[1] The Archí

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I stared at the letter inside my hand, eyes scanning every single word written on the paper. The handwriting so tidy, it actually made me forget how broken I was the first time I swallowed down the words deep inside me. I bit my lower lip, resisting the urge to give up the tears bawling inside my eyes, representing perfectly how fragile my heart was at the moment. A touch, then it would shatter into pieces.

Lies. All lies. All kinds of words, decorated with praises and hopes, thrown at me since I was young, only for me to realize that all of it was of the same meaning; "you're a Noble Fae." Lies, if only I could shout those words to their faces. Noble Fae with no magic? That was when I came to realize that I never was one. Or at least that was what I believe.

I folded the paper carefully, as if one wrong move would take the letter away from me, before shoving it back into my pocket. "We'll be arriving soon, Miss." said the driver as I quickly wept my teary eyes with the back of my palm and tidied up my messy ponytail.

Two days and one night. It took long enough to finally be able to make out the design of the building I imagined how it would look like ever since I was a little kid. Damn, it was nothing close to my imagination. Its size was 10 times bigger than what I pictured. Every corner of the mansion was occupied with statues; stones crafted to look like faes, as if the mansion was guarded with enormous guards you will ever see in your entire life. The Faerie Academy. The school where only children of the Noble Faes are allowed to attend.

Faeries are divided into two; Normal Fae and Noble Fae. Normal Fae is faeries referred as the lower class. No, they're not slaves or whatsoever. They are just normal beings that work, have kids and more. The only thing that separates them from the Noble Faes is magic.

"Let me help you, Miss." The driver extended his right arm to me, head bowed slightly as a sign of respect. I took his hand and stepped out of the car without hesitant, only to leave my mouth agape at the sight of the enormous mansion before me. I don't think a tour for a day would be enough to explore every space and corner. "Here, miss." My thoughts snapped away as soon as he handed me my suitcase, and a sigh left out of my mouth. Taking the bag from his grip, I then remembered how heavy they were. "Thank you." I mumbled. He gave me a warm smile before nodding as a sign of approval. "I'll get going then. Hope to see you soon." And with those last words, he slid into his car and rode away further, making his figure become smaller before vanishing from my eyes.

I scanned my surroundings to look for the school's office or perhaps students so I could ask them for some help, yet there's none. The whole place looked deserted and so unbelievably quiet. Weird. I actually thought there would be like tons of students strolling down this area, well since the academy is THAT big, I doubt the students aren't flooding.

"I'm sorry young miss, but students aren't allowed to be here for this period." I was startled by the sudden remark and quickly turned my head to the source of the voice. I'm sure she was about to slap me with another lecture when I saw her lips twitched and thank god she didn't, as her eyes spotted the luggage in my hand, which immediately softened her gaze. "Oh my, I beg your pardon, young lady." She slightly bowed her head before asking, "Are you a new student?"

Her face was fairly white, with a pointed nose and plump pink lips. "uh, yes- yes, I am. I don't actually know where the school's office is." I let out a nervous chuckle. She grinned, the corner of her lips were lifted. Her expression was unreadable. "Close your eyes." I knitted my brows, confusion obviously shown on my face. Though I was full of hesitant, my eyelashes fluttered as I closed my eyelids, catching just a glimpse of her taking out a stick from her robe. A few moments of only darkness, the last thing I heard was her laugh before I felt as if electricity tickled my body.

And if it's really quiet just now, then this must've been somewhere else; I could actually hear people talking and much more noises I couldn't make out. Slowly, I opened my eyes and let my pupils absorb the daylight as I scanned around me, finally spotting a small board placed above a certain door, 'School Office' was written on it. And I finally realized that I'm at the school hall, where students were all busy chit-chatting and doing their own businesses. My eyes blinked in a split second, astonished by whatever that lady did to me just now; for me to be here with just a blink of an eye. Yes, I've encountered a few magic tricks before, but those were very simple compared to what she'd done. Now that I'd seen how magics could be very complex, I didn't think I could ever master them, not to mention that I didn't even believe I have any spark of magic inside of me; which made it almost impossible for me to prove that I'm a Noble Fae.

Should I go back? I don't think I fit around here. Maybe I should just help Ms.Hyun with her farm works in the countryside instead of learning something I can't take grip at all. Isn't that the reason mom sent me off? Or should I--

"HOLY-" I breathed out when someone suddenly collided to my shoulders; so hard I flew across the floor. I glanced at my luggage, personal items were already scattered on the floor. I took a quick glance at the male that bumped into me, glared at him before scooting away to clean up the mess. All the kids around me were staring, but most of them chose to shrug it off. Embarrassing. The first day of school and shit already happened. "Aren't you going to help me?" I hissed at the guy, probably annoyed how he'd been standing there for a while, just staring at me. "Well, I'm sorry but I choose not to." I stopped moving, shocked by his foolish choice of words. Luckily, I already finished cleaning up the mess. I stood up, my grip on the luggage tightened as I raised my brow. "Pardon?" Jerk. Oh, and a douchebag.

His eyes were still steady on me- no, his eyes, those hazel brown eyes, were staring right into my pupils, as if he was searching for something through them-- and then he suddenly shook his head, as if snapping himself out of his thoughts.

My brows were still knitted, almost making my glabella disappear. "Y-you okay?" I'm not worried at all, it's just, he's weird. Really weird. His face was full of confusion, although he tried not to make it obvious, before his eyes shifted back into icy cold. And without any words, he actually had the gut to leave me hanging, stoned on my feet. Jerk.

When I turned my head to catch one last glimpse of him, he was already nowhere in sight.

A sigh escaped from my mouth, as I turned and set my eyes to the door of the office, before moving my legs towards it and knocked on the door. "You may come in." The voice said from inside.

This is it. My life is going to change. I'm going to change my life. I'll prove to them that I have magic. That I am the magic itself. My sweaty palm then reached for the doorknob and twisted it, as if a new part of me is opening, wanting to be explored.

Author's note;
Woah, that's a whole ass chap XD Thank u for reading this chap and pls do continue to read further chaps and support me♡ My heart goes to yall <3

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