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Snowflakes fell from the vast sky, a pile of snow can be seen outside the pavements, it's been snowing like crazy since the weekends, making everyone feel really cold.

After the incident the other day, no one dared to ask what happened in Angel's past, she was in the verge of extreme depression and sadness, so they let the days passed by until it was finally winter break.

The black haired girl sat on the cold bed alone, she was thinking about what just happened, she covered her face with both of her palm and cried.

"I shouldn't have let my emotions out...now it will be difficult talking with Koro-sensei and the others..." she muttered. After crying for some moments, she wipe away the tears from her eyes as she walked up to the mirror nearby and saw her eyes puff red.

In the mirror, the calendar reflected the glass. She turned around and noticed that today was December 25, Christmas, then her eyes widened as she remembered that day.

"December 25? If I remember it clearly...it's Karma's birthday." she exclaimed.

Speaking of the devil, her phone rung as she grabbed it, unlocking the screen, and saw a new message.

To: Yuuki Angel
From: Akabane Karma
Subject: Asking you out

Hey Angel-chan, I know your still upset about what happened that day but, are you free?

She felt her cheeks getting warmer as she stretched her lips, smiling, she had began to punch the keyboard and started typing words.

To: Akabane Karma
From: Yuuki Angel
Subject: Sure

Yup, I'm free. What's up?

For few minutes, he immediately replied to her as fast as he can.

To: Yuuki Angel
From: Akabane Karma
Subject: 7:00pm

Sweet! Then meet me at the Kunugigaoka train station, 7:00pm sharp, let's go on a date since it's my birthday.

She giggled to herself and started to reply to him right away as well.

To: Akabane Karma
From: Yuuki Angel
Subject: sure

Sure, let's have a blast!

Afterwards, he didn't replied, knowing that he had seen the message already, then Angel started walking up to her closet to get ready for their date.

"W-What should I wear?! We've been dating a lots of time now...how come I'm still this flustered?!" she blushed.

She panicked as she racked both of her head and closet to think about the clothes she is going to wear, her room was a mess, various clothes scattered around the place as she continued fretting about what to wear.

Then her eyes landed as she finally saw what to wear, she grabbed it and started to smile, satisfied.

"I can't wait to be with him..." a smile formed her lips.

Time Skip

It was already 7:00 pm and Angel just finished dressing up, she started to panicked greatly.

"Damn, I'm late! Karma will surely scold me later...!" she said as she started dashing through her door with Karma's present, then her phone vibrate inside her pockets as she fished it out and looked at the screen.

Incoming call from Shiota Nagisa.

'Nagisa? Hmm...what does he want?' she answered the call as she put the phone near her ear, puzzled in why he would call him this time.

"What's up Nagi—hey, you okay?" she halted when she heard him sniffing from the other line, she could detect that he was crying.

"Angel...can you come and meet up with me? Please...I need someone to talk with my problems!"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" she asked.

Couple of sniffing can be heard from the other line, Angel was really worried of him right now.

"C-Calm down, Nagisa! Tell me what happened, please."

"M-My parents are arguing with each other...they also mentioned about...d-divorce, I'm really sad right now, Angel."

"What are they arguing about?"

"I don't know...but I don't want them to b-break apart."

She knew how much heartbreak the blue haired boy was feeling right now, no child would want to see their parents arguing and being divorced right? Even you wouldn't want to.

"Where are you right now?" she asked.

"At the Kunigigaoka Cafe..."

"Alright, I'm coming there...sit still." she stated.

"Yeah, t-thank you..."

"No problem, see you later." she said.

"See you later."

*Toot* *Toot*

The call from the other line was cut off as the snow fell from the sky while Angel looked down on the ground. She took a walk to the bus station and went to the place where he was at, she gazed outside the window as she began to text Karma, delaying the date.

✦ ✧ ✦

A certain red haired boy was laying wait at the Kunugigaoka train station where he and his girlfriend will meet, he looked at the clock hanging on the wall nearby and saw the time, it was already 7:30 pm.

'That idiot is late...' he thought as he watched the snow fell from the sky, the coldness crept up to his skin as he readjusted his scarf that was wrapped around his neck.

He looked at the gift that was inside a wrapper that he will give to her later, it was a necklace, a pretty red ruby one. He spent a lots of time finding it and he has to say that it took him a lot of time and money.

'I hope she'll like this...'

He smiled as a memory flashed on his head, it was her smiling happily, he visualized what will happened once she received this.


"For me?" Angel asked as Karma nodded, then she started unwrapping the gift and saw a pretty ruby necklace. Immediately, her face lit up.

"Woah, this looks pretty!"

"Right? It took me lots of time and money to find this..."

She gave him a heartwarming smile as he blushed furiously.

"Thank you, Karma!"

~End of Delusions~

Suddenly, his phone rung as he saw a new text message on his phone.

To: Akabane Karma
From: Yuuki Angel
Subject: Sorry

I can't come tonight, sorry. Something came up and I really have to go there, I'll make it up to you, promise! ^^

He felt his heart sunk after reading her text message, at the last minute, she couldn't come tonight for their date.

He began to tap on the keyboard, typing his message before tapping the send button.

To: Yuuki Angel
From: Akabane Karma
Subject: No way

Is it really that important that you will ditch me~? ∑(Д)

Few minutes later, she replied to his message.

To: Akabane Karma
From: Yuuki Angel
Subject: Happy Birthday!

I'm really sorry, I'll make it up to you somehow...oh, I forgot to tell you but, happy birthday Karma! *:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

He slightly smiled after reading the text message with emotions, he tucked his phone in his pockets and started walking on his own.

'Maybe something urgent came up, it can't be helped, huh?'

He walked through the town at Kunugigaoka nearby, but during the walk, he was looking down and he has a frown on his handsome face.

Indeed he feels sad that she ditched him, but he tried to think positively, he tried and tried, but his greediness wouldn't let him.

He saw lots of couples walking by, happiness were written at their places as the winter theme fitted the romantic atmosphere very well.

He sighed, then suddenly he remembered what Angel used to tell him when he's sighing.


Karma sighed as he sat on the edge of the cliff by himself, he was depressed since he can't find good way to kill his teacher.

"You're here again?" a voice spoke behind him, he turned around to see Angel standing with a smile on her face.

"Angel-chan..." his eyes followed her as she sat beside him, still having her sweet smile on her face.

"What're you doing here alone? All by yourself?"

"I can go anywhere I want, can I?"

He huffed as he turned his gaze to the mountain in front of him, the wind touched their skin as they enjoyed the moment of silence for awhile. Then Karma sighed again.

"Don't you know every time you sigh, you're letting a little bit of happiness escape?" she exclaimed as Karma turned to her and raised an eyebrow.


"So you should smile! I like you more when you're smiling!"

He blushed from her words, he turned his head to the other way while trying to hide his blush. "Shut up, why do I have to smile when I don't have a reason?"

She smiled from his silly question. "Then...I will give you a reason to smile, Karma!"

Angel started to tickle his side as he started laughing, begging for her to stop, moments later, she did stop.

"Now you're smiling, keep it up!"

He adverted his gaze as there was red stains on his cheeks, then he smiled at this.

"This is one of the reasons why I love you so much..." he muttered under his breathe as she turned to face him with a puzzled expression.

"What did you said?" she asked.

"O-Oh, nothing!" he stated.

Karma reached at his favorite café at Kunugigaoka, he planned to grab a bite by himself. The window was visible from the outside, oh how he despised being watched by other people as he eats his order.

There, he saw something he doesn't appreciate or liked...inside the cafe can be seen two people, a girl with black hair and a boy with blue hair.

It made Karma shocked as he just witnessed his girlfriend cheating on him with his best friend, his heart cracked as his eyes widened.

"So this is was what she meant by something important...?" he mumbled.

He saw Nagisa and Angel kissing...

It pains him to see that sight, he turned his heel and started walking away, he threw the box that held the red ruby necklace that he was about to give her in the trashcan nearby.

"Best birthday gift ever...damn it."


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