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There's a knock on the front door and I open my bedroom door. "Can someone get the door?" I yell down the hall.

Dad opens the bedroom door and looks at me. "Sure, so who is going out with tonight? Because I think the guy needs a real talking to if he's going to take my baby out."

Groaning I say. "Dad, do you have to call me you're baby? I'm an adult now and don't need you to treat me like a kid."

He winks at me. "You'll always be my kid, kiddo. Suck it up buttercup." Dad closes the bedroom door and walks down the stairs as there's a second knock on the front door."

I hear the door open and some whispering from downstairs. Closing my bedroom door I pick up my eyeliner and stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom. I gently put the eyeliner around my already dark eyelashes. Then I swipe the mascara lightly on eyelashes before walking back to my bedroom and putting on the short red dress.

The dress is strapless with a lace bodice and detachable cap sleeves. Crystal beaded details accent the bodice and hem-lace.

Pulling the cap sleeves off I place it on my bed before picking out a pair of black heels and purse. I grab my phone and stick it in my purse before walking out of the bedroom.

When I get to the living room Dad is sitting on the couch opposite Austin giving him a lecture. Just like he did before we went out in high school.

Dad's not going to change when it comes to lecturing the men that take his daughter out. Knowing him he's just being extra cautious because of what Austin did to me after Graduation.

I'm glad that he still wants to be protective of me, but I also need to make mistakes to learn from as well. Which is why I think Dad letting me go out with Austin is a good thing.

Clearing my throat I make myself known to them. "Hey, Aus."

He lets out a whistle. "You look beautiful, Lizzie. I'm one lucky son of a bitch."

Mom walks into the living room at that moment. "Austin," she chastites. "I don't want that language brought into my house. Have you forgotten your manners? Or did you leave them in the Big City?"

"Sorry, Mrs Donoghue." He looks at the ground like he's a teenager again. "I'll remember not to say those words in your presence or in front of any female again."

My mom still has a hold over him like she did when we were younger. I supposed it helped with her having two boys to deal with as well.

Grabbing Austin's arm I say. "Are you ready to go?"

"Sure," he lets me lead him out of the house. Before we reach the door he turns towards my parents. "I'll have her home by 11."

"Sure, you will..." Dad mutters, but now low enough for us to ignore it. He looks me in the eyes and says. "Have a fun night."

"Bye," I open the door and walk out with Austin behind me. As we make it to his car I see Ronnie with folded arms and behind him is Nina.

What are they doing here? I thought they left with everyone else.

Ronnie takes a picture of us. His face screws up as he looks at me. "You're ruining a perfect relationship by going out with him." He takes another picture. "I'm going to send these to Casey. She needs to know what you're up to behind her back."

Did he really break up with her? Why doesn't Ronnie know that they've broken up? He's still convinced they're together.

Austin walks over to Ronnie and knocks his phone out of his hands. It lands on the concrete shattering the screen. Austin smashes it with his foot and then takes the sim out of the phone. "I'm not going to have you threaten me, Ronnie. I broke up with her this morning so I can be with Eliza. She's the one I truly love and not Casey."

"Bullshit you broke up with her. I spoke to her half an hour ago and she doesn't recall talking to you today."

Austin pulls his phone out of the pocket and shows him the calls and it's listed that they talked for twenty minutes.

That's a long time to talk to someone. Especially, when you're breaking up with them. Why would they need that long?

"Sis," Nina steps forward and reaches out for me. I move away from her before she can wrap her fingers around my arm. "We're looking out for you. Casey has a lot of friends in high places and at the moment she can have one of them ruin your life. I've seen it happen with my own eyes."

Looking at the two pathetic people in front of me I say. "Get out of the way. We're going on our date and you can't stop us." I climb into the car and wait for Austin to join me.

He climbs into the car and puts his seatbelt on. Turning the car on he puts it in reverse and we peel out of the driveway.

My parents aren't going to be impressed with the way Austin pulled away from the house, but if they were looking through the window they'll know the reason why.

Austin holds my hand as we enter the local five-star restaurant called S.H.I.E.L.D. When the newest people brought this restaurant they renamed it after one of their favourite TV shows Agents of Shield.

During non-peak hours Mom and I had a late lunch or breakfast there. One of the owners served us and I asked why they named the restaurant that name and they gave me the details I wanted.

When other people asked they would come up with random things to say and most of them made me laugh. My favourite one is that the Hulk used to live underneath the restaurant and he comes out when people are being rude to the owners.

Mr Reese put on a hulk mask and scared a few kids when they asked that. It made all the customers laugh when they ran out of the restaurant.

Mrs Reese is standing behind the podium and a smile spreads across her face as she looks at me. "Ah, Eliza. It's great to see you after all this time. If I knew you were coming I would have given you your usual tab..." she cuts herself off as she looks at Austin. "You have a date. Excellent. I have the perfect table for you." she leads us through the restaurant and towards the VIP section.

There's no way she'll be putting us up there. She only reserves those places for her regular customers and not me.

She stops at a VIP table at the back. "You two can have your privacy up here. Nobody needs to know what you're up to, Eliza. It's bad enough that you're ex-classmates are trying to catch you doing something wrong and reporting it to a girl that he was engaged to."

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