it. I trim it back at times."

"Have you see any snakes?"

"A few, but I've never been bitten by any. Why?"

"You shouldn't be cutting anything back, Lizzie. Something could be hiding in the bush. I'd hate for you to get bit by a snake while you were out here alone. Without anyone to help you. Promise me, you'll get the professionals to do it?"

"I will."

Kat walks over to the bench and takes a seat. Her face is white as a sheet and then she chucks up.

Pulling her hair back I say. "Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

She lets out a small laugh. "Of course there is. I was just hoping to tell you with everyone this morning over breakfast, but you had to leave before we could eat."

"Are you pregnant again?"

"Yeah, I am. I want you to be the Godmother again. If anything happens to my husband and I want you you to take care of them with the help of the Godfather."

Whose the Godfather?

All I've ever heard is how he's such a great guy, but yet he hasn't shown up to any of the parties that have been thrown.

"Why haven't I met him yet?"

She looks at me. "He's come around earlier in the day to give gifts to the kids. He spends a lot of time in the office keeping the company running."

"What makes you think that he's going to be the perfect guy to help me raise those kids? If you die I'll probably be left alone with them as he can't be trusted."

She places her hand on mine. "Seb and I don't plan on dying anytime soon. Chad is one of the best guys around."

"How do you know?"

"I work for him. He runs a company that's in competition with Seb's."

"Have you ever given Seb any information from Chad's company?"

"No, I would never do that. I love working for Seb. He's a great boss to work for. Besides, Seb and Chad are always sharing secrets about there Companies. They're thinking about merging and becoming one big company. Those two want to rack in the money, but I'm not sure if that's the right move for Seb."

"If you're not sure send over the statements for both companies and I'll let you know if it's the right move. I know they both have advisors, but it might be best to get an outsider opinion."

"Okay," she holds her hand out and I help her up. "We should head back. Seb and I are leaving after lunch with the kids."

Kat and I walk down the trail and head back home.


When we get back to the house Seb is waiting at the door with two bottles of water. He gives it to us. "You should have taken water with you."

Grabbing the bottle Kat says. "I didn't expect to be gone this long with, Liz. She can beat me when it comes to running. I used to be the one on the lead and leave her in the dust."

Seb places his arm around her shoulder and kisses her cheek. "You're pregnant. That's why you can't beat her. When you give birth to our little nugget you'll be able to beat her and I'm going to look forward to that."

I stick my tongue out at him. "That's not going to happen, Sebby. Your wife is just getting older and she can't keep up with the likes of me." Walking into the house I head to the kitchen where I find Mom with her head on the table.

She looks up when I enter the room. "Hey, Honey. How was your run?"

"It was good. Kat couldn't keep up with me."

Shaking her head she says. "I can't believe that girl would still run when she's got a bun in the oven. How was she when you reached the top of the mountain?"

"She threw up and then told me that she was pregnant again. I don't know why she didn't tell me earlier? I wouldn't have raced her if I did."

"That's why she didn't tell you. Kat loves competing against you. You're the only one that loves doing things like this with her. Chloe and Nina would rather sit in front of the mirror doing new hairstyles and putting make-up on there face. While Kat and you were active and ready to show the other up. I remember when the both of you were on the basketball team and you both would show off. Your teammates hated you two and eventually the Coach kicked you off the team and kept Kat cause she was the one that was able to make the team win."

A smile spreads across my face. "I cried about being let go and you found a team that needed an extra player. When we went head to head with Kat's team we won by a landslide."

Kat walks into the kitchen at that moment and makes a sandwich. "I remember that. After the game you and I went down to the track. I won that race."

The kids walk into the kitchen. "Mommy," Logan says. "I'm hungry."

Kat looks at her kids and says. "I'll make you a sandwich." She spreads jelly on the bread and gives it to them.

The kids take it and run into the living room and watch tv.

Dad walks into the kitchen with a smile on his face. He looks at me. "They're not happy with my decision of not selling. They tried to give me a little more and I declined again."

"The Cornwell's are still offering to buy the club?" Mom asks.

"Yes," He looks at me. "I took our daughters advice and think it's best to keep running the company ourselves. Lizzie, will know when it's time to give up the club and I'll do that then."

There's a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Walking over to the door I swing it open and see Mom's former nurse, Alejandro at the door.

He smiles. "Hi, Liz. You're still looking good after two years."

I never return the smile and say. "You're still trying to hit on me after all this time?"

"You know I am. Is your Mom home? I need to talk to her about something."

"Yes, she is. I'm not letting you in." Turning towards the hall I yell. "Mom, there's someone at the door for you."

"Coming," Mom yells back. She comes around the corner dragging her right foot and stops as soon as she sees Alejandro at the door. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to apologise to you and your family. I shouldn't have done what I did."

Two years ago Alejandro was a nurse that was looking after Mom, while I went and did a few errands.

When I returned home from work I found Alejandro passed out on the couch with a joint in his hand. I put the thing out before looking for Mom.

I found her in the bathtub and the water was freezing.

She was shaking as she was cold and couldn't pull herself out.

Pulling her out of the tub I grabbed a towel and dried her off. I put her into warm clothes and when that didn't help her warm up I called for an ambulance.

A couple of days later we learned that Mom had pneumonia and that we could lose her.

I kicked Alejandro's ass and then kicked him out of the house.

Since that day I never asked for anyone to help out. It's either Dad or me at home for her.

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