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The speed of the manned rocket was Mach 23, it was more faster than Koro-sensei's Mach 20. He wasn't able to come with the students because he couldn't keep up with the speed.

"Rendezvous complete, commence HTC catch."


"Mechanical arm: operation verified, three more meters, two meters, one meter."

"HTV catch, complete. Commence griping, demonstration ship: grip complete."

"Docking complete. Shield interface: all green, air pressure: normal. Permission granted to open hatch, welcome to the space station."

It seems like the docking of the dummy experiments has been accomplished, let's go to those students who were sitting on the rocket.

The moment the ship was open, Karma and Nagisa tackled the man who opened the seal, then the other foreigners walked up to see what's going on.

"Hello..." Nagisa greeted them.

"Hey, it's Mizui! I've seen you on TV just recently!" Karma said.

"Hey Karma, Nagisa...those dudes, what language are they talking about?" Angel asked.

"It's English, Angel-chan." Nagisa answered.

She 'oh'-ed afterwards, she couldn't understand English at least one bit.

"Why is there a kid in here instead of a dummy?!"

Then Angel stood up as she was fidgeting while sweat trickled down her forehead, her classmates were confused in what she's about to say.

"I-I can noto speaku Engurishu!"
I can not speak English

She spoke while fidgeting, she just mixed Japanese and English, the red haired boy chuckled at her pronunciation. Nagisa sighed as he took out a bomb in his pockets.

"We have a bomb, we would like to do this peacefully. Please back away so we can talk."

"Huh? What're you saying, Nagisa? I don't understand it..." Angel sweat dropped, confused.

"This place is a little cramped, let's talk somewhere with more space. Come—move it!"

"You too, Karma! I can't understand a single word coming out from your mouth!" she whined, regretting that she never paid attention in English class.

Then the foreigners backed away as Karma put a real blade near his captivated hostage, while Nagisa was holding a bomb, and then Angel was pointing them a real gun.

"Therefore, please follow us to copy the American team's data, we won't be making any other demands."

'I can't really understand them...' Angel thought as she continued pointing them a gun, she let out an depressing sigh. Karma positioned the blade nearer the man's neck with a innocent smile on his face.

"I think you know, but our teacher is a monster. I don't know what he'll do to the earth if you refuse."

'Uh-oh, these guys calmed down way too quickly. That's a career astronaut for you...' Karma thought, he was slightly in the edge.

"We can just always kill them." Angel interjected as Karma's eyes grew widened, her sharp red eyes looked at the three foreigners in front of them. In her surprise, he clapped.

"First, let me give you three daring kids a hand. Bravo. But...are you really gonna take on the six of us, soldiers included? A bomb doesn't scare us."

"Because...we've been running experiments here, not knowing when this is all gonna blow up and kill us all."

They were silenced as Angel smirked, clearly took liking of this man in front of them. "Enough pointless conflict, this is no place to fight. We'll talk, so please lower the gun and let him go."

Angel and Karma looked at each other for a moment as they have an eye agreement, he nodded as she whined, but then listened to him. She lowered the gun as Karma lets go of the man as he floated back to his friends.

"Even if you do steal the data, how are you going to get home? Are you going to ask us for help while you hijack us?"

Angel turned to Nagisa as she tugged his sleeves, he just patted her head and smiled, and then turned to them. "We can make it back on our own, our classmate's worked out the return orbital calculations perfectly. Our teacher can do any fine-tuning by pushing us in midair."

"This is way too reckless!"

"Maybe you're just young, but aren't you taking your lives too lightly?"

A vein popped on the red scarfed girl's forehead as she was ticked off my idly chatting since earlier.

"Don't you dare to mock us just because were kids! You jackasses! We have trust in our friends—they'll save us! Plus Koro-sensei is here for us." she stated proudly as she puffed out her chest, the two guys giggled in her foul-mouthed of hers that doesn't show any respect at all.

"I didn't come here because I want to, I came because my lover and friend asked me to, and you mentioned about our lives...we've done plenty of thinking about that lately, I mean, we're students of a class that'll kill its teacher. We should know by now to be prepared to face life with life, just like you—right?" Karma said as he patted Angel's head while messing with her black hair.

"Alright, I'll take it upon myself to accept the hijackers' demands, but first help us offload supplies. We'll put you to work and get you out of here." then the man floated away leaving the kids dumbfounded, Angel began to play with her gun.

Nagisa and Karma were helping the astronauts in their works while Angel was separated with them, she was helping in a different work.  

"This might just save him." Karma stated.

"Yeah..." Nagisa replied.

"And that'd be enough for you, right?" Karma said while peeking at the glass of the ship, outside was the planet earth. The blue haired boy turned to him with a confused face.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, I'm not against the class' decision to save him...I'm just wondering what Koro-sensei wants us to do." Karma stated.

Then an awkward silence appeared between them for awhile, then they heard two voices seem to be talking to each other.

"Hey, you! Little red!"

"Little red? What the heck..."

The two of them floated to where the voices was located at, they saw Angel and one of the male astronauts.

"Just who are you...? You seem not like an ordinary kid passing by."

Angel flinched from his tone, he was able to sense the killing insignia hiding in her sleeves. She tucked her mouth deeper in her red scarf.

"I remember now! Your the girl who was entitled as Red Man back then!"

Nagisa and Karma looked at each other, confused. 'What's this Red Man have to do with her?' faces like that.

"If your really that girl...what are you doing here?"

Her body began to tremble as the nasty flashbacks of the past came to hunt her once again, she bit her lower lip, trying to calm herself down.

"Then, what would you do if I was?" she chuckled while looking down on the ground as her hair was covering her eyes, slowly, she raised her head with a slight smug on her face.

"Are you going to arrest me...?"

Her male classmates was taken back by this, arresting her, it was too sudden...

"What does she mean by that?" Nagisa asked.

"I don't know, Nagisa." Karma replied.

"Normally, I would do that..."

A pair of blue and golden eyes widened in what the man just stated, the girl with red eyes showed slight fear and sadness.

"...However, you still have to save your teacher. So go on, I'll pretended I didn't saw an assassin."

In the end, Karma realized that he didn't knew anything about his girlfriend, about the girl that he loves. He wanted to know, however he didn't have to guts to asked what happened in her past.

'Who is the real Angel that I adore so much? Just who is she...?'

✦ ✧ ✦

"That's the lab data on preventing the super creature from exploding."

"No signs of falsification, I can confirm it's the full data from the experiment in question. I'll just grab a copy." Ritsu announced, then Karma grabbed his device and checked it out if its copied. Angel floated towards him and peeked beside his shoulder.

"Hey Karma, how is it?" she asked him.

"It's copied, now to get back and validate it." Karma replied.

"Yeah, we don't want to overstay our welcome. Angel, Karma." Nagisa said.

The three nodded as Karma tossed the supposed-to-be bomb, it was just some sweet bean jelly though. They were able to trick them with their flimsy blades. The three of them started to walk back to the cockpit.

'Swimming in zero gravity like they're at a friend's house, negotiating for top-secret intel like they're bargaining at a penny-candy shop, piercing the atmosphere like they're heading home from school...'

"You guys are an awesome group of heroes."

"Come back anytime, but next time, do it right away, little fellows."

The three of them seated on the seats leisurely, Karma was playing his PSP while Nagisa was leaning on the backseat and Angel was frowning.

"Our time in space sure went by in a flash, now to see if we can get back to Earth in one piece, Ritsu?"

"I'm on it. I've crunched a ton of numbers to get you down safely, this spaceship may as well be my own body by now."

"Wow! That's really amazing, Ritsu! Your really a genius." the frowning girl from earlier complimented their classmate cheerfully as the violet haired girl smile from her compliment.

"Hey, you three...I just gained awareness of an emotion for the very first time. I'm happy, happy to be a part of this class."

Karma turned to Angel who was looking down, you can see she was depressed because the glint in her eyes were gone. He stretched his arm to grab her shoulder when he stopped.

'Do I really know the real her?'

In his surprise, she turned to him making him flinched a little.

"Hey Karma, I had really fun in this class and I really want to save Koro-sensei so much..." Angel softly says.

"We have the data now, Angel-chan. We'll surely save him." Karma answered, assuring her.

"Yeah..." she nodded and turned her head away with a sad smile on her face. "I came here to the class for revenge, however I end up saving him...don't you think it's irony?"

"Yeah, I think so too..." he held her small hand and gave it an comforting squeeze, she blushed from the sudden warm contact of his.

"After this, I want to know the real you. Angel-chan."

Her eyes widened a bit, surprised in what he suddenly just said.

"No." she slapped his hand away, he surprised by her actions. Angel looked at him with pleading eyes. "If you knew the real me, you'll leave me just like everyone else...and I can't let that happen. I just can't."

"I won't leave you, I promise." he assured her.

She shook her head in reply, then she clenched both of her hands tightly. "There's just one reason why I can't tell you about my past..."

She turned to check if Nagisa was awake, but no, he was fast asleep during the day. Angel leaned in and kissed Karma's lips.

His eyes widened when he felt a pair of warm lips bumped to his, warmth increased on his cheeks as he froze while she kissed him. Moments later, she backed away with a blushing face.

"...because I didn't want to lose you."

✦ ✧ ✦

Hajime: Was the final line too cliche? I bet it was. I just receive a break from school so I think I'll be able to update 2 to 3 chapters? I don't know, just patiently wait for the next chapter.


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