♚SHE [36] : WINNING♚

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Some of the class 3-E students were hanging out in Kunugigaoka cafe where their Mr. President is working: Isogai.

"Welcome, it's nice to see you as always, Harada-san and Ito-san." he greeted the customers with a gentle smile on his face.

"How's it going, Yuma-chan?"

"We came here for you than coffees, your so cute!"

"Now don't say that, I wouldn't want the owner to head to the dark side...So a mocha for you Harada-san, and a double expresso for Ito-san?" he asked.

Angel, Nagisa, Kayano, Maehara, Kataoka, and Okajima are seating down on chairs while staring at their classmate who was serving the customers.

"Our leader really is a man."

"I'll kill him."

Isogai poured down a coffee in their cups as they sipped it, you can bet it tastes sweet and delicious. Then he carried lots of plates in two trays with his hands.

"Carrying all that at once?"

"What a man!"

Isogai reached the female customers that came in earlier as the students just watched his every movement.

"Don't tell me your mom got ill again?"

"Yes, I and my mom are the only in the family—I have to help her with the finances." he answered as his classmates were moved by his dedication.

"Him being poor is his negative."

"He wears cheap clothes so clean and neat like it cost so high!"

"What a man!"

"He let me and Angel eat some of the goldfish he caught at the summer festival, and boy! It was good!"

"Hirito is right! You couldn't even tell that it was even goldfish from the flavor and texture of the dish!" Angel explained as everyone was impressed to their leader and said that what a man he is stuff.

"And after he used the bathroom, the toilet paper was folded into a triangle!"

"Just look at him, so perfect! And you know what? He still gets love letter from girls on the main campus."

"What a man!"

"Some thing only suit cool guys like Isogai-kun...or me." a voice stated.

"What a—what are you doing here?!" Everyone asked their target who was in a disguise as he was eating cakes so casually.

"The honey toast here is divine! It's why I turn a blind eye to Isogai-kun's part time job!" Koro-sensei explained as everyone was deadpanned but then shrugged when they heard the doors clang open.

"Oh, dear. Our Intel was right! There is a student working here!"

"Isogai-kun, you naughty boy!"

"This is your second major violation of the school rules, I expected better."

Angel stood up and ran to them while she raised her arms, covering Isogai.

"It's not Yūma's fault! He just wanted to work for the person he loves—" she was cut off.

"I don't care about his circumstances, Yuuki-san, violating school rules is you should avoid in all cause." Asano stated.

"Screw the rules! His mother is frail and he needed money, you wouldn't understand how he feels—" she was cut of once again when Isogai grabbed her shoulder and shook his head, saying not to go further.

"B-But...his gonna tell to that damn principle y'know!" she told him.

"It'll be alright, I will handle the rest." Isogai turned to Asano who was with his groupies with a worried face.

"Can you keep quiet about this, Asano-kun?" he told them.

"Sure, in one condition—show me your fighting spirit at the leadership in the pole toppling at the sports festival." Asano said.

✦ ✧ ✦

"We gotta win at the sport's festival?"

"Yeah, if we screw this up he might be penalized again or worst be expelled."

"No...you don't have to—expel me for all I care! I can handle assassination on school grounds!" everyone turned silence after what Isogai just said, until she spoke.

"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is..." she said as she stood up from the table she was seating on and grabbed an anti-sensei knife in hand.

"You are a leader, aren't you?! A leader is someone who demonstrates what's possible. Knowing Class A, they probably have something under their sleeves. I won't say you'll definitely be able to do it if you don't give up. But if you do give up, then there'll definitely be nothing!"

She thrust the anti-sensei knife on his table as the other boys walked towards them and grabbed the knife that was in the wooden table, she looked at him straight in his eyes.

"That's why...don't you dare give up!"

Isogai's eyes were pinned at the girl who was inspiring him, her words continued to rang in his ears as somehow he was deeply moved.

"Yeah...your right, thank you!" he smiled.

✦ ✧ ✦

The sports festival started first in the morning, Koro-sensei was picturing his students who were taking the running contest, for the girls: Angel and for the boys: Kimura.

"Your awesome, Angel-chan! Kimura-kun! Smile bigger you two!"

Koro-sensei weak point

27) Not related, but acts like a proud parent

They watched their classmates winning different type of contest as Angel walked back to Koro-sensei and the others as she won.

"Koro-sensei, everyone, I won!" she cheerfully said as she jumped up and down energetically.

"How come your not tired from running that far?"

"It's not really that far." she stated.

"What are you, a monster?"


She turned and saw Isogai with a worried expression on his face as she heard his conversation with Koro-sensei.

"Asano-kun is really amazing, isn't he? I'm definitely no match for him." he says, looking down.

"It's true, no matter how talented you are, once you're out in the world, there will always be someone better." Koro-sensei said.

"What should I do...?" he asked.

"If you ever find yourself in pinch, you've got allies to help you—that's where you got Asano-kun beat." his teacher told him.

The camera flashed as Angel and the guys walked up near Isogai and posed while Koro-sensei took the picture.

"Isn't that better, Yūma? Going up against someone you think you can't beat on your own?" Angel grinned.

"How come it is, Angel?" Isogai asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For me, beating the strong guys is everything! It satisfied me that I won against them...don't you think so too?" she stated.

"You say all of that but, have you ever lost in something? I bet you did." he said.

"I never lose, either I win or I learn." she pouted.

Then the exhibition game of Class E against Class A have started. Of course in the end, Class E won...A class was utterly defeated.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Isogai-kun used your strategy against you and won...you're not fit to be a strong leader."

"Chief Director, your son is extremely capable."

"Stop it, Kevin—!"

"As a father, you should tell him that there's a lot he can learn from losing."

"I see...your little opinion is quite moving, Kevin. Could you help me learn a well?"

Principal Asano stood up from his chair as he took off his vest as if his looking for a fight with the exchange students.

"I might be able to learn from that loss, all four at once...please."

Angel was walking to the office to start an discussion with the principal about some deals...she busted the door with her usual cherry voice.

"Hey Shithead! I'm here—" her eyes widened from what she just saw, blood stained the walls and floor, it seemed to her that the principal was beating the exchange students.

"What's going on...?" she muttered.

"Hey Yuuki-san, what do you think about my work? Splendid isn't it?" the chairman asked.

"Well...I suppose, aren't ya gonna kill those muscle dudes?" she stated, pointing at the guys laying on the floor.

"Oh no, You got the wrong ideaI'm just giving them a lesson, that's all." he laughed, emptily.

"I see...well, this situation doesn't concern me though, anyway, I came here to tell you something." she seemed to be unfazed of the blood and bodies on the floor and the terrified orange haired boy sitting on the ground, she stepped on one of the male's bodies.

"If you lay a finger on my comrades, I'll kill you...surely."

"Hmm, are you threatening me perhaps?"

"No, it's just a warning..."

"...Is that all you have to say?"

"Yeah, and it'll be the last." when she said the last, its really the last time they'll talk again.

"Then, you are free to leave."

"Yeah, I'm taking this boy with me."

"Feel free to do so." Angel walked up to the shaking boy and smiled gently to him while lending her hand to her.

"Let's get out of this nasty place." she told him.

"Y-Yeah." he nodded.

She dragged him out of the office while his face was pale from what he just saw earlier.

✦ ✧ ✦

They reached outside the gym while holding hands, some students were gossiping about them.

'Why did she saved me earlier...?' was what was Asano thinking while looking at her back in front of him, but secretly he was really grateful.

"Hey isn't that Angel-chan and Asano-kun?"

"Aren't they holding hands? Don't tell me she's cheating on Karma!"

"No way...she wouldn't do that."

Karma stared at the two of them as they both stopped and let go of each other's hand as they started talking, they couldn't hear their conversation though because of the distance.

"What are they talking about? Though they seem to be serious..."

"I don't know..."

Asano looked down on the girl in front of him as she started to speak.

"Promise me that you won't tell Yūma's part time job!" she stated.

"Isogai-kun? Alright...I never lie." he gave her his word.

She sighed happily in which made him so confused in why she was so relieved.

"Thank goodness, now he won't be penalize...really." she said.

"Why do you care about him being penalized anyways?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why you ask? His my friend, when any of my friends are in trouble, I won't hesitate to help them." she simply says.

He just kept quiet and still can't understand her.

"So, what happened earlier? Why was the place filled with blood? I bet something boogsh and wapaw happened!" she explained with matching hand movements.

'Boogsh? Wapaw? What does that mean?' Asano sweat dropped.

"That's none of your concern nor I require you any thanks." he stated.

"I see...but, if you ever need someone to lean on, I'll be glad to lend an ear." she grinned.

"...That's not necessarily." he said.

Silence filled them as she understood what's behind those words.


She turned around and saw everyone waving at her, she waved back.

"I better go now, see you later!" she grinned as she started to walk few steps ahead, but before she could really leave, she turned around.


A memory flashed through Asano's head from years ago when she saw her smile...somewhat that smile and her red scarf was oddly familiar. He can't remember his memories back then, it was blurry and hazy but he knew that one girl called him by his first name...it was that person. Before he could call her by her name, she was already out of his sight, she already reached her friends.

"So you were listening all this time, Sakakibara-kun?" Asano stated.

"Well yeah, sorry for sticking my nose that's not my business but—" Sakakibara walked towards him, as he leaned down near Asano's ear and whispered.

"The higher you build walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone tears them down."


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