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Karma leaned against the oak tree as he stared at his classmates playing around during break time, Nagisa told him that Angel rejected his feelings. He couldn't hide the fact that he was really happy to know that, however, Itona was still there, standing. He was the last rival in his list...or so he thought?

"I want to talk to her, but I can't." he started as his eyes landed on Angel who was talking about random stuff to their classmate happily.

"I want to hold her hand, but I can't." he saw her held Itona's hand while talking to him, in his view, she was encouraging him into something.

"I want to make her happy, but I can't." Angel lets go of Itona's hand and began to talk to him about some stuff, then they began to laugh together.

"....It's because she already has someone with her."

Then someone walked up to him as he turned around to see a braided girl with glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, smiling. "Hello, Karma-kun. Aren't you going to join the others?"

"Ah...Okuda-san, nope. Don't feel like playing with them." he replied as he shook his head.

"I see, me too!" she replied with a smile.

Angel stole a glance to the two of them while she was standing beside Itona, it pains her to see those two together, but what else she could do?

Karma was the one who said it; that they should break up. She lets out a depressing sigh and thought if she could have him back.

"I want to make him smile, but I can't." she saw Karma smiling at Okuda as the other girl returned the smile back to him.

"I want to make him laugh, but I can't." then they laughed after Okuda said something hilarious.

"I want to be with him, but I can't." her eyes softly glanced at the two of them as her body was shaking a little bit, her head was hurting, same goes with her heart that was aching.

"...It's because there is a girl beside him to do those things I want to do."

She mumbled every word softly while glancing at Karma, the boy next to her, Itona, looked at her silently.

'It's unfair...why does it have to be him when you have me, Angel?' 

✦ ✧ ✦

Those times when they broke up, Karma and Okuda are frequently seen together, same goes with Angel and Itona who're also together.

"Hey Karma-kun, what kind of sweets do you like?" she asked him.

"Hmm...Pocky?" he answered.

"Pocky, huh? I remember that Angel-san also loves eating that." she replied.

Karma stopped in his tracks, making the girl confused. They were walking home together.

"Hey, Okuda-san...I've been wondering for awhile now." he started.

"Hm? What is it?" she asked.

He turned around to her as Okuda flinched from the cold gaze he was giving out.

"Once you lost someone, are there no chances anymore in getting them back?"

"...Are you referring to Angel-san?"

Silence, both of them paused for awhile as Okuda's eyes gleamed, knowing that she hit a bulls eye.

"If you truly want her back, you should fix the stuff between you two...and once more, tell her what you really feel about her."

Karma just kept silence as the warmth came back to his eyes, he just stared down at Okuda who was smiling.

"If I do that...I'll get her back?"


He let out a soft smile as Okuda's heartbeat raced, he patted her head as she blushed from his touch. "Thank you, Okuda-san."

He ruffled her hair, then once he was done and gonna take back his hand, Okuda grabbed his hand, grasping it tightly.

"...I should be the one thanking you, Karma-kun. It's you who made my life really happy, that's why, thanks!"

"Me too, it's you who—"

"Yeah! That's why, go and tell her how you feel, directly!"

She dropped his hand and smile, he nodded as he began to ran away. Okuda watched him slowly fading from her vision, tears rolled down her cheeks as she smiled.

"The reason I was able to reach this far, it's because I was in love with you...Karma-kun."

She smiled bitterly as she let her first love got away, but she thought that this was for the best. She accepted the fact that the girl that will make him happy was Angel, no matter how against she was, it was the only way he can be happy...

"Good luck, Karma-kun." she mumbled as tears kept flowing down her cheeks.

✦ ✧ ✦

Angel and Itona walked on the pavements through the town, quietly. Itona who was surprised because she was quiet. "What's wrong, Angel?"

"Oh, uh...nothing!" she quickly replied.

He knew that she was clearly lying, yet he didn't push through the topic.

"Hey Itona, let's take a seat over there! The view of the sunset is superb!"

"Sure, but why there...?"

"Well, that was the place where me and Karma fought about we didn't do anything much as lovers—ah." she halted as she remembered another memory of her and him. Itona sighed as he grabbed her hand.

"I'm also tired, let's take a rest." he said as she just nodded while looking at him sorrowfully, they took a seat at the spot where her and Karma would go.

Angel would do this frequently, she would talk about what she and Karma did from the past, then she would clammed afterwards.

"Hey Angel...are you still in love with Karma?"

Angel flinched from the question, Itona might be quiet but he's actually blunt when he talks.

"I don't know...I'm still confuse in how I truly feel." she answered with uncertain feelings, oh how she wanted to know how to answer his question.

"But, every time I see Karma with Manami, my heart would ache for no reason...it makes me so sad and I don't know why." she said as Itona just kept quiet, Angel turned to him with a questioned look gleaming in her eyes.

"Hey Itona, do you know what kind of emotion am I feeling?"

"...You're just jealous." she was surprised in what Itona said, it made her more confused. Jealous? What was she jealous of? Okuda? Why?

"I don't know what to do anymore!" she cried while covering her face with her hands as Itona was surprised.

"My feelings are so confusing, I don't know what I'm suppose to feel...it's just frustrating!"


"Tell me, Itona. What should I do next? This breaking up thingy is making me miserable! What should I do to get him back? How can I get Karma back—!"

Itona leaned down and pecked her forehead, making her shocked and stunned in place. He leaned backwards afterwards.

"I'm sorry, but this is the only way I know to make you shut up..." he mumbled, but thanks to the peck on the forehead, it made Angel silenced and back to her senses again.

"You should just make up with him, that's if you want him back."

"Huh? But...how?"

"I don't know, you think about it. Your his girlfriend, aren't you?" 


"His ex-girlfriend, whatever. You'll just be a girlfriend when you get him back anyways."

Angel's lips curved in a smile from Itona's encouragement, once more, he blushed furiously as her sudden smiles made his heart beat dangerously.

"Thank you, Itona!" she said.

"I think it wouldn't be hard for you to tell your feelings now." he stated.

She was about to ask him what he meant about that, when the both of them heard some footsteps running towards them, they turned around to see him...

It was Karma who was panting heavily from all the running he did.

Angel and Itona stood up from the bench as they walked up to him, Angel was surprised of his arrival. "K-Karma..."

"You see?" Itona said as Angel looked at him, surprised in how he knew that he'll be coming, but he just coincidentally saw him running up to them.

Karma straightened up after panting, he grabbed Angel's wrist, making her surprised. He turned to Itona who let out a smile to him.

"Don't let her go this time, okay?"


Karma smiled at Itona as he dragged Angel with him, they began to walk away as the white haired boy just stared at their backs slowly fading from his sight.

'The only person who can bring her happiness is no one but Karma.'

✦ ✧ ✦

"Y-Your hurting me, Karma!" Angel said as he began to walk in a faster pace while dragging her, they reached a spot where few people would come, he dropped her hand and made her face him.

"I want you to listen to me carefully, because I'll only say it once."

"H-Huh? What...?"

He paused for awhile, and then spoke shortly afterwards.

"I thought that letting you go would be the best option for both of us to be happy...but then I realized that I couldn't be happy without you." he said as Angel blushed furiously, Karma's golden eyes stared at her crimson eyes, deeply.

"I want you back!"

Angel lowered her head as shadows casts upon her eyes, her eyes darted on the ground. "Aren't you so selfish? You told me that we should break up, and now you want me back?"

"Why? Did you already found someone who could replace me?"

She was silenced by that, slowly she shook her head in no as he sighed in relief. Then he pulled her in a hug.

"I'm sorry. I heard from Nagisa that it was an accident...I let my anger get the best of me, sorry." he apologized as he rested his chin on the crook of her neck while hugging her tighter.


"I'm so sorry, can you please give me a second chance to be your boyfriend again?"

Tears started to rolled down her cheeks as she buried her face on his chest, she wanted him back, she really do. "I still don't know how I feel...it's confusing me so much."

Karma smiled as he lets go of Angel, his thumb wipes the tears from her eyes.

"Koro-sensei told me once before in how to determine if you truly love someone is to kiss them on the lips."

Karma lifts up her chin as he closed his eyes, then he leans down and kissed her lips, he smiled once he felt her soft lips on his. Angel's eyes grew widened as a blush appeared on her face, she was shocked and stunned in place. After a minute, he backed away with a dark blush on his face that can match his blazing red hair.

"How do you feel for me now?" he asked. She smiled as tears oozed out of her eyes, then she hugged him.

"That's cheating, Karma..."

"I can't help it, your so cute."

Even though she didn't tell him anything, he knew that she wanted him back, well he could tell because of the bright smile on her face.

She looked up to him and smiled, then in his surprised, she unwrapped her scarf as she wrapped it around his neck and pulled him in a kiss.

Karma who was shock, then he smiled seconds later and returned the kiss, now he really knew that she wants him back that badly. Unknown to them, Itona stood somewhere near them, he witnessed everything and felt really bad.

"My heart breaks when I see the person I love happy with someone else, but it would break my heart even more when I see you unhappy with me."

He let out a sad smile, knowing that those two are finally back together, he is really happy for her, but then sad because he is all alone now.

"Make her happy for me, Karma."

✦ ✧ ✦

Hajime: Finally, I finished this chapter. Sorry if took so long. I would try to update again later!


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