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In the morning I'm woken by the bedroom door opening followed by a voice saying. "Lizzie, sweetheart. Are you awake?"

Moving out of Austin's arms I sit up and look at Mom. "I am now. What do you need, Mom?"

She steps into the room. "I have a Doctor's appointment later on today. Can you drive me as your father will be at the club?"

"Sure, Mom." Grabbing a shirt from the drawer next to the bed I say. "Do you want me to help you make breakfast?"

"Sure," she's about to walk out of the room when Austin decides to sit up. Mom shakes her head. "You could have warned me about Austin being here, sweetheart."

Laughing I look between Mom and him. "You know now."

She closes the door to the bedroom without saying anything else.

Climbing out of I grab a pair of shorts out of the drawer. "I'm going to help Mom with breakfast. Take a shower and then meet us down there."

"Why don't we just shower together later? That way we're saving water." He grabs his pants and shirt off the floor. Taking my hand we both walk downstairs together.

When we get to the kitchen Mom has a pan on the stove with bacon in it, eggs are in a second pan cooking. "Can you put the bread into the toaster?" Mom asks.

"Sure," I walk to bread bin and put the bread in the toaster.

Dad walks into the kitchen and looks around the room. His eyes land on Austin, who's sitting at the counter on the stool. "What are you doing here so early? I thought you went home last night."

My face heats up and I busy myself with buttering the toast. I wait for Austin to tell Dad that he snuck in last night after they went to bed.

Austin turns towards my father and says. "After you went to bed I suck through Eliza's window and spent the night."

Dad claps Austin on the back and says. "I was hoping you'd go with telling me the truth and I'm glad you did. You're not doing anything wrong by wanting to spend the night with her. So, what are your plans for today?"

"I have to go back to the hotel and pack my bags. Then I'm going over to my parents to settle in and then pick up Eliza for dinner at mine."

Dad looks at me and says. "Are you going to spend the night with Austin?"

"Yes, I am. I hope that's not a problem?"

"Not at all. Your mother has a friend coming over later,"

I hope it's Mia. She's one of Mom's friends that I can stand to be around and she doesn't treat her any differently than before the stroke.

Most of Mom's other friends have treated her differently and I don't it, but if I said something like that to Mom she'd tell me to mind my own business because they are her friends and not mine.

Mom dishes the first plates out first. She gives the food to Dad and Austin. Wrapping her arms around me she says. "During the day I want to talk to you about, Austin."

"Okay," I whisper.

Knowing Mom whatever it is it's going to be important.

Putting four slices of bread in the toast I wait for it to cook. I look over at the kitchen table and see my father talking with Austin. "Mom, what do you think they're talking about?"

Mom looks over at them. "I think he's asking Austin about that case that's been on TV the last couple of weeks."


Sitting in the living I see a news report come on the TV about Billionaire Cole Harrison. He was caught with blood on his hands and next to was a woman who was pale. She was holding onto tightly as Cole was led away from the building. "Cole Harrison has been arrested for murdering one of his employees. There are talks that a third party is involved in this. Until we know more that's all we're allowed to say on this case."

As the weeks went on we found out that the person that was murdered was stalking and threatening the woman that was holding onto Cole.

More reports on the story kept coming out and some of the stuff that has been said is farfetched, but I'm not sure if I believe what is being said.

The toast pops and I butter it. Turning towards Mom she puts the bacon and eggs on both plates. I carry the plates to the table.

Mom follows closely behind me and I help her into the chair. "Thanks, Eliza."

Kissing her cheek, I say. "You're welcome." I take the seat next to Austin and he wraps his arms around me. Smiling at him I say. "How's the food?"

A smile spreads across his face. "It's perfect. Just like the woman that's sitting by my side."

He makes me want to swoon because he's such a wonderful and he owns my heart.

Ding, Ding.

Dad, Austin and I all check our phones to see if we were the one that got a message.

Austin stands up. "Excuse me. I have to reply to this urgent matter." He walks out of the room and puts the phone up to his ear. He paces as he's talking on the phone.

Standing up I walk over to the wall and stand behind it, listening in to the conversation I hear Austin say. "No, I told you I was going away for a month. I didn't want to be disturbed while I was on vacation and that's what you're doing."

There's silence for a bit.

Austin drags his hand through his hair and then he sits down. "I'm not coming home early because that girl wants me to draw up the divorce papers. She knew I wasn't going to be in the office and she pulls a stunt like this to get me back home."

Walking into the living room Austin looks up and smiles. "It's work." he mouths. Pulling me into his arms he whispers. "I'll cut it short."


"Dana deal with this and stop calling me whenever a client has a problem. I have four people that are working closely with me that can deal with it just as good as me. I'll see you next month." Austin hangs up and kisses the top of my head. "I think I'm going to turn this phone off while I'm with you. It's like someone doesn't want us together.

A lot of people don't want us together, but if we stand together than they won't get their way.

Austin and I walk back to the dining room and finish breakfast with my family. When breakfast is over Austin and I clean the kitchen before we head upstairs to my bedroom.

Pulling my shirt over my head, I look at Austin and say. "Let's shower together." Holding my hand out to him.

Austin takes my hand I lead him into the bathroom. "Do you need help removing the rest of your clothing?"

"You know I do, Baby. Just don't take forever."

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