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After seeing the house Austin and I climb into the car and leave the gated community. When we get to the gate Austin talks to the guard for a couple of minutes before we are allowed out.

It takes about an hour and a half to get to my brother-in-law's families vineyard. When we pull into the driveway I see my brother-in-law directing his family to parking spots.

During the summer the vineyard is packed with people, eating crackers, cheese and drinking wine, but at the end of July, they have a huge family gathering and close the doors for the weekend to guests.

A smile spreads across Sebastian's face as he sees me. He waves and then walks over to the car. "Hey, Eliza. How are you?"

"I'm good. Have Mom and Dad arrived yet?"

"Yes, they're settling in their room at the moment. As soon as I tell you where you can park, you'll be able to head straight to your room and get some rest. Dinner will be at 7 pm." He gives me the map. "This map has all the secret trails and stuff you'd like to see on it. Just don't get lost like you did last year."

I laugh. "I'll try not to, Seb." Taking the map from him. "See you at dinner."

Sebastian tells Austin where to park and we follow his directions.

While we're driving my phone beeps alerting me to a message. Looking at it I see one from 'Kat.'

Kat: Are you here yet?

Me: Just pulling in. Why?

Kat: Can you meet me at 5 pm? I want to catch up with my, sister.

Me: Sure, I can meet you then.

Austin stops driving and looks at my phone. "Who keeps texting you?"

"My sister, Kat. She wants to meet me at 5."

Shaking his head he says. "I thought we were going to spend the afternoon together. Now, you organise something with the sister you see all the time."

"I don't see Kat all the time." Touching his hand I say. "What's gotten into you?"

He shakes my hand off his and continues to drive to the parking spot. "We were supposed to spend time together. Have sex, sleep and then I fuck you in the shower."

Sighing I say. "Austin, we can do all three of those. While you sleep I'll meet up with my sister for an hour and return to the room and fuck you in the shower for forty-five minutes. Leaving us fifteen minutes to get ready and arrive at dinner at seven sharp."

A smile spreads across his face. "It looks like you've got this all sorted. Let's leave our crap on the car and head straight to the room. I've had a hard-on since we left our new home." Austin parks the car and then climbs out.

Rounding the car he opens my door. "After you milady," he says, putting on an English accent that makes me laugh.

Stepping out of the car I hold my hand out to him and he takes it. "Kiss me in the elevator and then fuck me against the door. Then explodes inside me on the bed."

"What a boring place for me to explode. I was thinking the kitchen countertop would be perfect. That's where I wanted you at the house."

"Instead you had me leaning over it when you came inside me."

He throws his head back and laughs. "Yeah, I did. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the bench now."

We head into the building and move toward the elevator. I press the button.

Austin not wanting to wait any longer leans forward and claims my lips. His tongue slides into my mouth and the kiss becomes heated.

Someone close to us clears there throat and says. "There are children around here. They don't need to see this."

Austin pulls away from me and looks the lady in the eyes. "Those kids have probably seen their parents making out like this. I'm sure this isn't something they haven't seen before." He leans forward and kisses me again.

The doors to the elevator open and we step into it. "You two can have this elevator. I'll wait for the other one."

"Thanks," Austin says. He presses the button and it takes us to our floor.

When the door opens Austin and I step out and head to our room.

At the door to the room, I open it and we enter.


A couple of hours later I wake up and see it's 4:45 pm, and there are fifteen minutes until I have to meet my sister.

Climbing out of bed I head to the bathroom and have a quick shower.

I don't want to smell like sex when I meet up with Katrina.

Once I've finished showering I walk into the bedroom and grab a pair of matching underwear and a dress. I get changed and slide my feet into a pair of flip flops.

My phone alerts me to a text and I see a message from Nina. Opening it I take a look at it.

Nina: Hey, Liz. Do you think we can meet for a drink later tonight?

Me: I'm not sure.

Nina: Please.

Me: One drink. I'm not staying any longer.

Nina: Okay,

I put my phone back into my pocket and head over to the door. As I'm about to exit Austin stirs.


"I'm going to meet my sister. Just go back to sleep and I'll wake you in an hour for a shower."

"I love you."

"Love you, too." Walking out of the I lock the door and head down the hall that's painted yellow with a few pieces of arts on the wall.

The lady from earlier is sitting outside her room with a child in her arms. She looks at me. "Hi, how are you?"

A smile spreads across my face. "I'm good. What about you?"

"Fine, thanks. I'm just looking after my Great Grandchild while her parents are on a tour of the vineyard." She takes me on a bit more and her face turns a bit red. "You're part of the couple that was making out, outside the elevator."

"I'm sorry, for the way my boyfriend treated you. He..." cutting myself I leave the sentence to hang between us.

"I used to be young and had the same sex drive as you too. So, don't apologies for that." She holds her hand out to me. "I'm Evelyn Sharp."

"Eliza Donoghue,"


My phone goes off and I take it out of pocket.

Katrina: Where are you?

Me: I'm talking to Evelyn Sharpe.

Katrina: Run from that woman. She knows how to waste time and I want to see you.

Me: I'll be right down.

Looking at Evelyn I say. "I better get downstairs. Someone is waiting for me."

"I'm guessing you're sister. I've met Katrina a couple of times. She is my granddaughter-in-law."

"You're Sebastian's Grandmother?"

A smile spreads across her face. "Yes, I am. I'll let you go for now, but I hope to see you again."

"Bye," pressing the elevator button I wait for it to arrive on my floor.

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