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Stepping into the elevator I press the button and it takes me to the bottom floor. When the doors open I step out and look around the room for my sister. I find her sitting on a chair with Sebastian. They are in a deep conversation.

Feeling my eyes in her she turns around and a smile spreads across her face. "Hey, sis." She stands up and walks over to me. "Let's get out of here for a bit. I want to show you around the vineyard."

I hug her and say. "Sure," we start heading toward the door, but before we can exit the door opens revealing a tall, guy with dark hair and blue eyes.

He's hot.

Kat whispers in my ear. "That's my boss, Chad Whitehall. I'll introduce you to him later." She leads the way to the door. "Hi, boss. Bye, Chad."

Chad throws his head back and laughs. "See you later, Kat." He steps past her and walks over to Sebastian who hands him a bottle of beer.

Tugging on my hand Kat says. "Let's go. I don't want to waste the hour I have with you. I have a feeling you have plans with that guy of yours." She sends me a wink.

When we walk through the door I see rows of grapes and we head towards them. As we walk through the grapes we see people picking them and put them into boxes. "Are these people the grape pickers?"

Kat looks at them and there are a few kids with them. "No, the vineyard is open for a couple of hours each day for families to pick their grapes and take them home. The vineyard also gives discounts to the adults for their grapes to turn into wine. Tomorrow we should pick some together and have a drink after I've had my child."

A smile spreads across my face. "Deal," I pinkie swear with my sister.

The door to a private building opens and a woman steps out with glasses and a bottle of orange juice. She has blonde hair, one side has pink and the other blue, giving her the Harley Quinn look. "Good evening, Mrs Vance. I have set a quiet place for your sister and you. If there's anything else you need. Let me know."

Kat and I walk into the building and sit at the bar. She turns towards me and says. "Do you remember the last time we were here?"

"Yes, it was the day of your wedding."


Kat grabs the veil from the stand and looks at me. "Liz, am I doing the right thing marrying, Sebastian?" she puts it on her head with shaking hands.

"You love, Sebastian. Of course, it's the right thing to do. Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with someone else?"

She shakes her head. "No, I can't. What if..." her face pales and I see that she's afraid to say the next words. I wait for her to finish off what she's thinking. "What if he isn't waiting for me at the other end of the aisle?"

Pulling her into my arms I say. "He'll be there waiting for you, Kat. You can trust me on that." Taking her hand. "Let's sneak to the bar and have some wine. It will calm your nerves."

A smile spreads across her face. "Okay," she leads the way through the vineyard and towards a building that holds the conference rooms. It's set up with wedding stuff and Mr and Mrs balloon's are hung on the table that's at the front of the room.

Name tags are put on the tables for family and friends. I find mine at the bridal table.

Walking behind the bar I open a bottle of wine and pour two glasses. I give her one and say. "To the future Mrs Vance. You're going to make a great wife and mother. Mother part when you decide it's time."

She laughs and it lights up her entire face. "Sebastian and I are going to start a family soon. We're both ready for the next phase in our lives. My boss is supportive of this because he's my husband's best friend."

"Is he going to be here today?"

"Yes, but only for the wedding. He's not staying for the reception because he has a meeting he needs to fly out for. So, I won't be introducing you to him this time, but I hope in the future you get to meet him."

We drink the glass of wine and I take the empty glasses and put them in the dishwasher. I put the wine bottle into my bag and follow Kat out of the conference room."

*end flashback*

Kat and I talk for a bit more before I look at the time and see that I need to get back to the room with Austin. She looks at me and says. "You need to get back to your room don't you?"

"Yeah, I promised Austin that we'd shower before meeting downstairs for dinner. I was thinking with the grapes picking that we could do it with Sebastian and Austin? I want them to get to know each other. Especially, since we're moving to the City."

"Oh, that's right. You said that you were going to the house. How does it look?"

"It's perfect. I can see us raising a family there and it's in a gated community that has its own School's and a hospital is being built there."

She pulls a disgusted face. "I've heard of the gated community and it looks like a terrible place to live. Only the snotty rich people live there."

"Aren't you a snotty rich wife?" I tease.

She slaps my arm. "Oh, shut up. We may have money, but we're not going to live in someplace with everyone that wants to compete with who has the bigger house, best car and kids who are smarter than the other."

"See you at dinner." I hug her and walk out of the conference room.

Walking through the vineyard I see Sebastian with his friend and when he sees me he says. "Hey, Lizzie. Where's your sister?"

"She's in the conference room. We were just catching up, but I have to get back to my room with my boyfriend. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay," he and Chad head to the conference room. Where I left my sister.

As soon as I get to the room Austin is already awake and climbing out of bed. Looking towards me he says. "Get in the shower. I need to fuck you again."

Stripping off my clothes I head to the bathroom and adjust the temperature of the water. I step in and wait for him to join me.

Austin steps into the shower and pushes me up against the glass screen, making my boobs squash against them. He shoves three fingers into my core and fucks me with his fingers until I orgasm.

Replacing his fingers with his cock he fuck me hard against the glass. "How was your visit with your sister?"

"It was good. We're going to pick grapes tomorrow and we want you to join us with Kat's husband, Sebastian."

"Damn, I was hoping that we could stay in the room and fuck again."


Austin and I walk into the dining area and everyone in the room turn our way once the door clicks shut. Looking at my watch I see that we're fifteen minutes late for dinner.

The Vance family don't like it when we're late for dinner, so I'm hoping that we still get dinner.

Kat waves me over to her table. She mouths. "Sit with me."

Grabbing Austin's hand I pull him through the room and we sit next to Kat. "Thanks, Kat."

Evelyn waves a waitress over and says to them. "Please, bring out two more plates for our guests. Don't reheat the food for them because they were late and don't deserve that courtesy."

I didn't think she'd be this mean, but then again we're late for dinner.

It doesn't take long before the waiters return with our food and put it in front of us. I pick up the fork and begin eating the fried chicken.

Sebastian leans across Kat and says. "I'm sorry about that. I did, however, tell you a long time ago that it's not good to be late and my family will punish those who are. Next time be on time."

Chad throws his head back laughing and says. "Do you remember the time I was late because of that girl I was nailing beside the conference room?"

"Yeah," Sebastian says. "It's a shame Grandma didn't make them do it."

What did she make Chad do?

Looking at them with interest I say. "What did they make him do?"

"They made me wear a chicken suit and flap around the room. I had to eat and drink with the suit on. You know the hardest thing with that costume was to piss. It took a long time for me to take it off and nearly pissed in the fucken..."

Evelyn slaps Chad on the back of the head. "Hey, language. How many times have I told you not to use that language?"

"Too many times, but you know that I won't stop it." he turns his attention back to me. "thing. So, who is this beautiful woman?"

Holding my hand out I say. "I'm Eliza."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Chad." He takes my hand in mine and shakes it.

Austin clears his throat and grabs my hand, making it slide out of Chad's. Lowering his voice only for me to hear it he says. "I don't want you to touch another man. You're mine and no one else is allowed to have you."

Turning towards him I say. "I'm not a possession, Austin. Please, don't treat me like one."

"I can do whatever I want. You're mine and mine alone. Hurry up and finish dinner I want to take a walk with you." He quickly starts eating his dinner.

Kat grabs my hand and mouths. "Use the bathroom and I'll come with you."

"I have to go to the toilet. I'll be right back." I tell Austin. Standing up I head to the bathroom with Kat right behind me.

When we get to the bathroom Kat locks the door and looks at me. "Are you okay, Eliza?"

Shaking my head I say. "Something's wrong with him, Kat. He used to be nice, but lately, he's been different. I don't know what to do?"

Kat grabs my hand. "You're not going to want to hear this, Liz, but it's something that you need to consider." She looks me in the eyes and I know she's going to say something that I don't want to hear. "You need to leave him before he hurts you again. The way he's treating you isn't right."

"I can't leave him, Kat. I'm already in love with him. A part of me will die if I had to make that type of decision."

"Be careful, Liz."

"I will." Heading towards the door I unlock it.

Austin is standing outside with his arms folded. "Let's get out of here. I'll take you somewhere else to eat something." He pulls me through the room and I see a disapproving look come across Kat's face.

She moves over to the table and whispers something to her husband.

As we exit the conference room I hear the door click behind us. Stopping I ask. "What's going on, Austin? Since we've been here you've been different."

"Nothings, going on, Eliza. I just don't like meeting new people and getting to know them. If it was our extended family I wouldn't have a problem."

"Do you want to leave?" I ask him.

"Yes, tomorrow afternoon. I want to go grape picking with you. Hopefully, we can get some good wine out of it."

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