Chapter 14- The Old Guy's Final Stand

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"Fishy? Really?" Andy asked, crossing his arms. 

Lynn groaned. "Is this really the time Andy?"

"Lynn, let me have this. His super scary Gyarados is named Fishy. I don't think asking why is overstepping." Andy defended.

Gramps Grunt bit his lip and stomped his foot on the ground. "Fishy is my childhood Pokemon! And now with the power of Team Rocket's radio waves, he has become the almighty protector of the Lake of Rage!" Gramps Grunt thrust both of his arms into the air. 

Lance narrowed his eyes. "Are you the one who has been running the Gramps Operation?" He spoke with his words cutting off at the end sharply.

Gramps Grunt laughed. "Why so formal Lance? We're both getting older now, can't we just speak like friends?"

"This guy is weird," Alex mumbled.

"QUIET YOU INSOLENT CHILD!" Gramps Grunt screamed, clenching his fists. "Enough talk then! I'll show you my power right now! Fishy use Hyper Beam on the town!" He pointed in the direction of Mahogany Town and the Gyarados began to charge an orange ball in its mouth. 

Lance called out his Dragonite as the command was given. The creature stood tall on two short legs. He had a white stomach and the rest of his body was a deep orange. Sharp claws decorated his short arms. 

He had a relatively short tail for balance and two tiny wings that somehow could carry the beast. On the Dragonite's head were a small horn and two white whiskers coming from the top of his head. Its face was set in a snarl and its brown eyes bore into the Gyarados

 "Stay here, all of you, Dragonite! Fly up to the Gyarados!" Lance hopped onto his Pokemon's back. The Dragonite bent its knees and shot into the sky, quickly flying to close to the Gyarados. 

Andy crossed his arms. "Why'd he tell us to stay here? Where would we even go?"

Gramps Grunt began to laugh once again. "You can't stop me now Lance! I won't allow it! Drapion get them!" When Dragonite began to fly close to Gyarados Gramps Grunt's Drapion leaped into the air off of Gyarados's neck and onto his head, trying to grab Dragonite in its grip.

Dragonite had to swerve out of the way to avoid being grabbed by the Drapion. But in doing this Dragonite allowed Gyarados to finish charging its attack, and it fired a massive orange blast at the town.

"NO!" Lance screamed from attop the Dragonite. 

Andy felt time slow down as he took out his book, writing in the first thing he could think of. Suddenly, the blast was intercepted by a counterattack from a Salamence. And riding it was Claire.

The giant lizard dragon landed in between Andy, Lynn, and Alex and Gramps Grunt. The Pokemon had a dark blue body and giant red wings sprouting out of its sides. The Salamence was a large quadruped beast. The Pokemon bared its fangs and glared at Gramps Grunt with its yellow eyes.

It flicked its long tail and waited for Claire to get off of the beast. "Good work Salamence. Now Lance, why didn't you tell me that we'd found the leader?"

Dragonite landed and Lance walked over to his cousin. "How could I have told you? We didn't exactly get much notice before he started trying to obliterate the town."

The two police officers that had been present before emerged from the trees they were hiding behind. "We're unable to get any backup. The rest of the squadron is too preoccupied with arresting all of the members of the team."

"Well," Andy said, getting everybody to turn to him. "It happens to be your lucky day. Because I'm here." Andy grinned at them, specifically eyeing up Claire.

She wasn't impressed. "Who are you, exactly?"

"Don't listen to him, he's a complete idiot," Lynn interjected. "But we are willing to help in any way we can. These guys have been following us around for ages. I'd love to help take out their leader." 

Gramps Grunt had now boarded his Gyarados and returned his Drapion. "You fools think I can be stopped? I will never yield! I will eradicate you all!"

"Raticate? What's he want with that Pokemon?" Alex wondered aloud. 

Before Lynn could explain Andy jumped on the opportunity. "Well, obviously he's looking for one that can beat the Elite Four."

Alex tilted his head to one side. "Well, how's he gonna do that?"

"He just needs one with a focus sash, quick attack, and endeavor," Andy explained.

Lynn groaned. "I swear I get stupider the longer I'm around him. Let's just get this over with."

Lance eyed up the situation. "This Gyarados has clearly had its DNA altered to a point where its power level is higher than normal. You three need to cover Claire and I's Pokemon while they focus on dealing damage. Dragonite, attack with Thunder Punch!" His Dragonite shot into the sky and began slamming its fists into the Gyarados.

The gigantic serpent hardly seemed phased by the numerous blows and roared defiantly into the air. "Salamence hit it with Giga Impact!" Claire told the Dragon. It took to the sky and quickly began to pick up speed, heading for the Gyarados.

"Fishy freeze it solid!" Gramps Grunt screeched. His Gyarados launched a barrage of icy beams that hit Salamence and stopped it in its tracks. The Pokemon crashed to the ground and fainted.

Claire returned her Dragon with a grim look on her face. "It took one hit to bring down my Salamence. How do we stop this beast?"

Lance shook his head. "We hit it with everything we've got! Now cover Dragonite trainers!"

Andy, Lynn, and Alex sent out their Pokemon. Dragonite darted through the air, slamming its claws into Gyarados's scales. 

"How in the name of Arceus are we supposed to help this Dragonite with our Pokemon?" Andy asked.

Lynn bit her lip. "I'm not sure, we have to get close." She took Alex by the hand and ran closer to the lakeshore. "Come on Andy!"

Andy caught up with her just as the Gyarados was preparing its next attack. A gigantic wave swelled up behind Gyarados and Dragonite was too exhausted to move out of the way. "How do you propose we save him?" 

"Have Backpack freeze the water that's going to hit Dragonite so he can punch through it!" Lynn said. Andy gave her a skeptical look. "Just try it! It's the only thing we can do!"

Andy held up his Swinub. "You heard the lady! Freeze the water in front of Dragonite!" Backpack fired a beam of ice at the wave heading toward Dragonite and froze the ice in front of it solid. But Dragonite was too tired to break it and the ice slammed into it, knocking it from the air and into the gigantic wave.

When Dragonite surfaced it was completely unconscious. Lance ran to the lakebed and returned his signature Pokemon. "Nothing is working on this beast. What do we do?"

Andy looked around and had an idea. "We can't beat the Gyarados. But if we can beat its trainer then it's all over." 

Lynn put her hands on her hips. "What are you talking about, Andy?"

"It's like when I beat Mary Sue. I creeped her out so much that she didn't send out her other Pokemon. We just have to stop Gramps Grunt and the battle is over. But he's self-aware so weird won't work... guess we'll have to just beat the snot out of him."

"I usually never understand you Andy but... that makes some semblance of sense," Lynn remarked.

Alex clapped. "Let's stop the bully!"

Lynn shook her head. "But how? He's on top of that crazy thing." 

Andy grinned at her. "Don't worry Lynn, I have a plan. Just trust me and follow what I say, alright?"

Lynn hesitated for a moment but nodded her head. "OK. What's your plan?"

"Alex, have Weedle try to get the Gyarados irritated. Use poison sting until the guy is poisoned. Lynn have Meditite charge a focus punch and don't use it until I give the cue. I'm going to go out there and knock him off of Gyarados. When I do Meditite will have to hit him where it hurts, so you need to get her in position while she's focussing." Andy explained.

"But wait, how are you going to get anywhere near him?" Lynn asked.

Andy patted his Swinub and returned David Hasselhoff. "I've got a Backpack. Now let's do this. Alex, you start."

Alex grinned and help up his weedle. The Pokemon began firing barrages of purple darts at the Gyarados. They had an impressive amount of range and managed to pelt the Gyarados, before long it appeared to be poisoned and very agitated. 

"That was so awesome Weedle!" 

Meanwhile, Andy had Backpack freeze the water in front of them to make a path to the Gyarados. Andy returned his Swinub as he grabbed onto the Gyarados's scaly back. 

Fortunately, he had super strength and mastered climbing skills so he was able to easily get up the Gyarados. Thanks, Auth for definitely giving me a backstory to explain that. Honestly, Andy, I'm just intrigued to see where this is going.

Andy sent out David as he reached the top of the giant serpent. Gramps Grunt turned around to face him, with a wide grin on his face. "Hello, Andrew. Trying to stop me, are you? Well, we can't have that. I find you quite funny I'll have you know, so it's unfortunate that I have to be the one to kill you. 

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