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The next morning I'm sitting in the kitchen with Kat, who's video chatting with Nina.

Nina is rambling on about how annoying her son is and how he cries at all times of day and night.

I didn't know she had a kid.

She's kept a lot from me, but what should I expect. We weren't close when I was taking care of her and Chloe.

When I move the iPad I see my sister and she looks exhausted. Bags are under her eyes and her eyes are bloodshot.

"Hey, Nina."

She looks up and makes eye contact with me. "Now you want to talk to me, Eliza? Well, I don't want to talk to you. Go away."

Walking away from the iPad I grab a piece of paper and write to Kat.

Nina needs to see a Doctor. She might have Postnatal depression. The way she's talking isn't the way she normally is.

Kat looks at the note and nods her head. Picking up the pen she says.

I'm going to her place tomorrow. I'll make a booking with my Doctor. He'll see her right away.

Taking the pen from her hand I write another message.

Thank you. I'll get Mom. I'm sure she'd want to speak to her.

Sliding the paper across the table I stand up and head to Mom's room.

In the way to her room, I see Logan and Mia standing outside her room. Putting my finger to my mouth I say. "Do you want to wake, Nan?"

They nod.

Opening the door we sneak into the room and see Mom lying on her side.

The kids run to the bed and climb on it. "Nan,"

Mom opens her eyes and smiles down at her Grandkids. "Morning," she kisses them both on the cheek. "Where your Mom?"

"Downstairs talking to Nina. She's on video chat."

A smile spreads across her face. "I'm going down to say 'hello.' Can you help me out of bed, Liz?"

Walking over to the bed I help her out of bed. "Where's Dad?"

She looks over at his side of the bed. "He had an important phone call to make. He'll join us for breakfast when he finishes on the phone."

Why would Dad have an important phone call? It's not like he runs a billion-dollar company.

Mom puts a robe over her nightie and leaves the room.

Standing up I head to Dad's study and see him pacing around the room. The phone is on the table and he's not talking to anyone. I push the door open. "Dad, what's going on?"

He looks over at me. Dragging a hand down his face he says. "The Cornwell's want to buy the bar. They're offering 1 million for the land."

That land is worth more than they are offering.

The Cornwell's have nearly an entire street for something they want to build. There are four families standing in there way of having the entire street and my family is one of them.

Placing my hand on top of his I say. "Tell them you're not selling. Trust me on this one."

A smile spreads across his face. "I do trust you, Lizzie. You're the only one in the family that can invest in something and earn more money from it. If we listen to you we'll be able to get what we deserve for the property and land." Picking up the phone he calls the Cornwell's.

Opening the door to the office I walk out the door and head to the kitchen where Mom is talking to Nina.

Mom looks up as soon as I walk into the kitchen. "Nina, you're sister is back from speaking to your father."

"Okay, Mom. Can you put her on and leave the room with Katrina. I need to talk to Lizzie privately." She says, in a sweet tone.

One that I know doesn't mean she'll be friendly when I talk to her.

Mom and Katrina walk out of the room. I stay standing behind the iPad out of her focus.

"I know you're there, Eliza." She says, rudely. "You don't need to hide behind the counter." When I don't move to she keeps talking. "If you don't show yourself I'm going to call Mom."

I'm not going to buy into her bluff.

Remaining silent I wait for her to make her next move.

A phone starts ringing in the next room followed by Mom saying. "Hello, Donoghue residents." She silent for a moment before saying. "I'll make sure you can see her."

Mom walks into the room and pulls me out of the room. "You're sister told me that you're not talking to her?"

"Mom," I let out a big sigh. "I was trying to be nice to her earlier and she didn't want a bar of it. She's pissed the way I treated our brother and they deserve it. They've never had my back. When I need something they're never around and when they need something I'm always there for them. I've had enough of being the one that gets treated like dirt. When am I going to have someone on my side?" Leaving Mom at the door I turn the iPad around and face my sister.

Putting on a fake smile I say. "Hey, Nina. That's way low of you calling Mom."

She laughs. "Well it got you to face me. When we come home in three months time I want your bedroom. It's the best room in the house."

"You're not getting it, Nina. You moved out and I claimed that room as mine. Besides, Dad and I redid my old one to resemble yours. Your husband is going to love what you did with the place." I hang up and walk out of the room.

Walking towards the door I open it and turn towards Mom. "I'm going for a walk. I don't know when I'll be back."

"I'm coming with." Kat follows me out the door and she grabs my arm. "What's going on with you, Eliza? I've never seen you rude to our siblings before."

I throw my head back and laugh. One that's not meant for laughter. "I let them walk all over me for too long. I've decided to grow a backbone and tell them how things really are. I'm done helping them out."

She remains quiet as we continue to walk down the street.

When we get to the side street I turn to the right and continue walking.

Kat looks around and then says. "Are we heading to the walking trail?"

"Yep, I hope you can still run up the cliff." Turning around I look at her face.

A smile spreads across her face. "You know I can beat you, Lizzie. I've been doing since we were kids."

"That was before you had kids. I would love to see you try now."

"What are you implying, sis?"

"That you've become a lot slower since you've had your kids. You're working a lot more and it looks like you've put on some..."

She runs past me and up the slope of the mountain.

I run behind her and then take a sharp left that leads in a different direction of the mountain.

"Lizzie," Kat yells.

"Up here." She looks up where I'm standing. "How did you get there?"

"Those stairs to the left head to a better part of the mountain that you didn't know about."

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