Chapter 15- Let's Wrap This Up Already

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Andy shrugged. "You want to kill me, eh? You can sure try dude. But I'll have you know I'm a tough guy." Gramps Grunt charged at Andy and swung his fist at the boy.

Andy ducked under and tried kicking Gramps Grunt, but he jumped back when he realized how much kicking the guy hurt.

Andy stood himself upon the moving head and winked. "That didn't hurt a lick."

"Shut up!" Gramps Grunt growled, trying to shove Andy off of the Pokémon head. Andy moved out of the way and barely managed to keep his balance.

"You getting grumpy Gramps? It's after 3 so you must've missed dinner." Andy quipped. Gramps Grunt threw up his arms in frustration and stomped his feet.

Andy took the opportunity to try and attack Gramps Grunt and finish all of the chaos. Gramps Grunt smirked as Andy shoved his arm into the grown man. Gramps Grunt grabbed Andy's arms and threw him back.

Andy barely managed to stay atop the head. Gramps Grunt bore down over him and punched Andy in the stomach, flinging Andy off of the giant serpent's head.

Well, that would've happened, but Andy, the genius scientist, just so happened to have invented super sticky goo shoes and stayed right on the Gyarados head.

Ok, what? Roll with it man do you want this dude to have a body count? Not particularly but I still don't agree with any of this.

Gramps Grunt became red in the face. "That bloody book! I'll rip your arms off, good luck writing then!" Gramps Grunt ran at Andy again but this time Andy sidestepped and stuck his leg out.

Gramps Grunt noticed his mistake a little too late and began to plummet off of the Gyarados. "Now Lynn!" Andy shouted. Lynn grabbed her Meditite and he saw her run her Pokémon over to where Gramps was falling across the now frozen lake.

Meanwhile, Andy struck a stupid pose and took a deep breath in. My pose is not stupid! Anyway, the moon suddenly appeared and began to fill Andy with immense power. Lynn's Pokémon hit the old guy just as he was about to smash into the ice. Then Andy jumped off of Gyarados and sent out David.

"Now David, just like the man himself, fly!" With Andy's blessing, David flew through the air and they hovered in front of Gramps Grunt before blasting him with Moon Lasers.

The guy flew into the ground and wasn't dead but his head probably hurt I don't know I'm not the writer. Then Andy landed on the ground and struck another awesome pose.

Wow, that was the dumbest thing I've ever seen but it was pretty entertaining so I guess I'll allow it.

Lance cautiously approached the defeated Gramps Grunt. He seemed bewildered by the entire event. "I... I'm not sure what just happened but well... I suppose it worked."

"Sure did!" Andy said, standing up tall.

The Gyarados roared into the sky and dove back into the lake. He could be somebody else's problem for all Andy cared.

Lynn, Alex, and Claire ran to join Andy and Lance.

Alex began jumping around with his Weedle in hand. "We did it! We beat him! That was so awesome Andy!"

Lynn shook her head and smiled. "I'm not sure what you did but you did stop him."

Claire and Lance's police friends apprehended Gramps Grunt and pull him away back towards town.

Lance looked over the group once again, as if he couldn't fathom that they had just saved Mahogany Town and caught the leader of a massive evil corporation.

"I must say, I'm impressed. You trainers did a wonderful job, you seem quite competent. I'm curious though, what's your connection to Team Gramps?" Lance asked. Andy then proceeded to explain blatant lies about their journey that Lynn then corrected.

"I see. So you're off to Ecruteak then?" Claire confirmed. Andy doubted she believed either version of the events she'd just heard.

Lynn nodded. "Yep. I've got a shot at a job there. We should probably get going anyway. It's been too long already."

"Judging by your outfit I assume you're going to be a martial arts trainer?" Lance asked.

"Nope! I mean I'm trained in all of that but nobody wants to hire a kid, so I'm targeting a job waiting tables." Lynn replied.

Lance put his hand on his chin. "Perhaps I have a better proposition for you. As you may know, I'm serving as champion while the league organizes itself but it's quite a stressful job managing two regions. And I'm afraid I can't keep busting these operations like I used to. I'm trying to form a team of special forces to take down these sorts of teams and work with the police. You've clearly proven yourself as very capable, would you be interested in a position?"

Lynn's entire face lit up. "Of course! I would be honored! Thank you so much!" Out of impulse, she hugged Lance, who was completely shocked. Lynn quickly realized what she was doing and jumped back away from him.

"I'm the one who did all the work and I don't even get a job offer?" Andy griped.

Lance shrugged. "Would you be interested in working on the team as well?"

"Absolutely not. I have other ambitions. I'm not going to be some lame fed who follows rules." Andy didn't seem aware that he'd just annoyed Lance.

Claire's eyes bore into Andy's head. "Who exactly are you again?"

"Ah hello Claire. I am Andy! I beat Mary Stu in battle with my Larvitar, David Hasselhoff, and I might be responsible for half of the headaches in this region because I preach the truth!"

Claire was unimpressed. "You got a last name, Andy?" She put her hands on her hips.

"Nope! Blame the author for that oversight."

"I think I've heard about you. You're the kook that's always talking about how we're not real. You're wanted in Cianwood." Claire smirked.

Andy narrowed his eyes. "That charge is completely ridiculous. Tell her what I've taught you, Alex." Andy said putting his hand on the little boy's shoulder.

Alex perked you at the opportunity to speak. "Just because you scream at everybody in the street and possibly set a house on fire doesn't mean you aren't right about how pizza shouldn't be square. And just because you want to know where the ingredients for the pizza comes from if it isn't Pokémon that doesn't make you a criminal." Alex recited the rant Andy had gone on a dozen times perfectly.

Claire decided to stop talking to Andy after that. "Anyway, we best get going. There's plenty of Gramps Grunts to clean up still." Claire motioned her head back towards the town.

Lance nodded. "Lynn, where can I find you for the job?"

"I'll stay at the Pokémon Center in Ecruteak once I get there." Lynn answers.

Lance smiled faintly and Claire sent out a Dragonite of her own, which she and Lance climbed onto. "Very well then. I'll be in contact. Farewell trainers." They waved goodbye and the Dragonite shot into the air towards Mahogany Town.

Lynn whipped around to face Andy. "You really had Alex memorize your entire rant?"

Andy chuckled. "He just picked it up after the sixth time."

"I like it," Alex giggled. "It's funny."

Andy, Lynn, and Alex began walking around the lake and into the neighboring route. "So Lynn, you're still going to Ecruteak?"

"Might as well. I always wanted to see the Burned Tower anyway." Lynn was clearly giddy about her new job.

"Well good luck with that," Andy said distantly as they strolled down the empty path between large trees.

The sun was now setting in the sky and a cool breeze blew through the area.

"Andy, what's wrong?" Lynn immediately picked up on his strange behavior.

Andy shrugged. "Well, it's all over now. Ecruteak is just a short walk away at this point. Guess I'm bummed."

Alex kicked the dirt and frowned. "Andy, are you still going to leave us?"

Andy inhaled sharply. "Like I said champ, I've got other plans. I don't want to, you're pretty cool. Lynn is fine but I have other places I have to be." Andy explained.

"Oh. But we'll still see you again?" Alex confirmed.

Andy shrugged. Lynn smacked him and he nodded. "Yeah sure totally. I can't imagine whatever I'm doing will take that long."

Lynn groaned. "Please don't tell me you're actually still planning on 'taking over the universe.'"

"Nah, I already did that in that one chapter. I don't want it anymore. My plans are super big and important and stuff." Andy told her.

"That explains nothing."

"Yeah, I know."

Eventually, the group arrived at Mahogany Town, which they quickly moved through to avoid any potential attention from reporters.

The sun had practically set by the time they were crossing into the next route. Fortunately for them, that meant there weren't any trainers to slow them down.

They crossed the bridges over the lake of water beneath them and pushed into Ecruteak.

Lynn breathed a sigh of relief. Alex had fallen asleep in her arms but she had wanted to get to Ecruteak before finally stopping the rest. Andy took in the city and was taken aback.

The roads were constructed of purple bricks that lined the streets between gorgeous houses with ancient designs. Made of wood and golden-colored roofs.

Streetlights dotted the City and glistened off of the roofs. Many people were out and about enjoying the many street shops open.

To the north of the town, a golden tower rose high into the sky. And parallel to it was a black charred tower.

"It's beautiful." Lynn breathed.

Andy nodded. "This is a nice place. Take it in before you become a slave to the system."

Lynn snacked his arm. "Oh shut up. So are you going to stay the night or leave?"

"I'm going to head out. Better for the kid because we both know he won't like saying goodbye. Plus the sooner I start my plans the better. It's extremely elaborate Lynn. Even the Author doesn't know what I'm up to." Andy told her.

Lynn rolled her eyes. "Alright. Well, you better come and visit. Alex will be heartbroken if he never sees you again."

"Just Alex?"

"I guess I'd like to see you again one day too. But you better mature some more. You've started to but I expect an adult by the time you show your face again." Lynn told him with a smug grin on her face.

Andy sighed. "Here we go again, Lynn. What did I say about expecting things from me?" They chuckled and walked towards the red-roofed building.

Lynn and Andy stopped at the door. "Well, this is it. It's been real dude. Catch you later." Andy held out his fist.

Lynn seemed ready to bite his head off. "C'mon Andy. At least give me a handshake."

Andy held his hands up and then stuck out one of them. "Alright alright. But you better not chop it off."

Lynn and Andy shook hands and Andy turned to walk away. Lynn went inside of the Pokémon Center. Andy strolled out of the town, on his way south to Goldenrod City.

He had a plan. But first, he'd need to make some headway in the business world to pull the whole thing off. And maybe do some universe hoping to get everything in place because he certainly wasn't in the right dimension to pull off his plan.

"Alright auth, this book better still work when you aren't writing a story about me. Or else I'll have to actually try." Andy said to nobody in particular, staring down at his magical book.

"Now, let's see what I can really do."


Aaaaaand scene. With that Shattering Adventures is FINALLY done. This story went on a near two-year-long hiatus and I finally managed to finish this thing.

And look at that, I set up for a sequel. But it's not a traditional sequel. Andy and friends will return but it'll be a lot bigger than just them. So if you're interested you might want to check out some of my other stories. Just an idea.

Thank you all so very much for sticking with me on this book. I hope you all enjoyed. I will see you all in the next book, whatever that is. Bye!

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