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It was another day in the classroom as everyone discussed the matter in how to save Koro-sensei's life.

"Let's think about this in general terms, are the world's leaders really only thinking about killing Koro-sensei? I don't think so, they must be doing in research that doesn't involve killing him, too."

"It's true; the world's top science facilities have performed project teams focused on saving the planet, naturally, that info is all top secret."

"I've infiltrated the project database!"


Ritsu started to explain her knowledge to everyone as an IA.

"I can get into just about any online PC, I've learned so much this year!"

"Wow! We can see what labs around the world are researching and on what schedule!"

"But there are no online traces of the date we're looking for."

"I guess the top secret stuff is only passed around in person."

"Is anyone doing research on how to save Koro-sensei, then?"

Then Angel's phone rung causing the class to turn to her, hurriedly she looked at the screen as her lips curved a smile and started answering the call.

"Hey Rin, nice timing. I want you to do something for me."


The others turned to Angel who was casually taking the call, some of them were in a state of disbelief.

"Didn't Soraru-san attempted to kill Angel before?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Angel didn't avoided Soraru-san..."

"I agree with you."

There was a long silence in the other line as Angel was confused, a matter of seconds later, she oh-ed as she knew why she was like that.

"I need you to do something for me, Rin."

"Hooray! Angel needs me on something, I'm so happy!"

Angel heavily sighed as she rubbed her temples, then let out a fake cough.

"Can you dig me some information about online traces of date in the world's experiment?"

"World's experiment? That's risky, it'll cost you a lot."

"I know, so can you do it?"

"Yup, I think around one hundred thousand yen will be enough~!"

Everyone gasped to the word 'one hundred thousand yen' that the girl said in the other line, making Angel's mouth gaped.

"Y-You're charging it?!"

"Of course, my dear."

"You cheapskate!"

"So it's a deal or not? It's your loss if you didn't paid me~"

Angel growled as she let out a sighed and agreed with her conditions.

"I'll send the loan in your account just make sure to do the cracking, alright?"

"Gotcha, happy to be in your service! Ask me anytime."

"I'll go bankrupt if I do."

*Toot* *Toot*

Angel tapped the end button as she massaged her temples while groaning. "Great, now I'll surely go bankrupt..."

"You're paying that?!"


"Where do you even get that amount of money anyways?!"

Angel turned to her classmates with a confused look as she nodded. "I earned my money by killing different kinds of people, mostly I accept jobs from rich people."

'We have forgotten that she's an assassin ever since she joined us.'

'We underestimated her too much!'

Koro-sensei turned to the two teachers with a smile plastered on his face.

"Karasuma-sensei, Irina-sensei, could you please step out?" then the two teachers left thanks to Koro-sensei's orders, once they were out, the octopus looked at everyone.

"Here's what you're trying to do: sneak a peak at the data before it reaches America on its way back from space." Koro-sensei said.

"But how?!"

"About that, did you know they're about to send this baby up to the ISS?" the teacher grinned.

"A manned rocket?"

"Yes, a proof of concept craft being developed here in Japan. It's supposed to be carry an experimental dummy, but...what if there were people in it instead?" everyone gasped from what Koro-sensei is trying to say.

"No way!"

"Ha! Our teacher's crazy in the head, all right."

"Yes! An out of season research project for our assassination classroom: Hijack the space station and steal their experiment date!"

The Next Day

"Hey Ritsu, did you got the file that Rin sent do you?" Angel asked the artificial intelligent classmate of hers.

"Yes, Angel-san! The files that she sent me is very useful, I'm very surprised that she can gather information as many as these in a day!"

"What the heck is her job anyways?!"

"Well, I know that she's an assassin, but other that, I don't know..."

Angel grinned as the others looked at her, the next thing she said made them surprised. "She's an information broker."


"Well, I'm not that surprised...there's no other explanation for her to obtain this information."

"Look! It said that three people can hold in the ship!"

"That means..."

Isogai then began to announced to everyone as they listened to him. "If Soraru-san's information is true, then the rocket will only hold three people...who wants to go?"

Everyone raised their hands as Isogai sweat dropped, knowing that he knew everyone wants to come.

"It's an experimental vessel with no successful flights yet...who still wants to go?!" everyone drops their hands as Koro-sensei sighed, knowing that. Then Angel stood up from her seat.

"Even if I'm the only one, I'll go! Reaching the spaces...what's more exciting than that?!" Angel beamed as everyone turned to her, surprised.

"We know that you're an idiot, but we never expected this!"

"You'll die; seriously!"

Angel punched her seat as everyone turned silent, she had a frown on her face.

"I don't care about that! I want to save Koro-sensei, and if I die trying, at least I tried you dumb ass!"

Everyone was silence from her statement as her eyes gleamed brightly with determination.

"Plus, I've always wanted to go to the moon for awhile now! It's been always been my dream, so can I? Koro-sensei?"

"Well...if you want it that much, I wouldn't mind."

The smile on her face turned bigger and brighter as her eyes gleamed more shinier while her cheeks turned red.

"Hooray! Moon, here I come!"

"I'll also go, a rocket would make any mech-head's mouth water but I'll give up my seat this time, Nagisa, Karma. Go with Angel." the two mentioned boys' name turned to Itona, groaning.

"Huh? I'm not like Angel-chan who's a complete fool on these risky challenges that rely on others." Karma groaned, completely against it.

"Karma, let's give it a shot. A graduation trip on outer space with your friends, what could be better?" Nagisa cheered.

"Alright, I did promise I'd hear you out...plus, I can't leave this idiot alone." Karma said as he pointed his finger at his seat mate, a vein popped on her forehead as she was offender.

"Who are you calling idiot, you idiot?!"

"Aha, it's funny to be called an idiot by an real idiot!"

"Are you mocking me?!"

"So what if I am?"

The others just sighed as they let the couples that got back with each other yesterday have a lovers quarrel, they wouldn't stop ranting each other once they started.

✦ ✧ ✦

The following day, everyone started infiltrating the space laboratory, then Yada and Kurahashi entered the lab that was pre-occupied by the male researchers casually.

"Wow, cool!"

"This is where you launch the rockets, right?"

The males were distracted by the girl's voice as they immediately stood up in alert. One male approached them.

"How the hell did you get in here?!"

"You don't even have ID cards, do you?"

Then the two cute girls began to put an facade and started acting sweetly.

"We're here on a field trip, but we got lost!"

"We followed some guy and wound up here, but since we're here...let us do the countdown!"

Unknown to them, Kimura sneaked in the lab as he found a hiding spot, then he began to contact Ritsu.

"Ritsu, any of these control-room computers would work, right?" Kimura asked.


"Then, time to plug this in and scram." he inserted a jet black USB in the installer as the IA Ritsu started to transfer in the device freely.

"Security analysis complete! I've placed a remote-control virus on the control room computer. Now the control center and its system will act on my command."

Angel, Karma, and Nagisa were crawling in the cramp spaces of the vents while hearing Ritsu's announcement, then the blue haired boy turned to them.

"That's the first hurdle cleared." he spoke as the both of them nodded and smiled at each other, Nagisa began to spoke on his headphones.

"I know it's sudden, Ritsu...but a part of our entry route is above ground, can you do something?"

"Roger. Checking your current position—done! All I have to do is to turn off the corresponding camera for ten seconds."

"W-What? Ten seconds only?!" Nagisa blurted.

"That's enough, Nagisa...no, it's more than enough." Angel spoke as she grinned, it made Nagisa slightly nervous of this plan, not until he felt something warm on his hands. He turned around and saw a gloved hand of hers.

"Don't worry, we can do it."

He smiled as he nodded, then Karma fake coughed making the atmosphere between them shattered.

"We still have to cross, stop chattering!" Karma stated, somewhat annoyed.

"Yes!" Nagisa replied.

"Why are you suddenly so angry?" Angel asked.


The three of them began to ran after Ritsu's countdown, it only took them a matter of seconds to reach the place.

"Security guard passing through, next patrol in ten minutes. Surveillance camera angle correction complete. It's not off, so please be careful."

The three of them continued dashing the place with urgent, though Angel was really speedy that the two males have trouble in catching up.

"What's that octopus doing there?!" Angel yelled as she spotted a yellow sonic octopus near the rocket, the three of them finally reached him.

"Oh, hello there everyone. The inspection was a perfection!" Koro-sensei said.

"Any accident would be a liability issues." Karma replied, he felt somewhat relieved.

"Karma-kun, please don't say such awful things!" the yellow octopus like teacher said.

"I'm relaying recorded footage of the dummies to the control room, if you swap them out now, you won't get caught!"

Ritsu interjected as Angel's eyes sparkled like stars, you can say that she was very excited.

"Hey, hey, hey! Karma, Nagisa, let's hurry up and abroad already!" she chirped while jumping all over the place, both of the males giggled at her childishness as they nodded.

Then the one-hundred countdowns proceeded, meanwhile everyone else was on stand-by as they watched the rocket outside the facility, worriedly.

"Are they going to be okay?"

"Who knows?"

"Hey! Don't say something like that."

"Angel is a pain in the neck, but she has Karma and Nagisa, so I guess they'll be okay?" everyone nodded at Itona's statement, then his golden eyes show that his actually worried as well.

✦ ✧ ✦

The moon launched in the sky as it left a huge puff of smoke behind, Angel began to squeal happily.

"This is fun—oh, can I ask you guys a question?" she immediately halted as the two boys turned to the girl who was sitting between them.

"Why is Koro-sensei with us?" both of them were surprised as they saw Koro-sensei in the window rear view, the teacher let out a laugh,

"Well, you know, I worry. Don't be overly concerned about getting that data on me. You're on a journey through space—try enjoying it just like Angel-chan!" he referred to the girl who was cheering happily in between the boys, both of them sweat dropped in how laid back she was.

"Koro-sensei...There's something I'd like to say. You use every ounce of your life to give us opportunities to learn and we're grateful for that, but your life means more to us than just teaching material!" Angel smiled as she remembered what Koro-sensei told her the other day.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Hey Koro-sensei..." the octopus like teacher turned to the red scarf girl who was standing near the door of the staffs' room.

"Yes, Angel-chan?" he asked her.

"Be honest...what kind of ending would you like?" she yelled as she looked up to him with a confused face, that the conversation they held before the war against kill or don't kill.

"Do you or not want to die?" silence, the teacher was silence. He looked down as his silence didn't answered her question.

"I wouldn't get anything if you don't tell me what you really feel..." she told him.

There was a long pause before he spoke, when he had the courage, he looked up to her with a permanent smile plastered on his face.

"The truth is...I don't want to die."


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