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The sun shines through the window waking me up from a deep slumber. My back aches because of the way I was sleeping. Opening my eyes I look around and see that I'm in the treehouse.

Groaning I shift my position and start to stretch trying to get the ache out of my back. I watch as a bird lands in the tree right next to me.


My phone goes off as an incoming message is sent to me. Picking up the phone I look at it and see 72 messages on my phone and 90 phone calls.

Why are there so many messages and missed calls on my phone? It's not like I went missing or anything.

Opening the last message I see that it's from my favourite sister.

Kat: Where are you, Liz. I'm worried. You never came home. Please tell me your safe.

I reply to her message.

Me: I'm safe, Kat. I'll be home shortly.

Kat: Really? Where are you?

Me: In the treehouse. I didn't want the rest of our siblings to see me when I came home.

Kat: Mom's sending them all home after breakfast. She hates the way they're treating you.

Me: I'm glad that she knows what they're truly like now.

Kat: Where did you go last night?

Me: To the lake for a swim.

Kat: Were you alone? Or did someone else intrude on you?

Me: You know the answer to that, Kat. I'll see you soon.

Sliding the phone into my bag. I pick it up and put it over my shoulder as I climb down the bottom. As I reach the bottom I see Kat standing on the porch. She has two mugs in her hand.

A smile spreads across her face as I approach. "I made you some coffee. I know you need it after the night you had. Also, Ronnie and Nina left at the crack of dawn to check on Austin. They believe that's where you've been all night."

"I was supposed to be there all night, but while he was sleeping I snuck out. When I overheard Ronnie telling Austin he'd be at the hotel with coffee I knew it was risky for me to stay there."

She pulls me in for a side hug. "I hope you're happy with, Austin. Just be careful around that boy. I don't want to see him hurt you again, sis."

He won't hurt me again. I can tell that he means everything he's told me. I'd be a fool not to listen to him.

Taking a drink of the coffee I look into the house and see Mom talking to Chloe, Jasper and Dylan and they don't look too happy with what she's saying.

I should stay out here for a while. I'm not going to be welcomed into the house.

Kat stands up. "I'll let Mom know you're back. She'll want to bring breakfast to you."

"Thanks, Kat." Pulling my phone out of my bag I go through the messages. Deleting the unimportant ones. When I go through the phone calls I see that Mom called me a few times.

I have to talk to her later.


Looking at the phone I see a new message from Austin.

Austin: I missed waking up to you this morning. It's a good thing you disappeared when you did because Ronnie and Nina showed up at the crack of dawn. They were hoping to find you with me and that didn't happen.

Me: I'm sorry for leaving you. I didn't want them to find us together and give them ammunition for...

Austin: Telling my girlfriend. Well, my soon to be ex. I'm breaking up with her today. I should have done that before I took this month off to see my parents.

Me: Do you really mean that?

Austin: Yes, When it comes to you I don't want to lie.

That's a really good answer and I hope that he means every word of it.

The glass sliding door opens and Mom steps out of the house carrying a plate that has toast, bacon and eggs on it and a waffle at the side with chocolate and ice cream. "I hope you're hungry, Liz. I heard that you didn't make it to dinner before you walked out."

Licking my lips I say. "That looks great. I'm starving." Looking her in the eyes I add. "That's true. I couldn't stay there with my siblings disapproving of everything I was doing and saying. It was like I was standing in front of a firing squad and the only people cared about me was Sebastian, Kat and..."

A smile spreads across Mom's face. "Austin, the forbidden one."

"Yep, the one and only." I pick up a slice toast and put it in my mouth. Mom gives me a weird look as I chew when I finish the mouthful I say. "What? I'm hungover and tired. I need a proper bed and more sleep."

Mom opens the door and turns towards me. "Kat and Sebastian are leaving shortly. Kat got a phone call from her boss and he's needing her help with something important. She wanted me to tell you before you came into the house."

"I'll come inside shortly and say bye to them before heading to bed. Can you wake me up around three?"

"Sure, I can do that." She opens the door and walks into the house leaving me alone to eat in silence.

Once I finish breakfast I walk into the house and hug Kat. "I heard you had to leave earlier than expected."

"Yeah, my boss Chad Whitehall forgot to send some important documents for a meeting tomorrow and he lost the copies I gave him."

"Can't he just print it from the main computer?"

Kat laughs lightly. "He could, but he doesn't know the password to my computer and I have it locked for privacy and protection for my family and the company. I have to be at the office to get the copy he needs."

"Good luck with the boss."

Sebastian laughs. "If I didn't know Kat's Boss I would have thought he was trying to take my wife from me. With him being my best friend I don't have to worry about that."

She nudges his arm. "Do you remember the time he tried to kiss me and you punched him in the face? You also told him that he could never steal me from you."

He laughs a full-body one that makes me join in with him. "How could I forget? He walked into a business meeting with my company with a black eye and you spent the entire meeting avoiding eye contact with me until after the meeting. Then we..."

Kat covers his mouth with her hands and looks at me. "My sister doesn't need to know what we did in the room. I bet she'd want to do it there too and risk getting caught."

She knows I'm a daredevil and would choose a risky place to have sex like Austin and I did last night. Letting out a yawn I say. "I'm going to bed. Have a good trip home."

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