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It's been a week since Itona joined the classroom, he was getting irritated to the fact he hasn't killed Koro-sensei just yet. So he spent his time creating a certain invention to kill him.

"Whoa, you thought all of that tweaks by yourself?"


"I learned basic electronics at my old man's shop, anyone can do it—except Angel, she's an idiot."

"What did you said?!" Angel shouted.

"There, there, don't bother Itona."

"Calm down Angel."

Itona demonstrated how it works as it can shoot and move silently without anyone noticing, it surprised everyone.

"All we have to do is shoot his weak point, he has a heart under his tie... if we do that—he'll die for sure." he stated.

Koro-sensei weak point

26) His heart

The invention he just made came across the girls, but somehow they were disappointed and haven't seen a clue in what they were talking about.

"In that case, why don't we use a fish eye lens on the camera?"

Adviser: Takebayashi Kotaro

"I got it, I'll find a small fish eye lens with a big viewing angle."

Camera Crew: Okajima Taiga

They asked Ritsu to build a distortion correction program as she just nodded and commencing creating one.

"You're a genius, Takebayashi."

Some of the boys gathering around Itona had this perverted-cool effect in them as Nagisa and Angel were out of place as they looked at each other.

"Hey Nagisa, what're they talking about? I don't get it." she asked.

"It'll be the best not for you to know." he answered.

The machine fell on the ground as Kimura hurriedly ran to flip it over, somehow they were worried.

"I know a little about driving system and metal working."

Drive System Planning Support: Yoshida Taisei

"School camouflage, I'll paint it up."

Camouflage Manager: Sugaya Sosuke

"Then, I'll draw up the map."

Road Map Cartographer: Maehara Hirito

"They really lose themselves when smut is involved."

"So sleazy."

"Um...I really don't get what's going on, mind filling me up?" Angel said as the boys turned, they begged not to tell to the other girls about the plan as she just nodded while confused.

✦ ✧ ✦

"I finished the transmission."

"Guys, I made us breakfast."

Provisions Supplier: Muramatsu Takuya

Angel was walking through the hallways as she reached the classroom.

"You're on the firing duty, Chiba."


Gunner: Chiba Ryūnosuke

"All of you guys are earlier, what's up? Did I missed something?" A female voice cheered as all the boys in their flinched in the tone, they all turned to the black haired girl with a red scarf wrapped around her neck.

"What are you doing here, Angel?"

"It's still early..."

"Oh, don't get me wrong—I came here to set traps for that octopus." Angel stated.


"Yeah, but keep it a secret to Koro-sensei, okay?" she winked as she started to set her traps as some of the boys blushed from her adorable action.

"I'm setting my trap so you can ignore me and continue working." she said while trying the strings of Anti-sensei bullets around the stage, as the guys continued.

"Hate to break it with you, but... that plan is so obvious."

"He's right..."

"Don't worry, don't worry! He wouldn't see this—before he could even noticed it his already killed!" Nagisa and Isogai sweat dropped as they looked at the cheerful girl.

"How come your so confident about your plan despite knowing it will just be foiled by Koro-sensei?" Nagisa asked.

"Huh? This plan ain't foiling..." she stated.

"How could you be so sure?" he asked again.

Angel flinched as she stood up after finishing tying the other string from the ends, she turned to the blue and black haired boy.

"You need to think positive if you want something to work as you liked, being positive is my saving grace." she told them.

"I see..."

"She's right..."

Some minutes passed as the girls came inside the classroom, them the girls started to beat up the boys that were plotting in sneaking their underwear.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Itona means to become a thread, it's one of those flashy names."

"Your name is really awesome."

"Some of our classmates here have weird names...for example: Masayoshi-kun's name."

Masayoshi sighed as some students walked up to him, they realized that his true name was Justice not Masayoshi.

"What? Seriously?"

"I thought your name is read as Masayoshi!"

"Yeah, everyone thinks of that, so I asked Koro-sensei to call me that too." Masayoshi said as they seem to know the reason why he was called Masayoshi, it was because his parents are police officers, they were so high on justice that they named their child like that.

"My parents would just smack me if I complained about it." he huffed.

"I think Justice is a great name!" Angel chirped as they turned to her who was smiling brightly.

"But...I wouldn't rather deal with your parents, things would go rough." she added while nervously laughing, she's an assassin, she might be in jailed if his parent's knew.

"You've sure got it rough, saddled with such weird names..." Karma said.

"What's good about your name?!"

"Funny hearing that from you."

"Oh me? I rather liked my name, guess some kids inherit their folks' strange tastes..." Karma stated with a satisfied smirk on his face as Kimura hummed, then Koro-sensei walked up to them and complained about that Jelavić and Karasuma still haven't called him by his name.

"Then why don't we call each other by code names instead? We make new names for everyone..."

"That sounds cool! Let's do it~"

"Then write up names and we'll put it inside this box, and call each other by the names I put out of this box...and using real names is forbidden today."


After writing the names and putting it inside the box, Koro-sensei get one and named each student as they all have names.

"I don't like this nickname, can I change mine?" Angel stated.

"No can do, Angel-chan~" Koro-sensei coed.

"Please~ I'll give you free sweets when classes are over!" she begged as Koro-sensei thought about it and nodded as he gave her his permission to change her name.

"What would be your nickname then?"

"Unfair! I want to change mine, too."

Angel thought about it as everyone looked at her, grabbing her chin while humming as she thinks about it. Then a smirk curved in her lips as one came up in her mind.

"Then, how about...Red Man?"

Karasuma and Jelavić flinched from the nickname that she thought, did she mean that Red Man...?

"Angel...what do you mean—"

"Alright, let's roll!" Angel didn't answered any of their questions as she decided to leave some clues about herself...

✦ ✧ ✦

"Baseball Geek, Baseball Geek! Any movement from the target?"

Sugino: Baseball Geek

"Nothing yet, Lanky Artist! Da Densest is hiding in wait near a lone pine..."

Sugaya: Lanky Artist

"I see, how about the others?"

"Team President Poverty will come from behind, chase him into the swamp..."

Isogai: Team President Poverty

"Then Bipolar Sniper will fire him."

Hayami: Bipolar Sniper

"Shape up, you two! How can your target leave the scene?"

Karasuma: Da Densest

"Especially you, Womanising Scumbag! Always hold your gun at firing height."

Maehara: Womanising Scumbag

"Director Mushroom! Mistress Kanzaki! Fluffy Stag Beetle! He's headed your way!"

Mimura: Director Mushroom

Kanzaki: Mistress Kanzaki

Kurahashi: Fluffy Stag Beetle

Karasuma turned as the kids were surprised from the sudden change from behind.

"Home Plate! Loofah! Picture-Book Graduate!"

Yoshida: Home Plate

Muramatsu: Loofah

Itona: Picture-Book Graduate

Terasaka slightly sniped Karasuma as the male teacher smirked, proud of his student.

"Caught you!"

Terasaka: Pseudo-Takaoka

"But your shooting isn't enough! It doesn't mean you can shoot me that you can take him down!"

He kept running as unknown to him someone was waiting from the ends, grinning widely.

"Poison's Specs! Forever flat! I can see you're firing form! I can dodge your shots!"

Okuda: Poison's Specs

Kayano: Forever Flat

"He saw us! Take over, Dignified Didact!"

"Okay, let's go. English Lass and Gender!"

Kataoka: Dignified Didact

"Coming right up~!"

Nakamura: English Lass

"W-Wait for me!"

Nagisa: Gender

Karasuma dodged Nagisa and Nakamura's firing shots as he noticed Fuwa and Okajima.

"Terminal Perv and This Manga is Amazing! aren't bad, either..."

Okajima: Terminal Perv

Fuwa: This Manga is Amazing

"Whoops! were do you think you're going?"

Karma: Semi-Seniorities

"Were counting on you, Dating Sim Emo Character!"

Chiba: Dating Sim Emo Character

Chiba shoot Karasuma but he failed his attempted bitterly, then Kimura started to point guns but he was caught and off guarded.

"Assume your target is always on guard, Justice! Your back is wide open!"

Kimura: Justice

Angel opened her eyes as she was sitting on the branch of the tree waiting for her target as she grinned.

'Those guys doesn't really have assassination experience don't they? I'll show them how it's done coolly.' she thought.

She stood up and grabbed her twin guns filled with paint as she jumped down the tree while shooting paints at his back.

"Your back is wide open, y'know!" she yelled.

Karasuma was hit by paints shot by Angel, before he could ran away, she hurriedly shoot paints at him repeatedly, then their target fell on the ground after the shots.

"Is that your doing...Red Man?"

Angel: Red Man

"The Red Man is in action!" she chanted her famous line.

"--That phrase...no doubt it bel—" Karasuma was cut off.

He stood up and stared at her, knowing what her code name meant...

"So, your the one who caused the mass murder—" he halted as she was glaring daggers at him, as if saying to 'shut up' and 'clammed it'.

She says nothing. Just stares at him, for such a small girl, she has quite the presence. A growing sense of fear envelopes him as he couldn't say another word.

✦ ✧ ✦

"How's the 2nd term coming? Of course, poorly isn't an option in my son's A Class." the chairman stated.

"It's going smoothly, I'll train everyone up even higher with an eye on the midterms." his son stated.

"How encouraging, there are still some people saying your inexperience and weak in the same time!" the chairman threw the basketball towards his son.

"I will win against them!" the younger Asano caught the ball.

He threw back the ball as he father grabbed it while glaring at his son.

"No weak students are in my principle, only strong ones...anyways, why don't you start talking to her?"

"To who...?"

"That problem child: Yuuki Angel..."

"And why would I do that?"

"Have you really forgotten who she in in your life? How heartless..."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know...find out yourself—you may leave." his son left the office as he grinned.

"How are you going to attach the strings of your past and future... Yukki Angel? Seems like he can't remember you anymore..."


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