♚SHE [35] : LOVERS♚

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It's been two weeks, yeah freaking two weeks since Karma and Angel became a couple... and all those weeks she was being impatient that he wasn't doing anything at all.

"Karma and I became lovers." Angel said while practicing her punches as in front of her was a huge sack of bag for punching.

"And yet—he isn't doing anything!" she said as she punched the punching bag continuously with anger laced in her voice and vision, then the bag bounced back to her as she was hit by the head, causing her to fall on the ground.

"But...what do I want him to do in the first place...? It's confusing." she sighed as she began to mess her hair, then she took a rest for awhile while drinking her jug of water as she stared at the red scarf.

"I and this red scarf went through a lot... didn't we? In sad times, in happy times, and in grief times." she hugged it tightly, she really cared for a piece of clothing that someone gave her a long time ago.

"I feel like the person who gave this to me is really special... but how come I can't remember that person?"

✦ ✧ ✦

Everyone were at the pool that Koro-sensei made just for the E Class, Angel sat alone on the stones, by herself. She watched Karma's every movement as he was hanging out with Nagisa and the boys in the pool, instead of walking towards them, she just sat on the stones.

"Say, Angel... how far did you and Karma gone?"

Surprised, Angel fell on the pool and drowned, but ended up being saved by Maehara who was talking to her.

"Sorry, sorry...I didn't knew that you will be that surprised." he stated.

"Don't even joke about it, Hirito." Angel coughed the water that she swallowed while Maehara patted her back, trying to ease her up.

"So, how far did you two have gone?" he asked again.

"W-What do you m-m-mean about that...Hirito?" she stated.

"Exactly what it means." he smirked making the girl's spine shiver from his scary smirk, then he burst out laughing which made her confused.

"Wha-What's so funny?" she asked.

"Your face...it's so hilarious!" he laughed out loud.

"Shut up! Your the one who made me feel like this, idiot!" she stated.

"Going back to the main topic, how far did you to have gone?" he asked for the third time as Angel sighed knowing that she can't escaped him so she told him what happened between them.

"Hmm...impressive, your relationship is good, so when was the last time you two kissed again after your first?"

"Hmm...we kissed at the festival two months ago..."

"What?! Two months ago? That was way too long ago! With my girls we kissed every other day...of course, I switched every time though."

"Oh, is that right? Not that I care..."

An imaginary arrow hit his chest that she didn't cared about it at all.

"Then you wanted the two of you to act as lovers, am I right?" he asked.

"Yeah...what should I do?" she nodded.

"Open up to him, say things like: Karma, I want to kiss you~ words like that...how about it?" he grinned.

"No, no, no! I can't do that—my pride wouldn't let me, he'll just tease me." she said, waving her both of her hands.

"If you don't act quick, someone might take him away from you...or worst you two might break up because you didn't act fast!" he threatens her.

"B-B-B-Break u-up?!" she stuttered.

"Yeah, I have some people in mind that Karma would go to after he broke up with you." he told her.

"F-For example...?" she asked.

Maehara grabbed his chin and hummed, he began to think of people that Karma has an genuine interest in as someone popped in his mind.

"Hmm...let's see—Nagisa!"

"Wha-What?! Why Nagisa?"

"Nagisa pretty much looks like a girl, there is a chance that Karma likes him you know!"

Angel's shoulder sank as a white like ghost left her mouth making Maehara panic that he went too far in teasing her.

"C-Come back, Angel! I was just kidding...damn, Karma would kill me if you don't." he stated as he was shaking her shoulders.

She returned back to normal, her eyes were filled with determination and passion in wanting to succeed.

"What should I do, Hirito-sensei?"

"Hmm...for starters, you should go ask him for a kiss."

"B-But...what if he thinks I'm naughty even if I'm not? I don't want to leave a bad impression to him y'know!"

"It'll be alright, no boy hates it when a girl comes to them aggressively and I bet he wants to be lovey-dovey with you, too!"

"Really? Is that true?"

"Yeah, yeah...speak of the devil—why don't you go and talk to him alone as you pulled it off?"

"R-Right in the bat?!"

"Of course, it's now or never!"

Angel was still nervous of Maehara's plan as her face was bright red, then she nodded.

"Alright, I just have to tell him and smack my lips on him right?" she stated.

"Atta girl! Do your best!" he said, rooting for her.

She nodded as she ran up to his boyfriend to pull it off, her heart was beating dangerously fast that it would explode right now.


She halted when Itona walked up to him and talk, she turned around and high five with Nagisa who was confused. Maehara face palmed as she failed to do it. She was nervous as hell, what can she do? Suddenly asking for a guy to kiss her...No girl can easily pull it off!

"Why didn't you asked him?" he hissed.

"I'm sorry!" she stated.

Maehara was pinching her cheeks when she came back to him while she cried in anime style as her cheeks were bright red.

Unknown to both of them, there were pair of golden eyes watching them since earlier as they talked.

✦ ✧ ✦

At the end of the day, she wasn't able to say it even though Maehara told her lots of love advises...she was too shy, erase that, she was too prideful. She was currently walking home with his boyfriend, Karma while eating the takoyaki they bought few minutes ago.

"Let's detour for awhile, Angel-chan." he said.

"E-Eh? Uh...yeah!" she replied.

They stopped at a bench in front of the park as they watched the sunset going down slowly, during all the nice scenery she was too nervous to talk.

"I had something important that I wanted to talk with you..."

"What is it, Karma?"

"I was wondering if we should keep going on like this."

Angel's eyes widened from Karma's words as the red haired boy didn't made an eye contact with her.

"For the past few months, we haven't been doing much of the lover stuff, right?"

Angel started to understand what Maehara was talking about earlier, she didn't knew it would happened so fast, I mean—it was just two months right?

'I see...he doesn't love me anymore, his mind left me long time ago because I didn't act quickly!'

Tears started to form at the corners of her crimson eyes as her heart was breaking that Karma wanted to break up with her...or so she thought.

"So I wanted to talk to you about us—" Karma turned to her as Angel turned around while wiping her tears making the boy confused.

"I-I was thinking the s-same to! I knew this relationship isn't gonna work...I mean—I couldn't even hold your hand or date with you." her voice was cracked as she was trying to hold back her tears.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" he asked, confused.

"You fallen out of love for me so we're breaking up, aren't we?" she stated.

"What? Calm down for a bit—" his eyes widened, surprised.

"Don't touch me!" Karma reached for her shoulder as Angel she just slapped his hand away, she turned to meet his gaze.

"Angel-chan...do you hate me?"

"I do not! I really like you, Karma!"

"No, I like you more, Angel-chan!"

"That a lie! I like you more!"

They started to glare at each other as they continued to argue to the fact that some people are looking at the two of them arguing.

"You say you really like me, but for the past two months you never did anything to show that in any way!"

"Aren't you the same? You never do anything to show your affection for me—all you do is tease me!"

"Because it's the only way I could talk to you normally! My heart beats really fast that just being with you makes me nervous!"

"I feel the same about you, that's because I'm in love you!"

"What a coincidence! I'm also in love with you, idiot!"

"Then why are we even fighting in the first place, Karma?!"

"How could I know?"

They stopped for a moment and panted, trying to catch their breathe, as both of their cheeks were flushed red.

"Hey Angel-chan, can I ask you a question?" he asked.

"What is it?" she stated.

"May I borrow a kiss from you? I swear I'll give it back." he said.

She blushed from the question, as Karma smirk from her reaction as he held her chin up.

"I wouldn't mind if it's you..." she says, blushing.

He smacked his lips on hers as they stayed like that for few seconds and back away...pretty fast, huh?

"It seems to me right now our fight from earlier was pointless right now." he stated.

"I think so too, Karma." she said.


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