[2] Old Man

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I heaved a loud sigh as I let my aching body rest on the single bed, the covers were the ones I brought from home, a drawing of stars scattered across the pinkish-dusk sky view, making the sky glittering. It was my favorite when I was little, that when mom told me about having to send me off to live with grandma, the first thing that came out to my mind was that I would bring those covers with me. I painted them myself when I was 5. Dad was the one who suggested, saying the ones we made ourselves hold more meanings than the ones we buy from the store. And he was right. Every time I stare at it before sleep, I had always imagined a life with dad still around. My days would've been brighter, isn't it?

I got up into a sitting position, scanning around my already-tidied-up room, before staring blankly at the other bed across mine. Actually I planned on keeping my circle small, too many people around me exhaust me some times. Well, a few friends of my age and a roommate would be nice? But I knew for sure my hopes were to be crushed. Socializing was never my thing. I glanced at the watch on my wrist, its short needle pointing at 6. 30 more minutes until dinner.

I got up and slid into a jacket that I grabbed from my wardrobe. I took one of my scrunchies- black colored with pink hearts- and tied my hair into a messy bun. I slipped on my shoes and locked the door as soon as I shut it behind me. A stroll won't hurt.

There were so many dorms that I lost my count as I walked down the stairs, silently cursing the warden in charge of putting me at the highest floor. As soon as I was out of the girls' dormitories, I found myself gaping in awe at the fountain of a cupid with a bow and a nocked arrow. The statue was what separated the boys' and girls' dormitories, school, hall and the dining hall. Everything around me was so big and beautifully designed, I would've mistaken it as a castle of princesses I heard from folklores.

 But suddenly my eyes caught on someone- his skin was a dark tone of brown, wrinkles all over his face as he was aging, his back slightly bending to the front- an uncomfortable posture though- maybe he got backbone problems? I watched him swept the floor, so intently I swear I almost didn't see him looking back at me, lips twitched into a grin.

I don't know why my eyes were fully-drawn to him, but I couldn't take my eyes off him. I tried to snap myself back, but it's as if my own soul was attracted to him. "Hey," I was startled by the voice and turned toward its owner, then back at the old man who had already disappeared. "you okay?"

"I thought there was someone- a janitor- perhaps--" The words were suddenly so heavy, my tongue actually couldn't make it out. She gave me a confused look then quickly grabbed my wrist as she pulled me away from the statue, her pupils warily searching for something around the statue. Just as we arrived at the dining hall, students were already queueing for food, some had already started eating at the tables. She let go of my hand as she gasped for air as if we were sprinting just now. "You a new kid?" She bent to her knees, side-eyeing me. "Well, yeah."

She straightened her back, her gaze so sharp it could cut through me. "We don't walk around there past dusk. Though no one ever saw or encountered anything, rumors say you could feel tingles of magic- something arousing your inner magic if you're focused enough." I looked at her, ears alarming to what she's going to say next. "And hi, nice to meet you. I'm Sooyoung." She offered her hand for a handshake, though I hesitated for a few seconds, I accepted it. "Mine is Irene." I flashed a smile. Well, at least I got to know someone on my first day. She looked down at my stomach before chuckling, "I know you're hungry. Let's get food shall we?"


Third-person POV

Glancing at his friends-6 people in a cramped room, who were still busy reading comic books, Lucas shoved his leg annoyingly to one of them, "What are you guys doing inside my room?" Jungkook looked up to meet his eyes, before focusing back on the pages drawn with powerful fictional characters, smile plastered on his face. "Can't you see bro? It's Albert's new release! It was worth my time of sneaking them in, they are so great!" Lucas rolled his eyes, his hand ruffled his hair. "It's almost dinner! Let's go, I'm hungry." He showed off his puppy eyes and pouty lips only to be ignored by everyone.

"Food can wait." said Rowoon, eyes still glued on the comic as if he was inside it. Lucas growled as he slammed his butt on a chair. "Go first if you're really hungry. I know how much food really meant to you. We'll follow behind." He shifted his gaze to Baekhyun and received a wink.

"Ugh fine." He went to slip on his slippers and quickly headed out of the room.

Although he was battling with hunger just now, it suddenly vanished, though that won't stop him from eating. His pace and posture were relaxed, hands inside his pockets, mouth mumbling random lyrics of songs from his head. The sky was dark; not eerie but ease and calming. If it was not for anyone else, it was soothing for Lucas, until when he was about to pass from the statue near the hall. His legs suddenly stopped, the silence of the night made the sound of his heartbeats felt louder. His eyes were focused on the old man; the man he had seen a few times before. But everyone else was not able to see him, no one else paid attention to the man other than him-but that girl. The girl he bumped into this morning while catching up with his friends.

His gaze diverted to the girl, wondering if the girl could see the man, just like him. She can. She is staring at the man. The girl's eyes never once shifted away from the man, she was drawn to him-only him, just like he was for the first time.

Questions lingered around his mind. Who is that actually? Why can't anyone else see him? If it's the janitor, people should at least notice his presence, shouldn't they? But why, why is it the only one that could see the man was him and the girl? Why us? His heart voiced out.

When he turned his head to look back at the man, he had already disappeared and the girl already walked away with someone else, her face was still in astonishment. And that concluded that he wasn't the only one.


phewww. so why do u think they are the only ones who can see that creepy old man? lol hahaha

btw i forgot to mention that their ages in this fic are probably not their real age okay (yeah, i literally made joy older than irene hahaha) thank you for reading and kindly leave a vote and a comment  <3

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