18. Missing her!

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• I looked deep in her eyes, where only love resides, I knew from start she is sent by Jesus Christ.. •


Time is flying with wings, may be because two souls who were lost somewhere in the darkness finally found their light, their gleam. Someone has rightly said when we are in the happiest phase of our lives, time flies away with wings and it seems like it was the matter of yesterday only, but when we are in agonizing pain, suffering, drowning in the pool of guilt and sorrows, even a minute seems like a decade.

Manik and Nandini, they are two bodies but one soul both are nothing without another, if one is moon then other is it's shine, if one is flower then other is it's fragrance, if one is star then other is it's sky, if one is heart then other is it's beat. They depends on each other, without one, other can't breathe. Almighty already knew that these two people are made for each other only, it's just one took a longer time to understand​ the worth of other, but who has said that path of love will be a bed of roses? , Don't we all know path of love is the ocean of fire.

Tomorrow is the launch of khamoshiyan, the album which brought these two beautiful souls together, till now Nandini has kind of realized her inner feelings for Manik! She has merely accepted the fact that she is falling hard for this utterly sweet and handsome singing superstar, who has his own charisma, who is still a mystery to her but she wanna unravel all his mysteries, she has an urge to listen all his unsaid words, she has seen something in his eyes, something very deep and mesmerizing, all she wonder is why he never let that come over his mouth?, Why he never proclaim it?.

They cried together, they suffered without each other, all these years they craved for one another.. •

Nandini's pov

Finally it's the launch day tomorrow, Well! Am excited, enthusiastic and nervous as well. It's my first album with him. The person who has become very special to me in a very short time of span, when he's around I just feel like sitting beside him and staring in his eyes till the moon gets old. And when he's not around, I feel like running to him and take him in my embrace till the stars lost it's shine. I still wonder is this is what we call love? But how I can love him in just some days?. I met him some days back but still it feels like I know him since ages, as if he's a part of me only which was lost long back and now I have it back.

Sometimes I behave like a total stupid teenager around him, but he's always very patient with me, so calm that it make me feel like how can someone be so caring and loving? , His personality is something very alluring and soothing as well, his mere presence makes my heart swell up with joy, and his eyes, Gosh! His eyes speaks volumes, his eyes fascinates me the most, as if they always communicates with me, as if they proclaim his love for me every time I look in them.

Am sitting in my room near the window, which is my favorite place to hang out, I love gazing at stars in night, they look so beautiful that one can stare at the shine of them for eternity. Stars always gives me positive energy, because whenever I look at them I feel like stars shines bright only in darkness, similarly people shapes for better only in the hard phases. But today am staring at them because am missing him. He had called me 3 hours back just to inform tomorrow's schedule, I was bit busy with Mukti at that time so I asked him to call me after half n hour but he didn't phoned back, now I'm​ really missing him.

Manik! Where are you?

My trance broke by the sudden buzz of my phone, which is in my hands only from last 3 hours, and to be honest I have checked my phone millions of times just to look has he called or dropped a message..

As soon as my phone buzzed, I instantly unlocked my phone and saw there is a text! And to my relief it's him..

Are you free?

His message brought a big broad grin on my face, I can't even express my feelings in words. It's like someone gave my breathe back to my lungs and am alive, I can't believe that his absence makes me feel this much solitude and his mere presence fills my heart with joy and bliss. I instantly typed back.

Free? Am always free for you, Sorry for that time actually I was with Mukti.

My answer clearly tells how much am guilty right now, for not talking to him at that particular time but if I would have ignored Mukti earlier then won't it be wrong?, So what today I have someone special in my life it doesn't means I'll forget my old kin. Friends will remain friends nothing can change the bond which I share with them.

"Always free for you"........This particular line brought a big smile on my face :) ..But "Sorry" .....This snatched it away.. :(

His answer made me chuckle, he's such a sweetheart I tell you, how can someone ignore such innocent and babyish face. Surprisingly, he is playful only when we text each other, whenever we are face to face I don't know why he suddenly becomes so reserve and hard to approach.

Mr. Notanki Malhotra, tell me why you called earlier?, any changes in the schedule?

I came to business suddenly because truly speaking I had no answer to his text, he is sweet actually extreme sweet. But there is something in him which always pulls me, and at the same time it pushes me as well, it's so so confusing.

Notanki Malhotra? Really? ;) .. Well! I phoned just to inform you that before launch there is small press conference.

I love the way he send those emojis to me, I can exactly picture his smiling shining face, he looks extremely cute with that face that I feel like pulling his cheeks tightly.

Thanks for the information sir. What were you doing?

I have no heart to end such beautiful and smooth conversation with him, I can talk with him whole my life without a break.

Nothing much!

His text alarmed me, it's seems like he's doing something he don't wanna let me know, god! Why this man is so difficult to read.

So, we should sleep then?

I asked with a heavy heart, although I don't wanna end this conversation still I don't even want to buzz him.

Yes! Sleep well, good night :)

His last message made me a bit sad but as soon as I saw that smiley, eventually a big smile touched my lips.

I locked my phone and looked at the stars out of window, it's such a soothing environment, there is only calmness in the atmosphere today, and there is peace in my soul again, I still remember that day when I came over here in India, there was a big war going on within me. But as soon as I met him , everything inside me came to end, it's​ like it's him only in search of whom I came here.

Whenever he looks at me I feel like am some kind of a magic which a small boy is looking so keenly and trying hard to capture everything in his captivating eyes. I like him I know that, he is really special I guess but he?, Does he has any feeling for me?, Sometimes I feel like yes, he has some feelings for sure but sometimes am very confused, actually it's him who makes me confuse with my own predictions. Manik Malhotra - a name I can't forget even in my next seven births, he has literally touched my soul and made me collided with my own soul master. Even after forgetting all my memories today I have no regret, because my heart says that what I have today, was not there in my past. The peace I have today, was really not there in past. Now am not looking back, I'll only look ahead,to my future with my Manik.

My Manik- it's sounds soothing!

A stupid sheepish smile abruptly drawn on my face and am again drifted in his memories.

• He has given the definition to my name, if he is the sparkling candle then am his burning flame.. •


Manik's pov

Am still holding my phone and her pic in my hand, she asked what am doing? How to tell her that all these years I had only one work to do and that's missing her! She really don't have any idea how much I miss her every single second of my life, I know I want her back here with me but I've no right.

She has given me so much remember that I really wonder will I ever be able to forget her beautiful face, her shining smile, those hazel eyes that pretty heart and on top of that, her magnificent soul?. From where she came into my world? And how? She opened all the blinds and made me a better human being. Every person wants to become something in his/her life, every one wants to achieve something but me! The Casanova Manik Malhotra literally had everything but a heart, untill I met her, it will be wrong to say that she's my better half because she has completed me! . She made me alive, I started breathing in her presence, and when she left me, she actually took away everything with her. I love her with every single tissue in my cell, even I have no idea how much I want her, need her back, but all I know is that as far as she's smiling Am in Paradise.

I brought her pic near my face and kissed her forehead as softly as I can, tears unknowingly flowed out my eyes. Gosh! I really miss her. I really love her. I placed my phone on the floor and stood up, oh! Did I ever mentioned that I really love to sit on floor?, Well! This habit is given by her only, I still remember our beautiful days, when she asked me sit down on the floor and how i reacted to it. A big grin automatically touched my lips as I started reminiscing those peaceful blissful days.

-: 4 years back. (Third person pov) :-

Nandini is sitting on the floor writing something in her diary with a beautiful smile on her lips when suddenly Manik entered inside like a storm. She looked above and found him in his worst mood.

Nandini : "Manik! You could have knocked.."..She glared but he didn't cared a bit, he laid down on her bed with his hand below his head and his eyes closed.

She stood up and walked towards the bed, she placed the diary on the bed in a side and sat down beside him.

Nandini : "Kya hua?"..She asked in her ever so soft and smooth tone. He opened his eyes and found her sitting beside him so instantly made himself comfortable in her lap, she chuckled at his babyish behavior, he always do this whenever he's out of control.

She started ruffling his hairs and at the same time humming a beautiful melody. They didn't talked for almost 30 minutes, but that Silence in the room was more comfortable and is really easing his temperature.

Manik : "Sometimes I feel like burning this whole damn world, including me as well..".. he murmured in anger and she is smiling only.

Nandini : "Mister! FYI, fire can't be burn from fire only. Simple science!"..She mocked and now he opened his eyes and looked at her with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

Manik : "Wow! Maa you are too smart.."..He mocked and she glared at him, she pulled his hairs harshly and he screamed.

Manik : "Jungli ho tum Puri, leave my hair.. "..He screamed but she pulled hard this time.

Nandini : "Dare you call me maa again. I'll kill you someday for sure.. "...She threatened him and he instantly joined his hands Infront of her. He apologized and she left his hairs.

Manik : "God! You pulled my hair so harshly that I felt you'll definitely make me bald.."..He said while moving his hands in his hair, still his head in her lap she pushed him and stepped out of the bed, he sat back on the bed and looked at her grumpy face.

Manik : "I came over here because I was tense but now even you are angry.."..He made an innocent face which she already knows that he's faking it, so without saying anything she sat down on the floor with the diary in her hand, and started writing again, he exhaled a deep breath and stepped out of bed.

Manik : "Are! Baat bhi nahi karogi Kya?"..He asked and she looked at him with a smile, no actually an evil smirk.

Nandini : "Baat karni Hai toh yahan aake baith jao.."...she talked in her No-nonsense tone and he looked at her in disbelief.

Manik : "No way! Manik Malhotra won't ever sit on floor, ever!.."..He made the worst disgusting face ever as if sitting on the floor is some kind of legal offense.

Nandini : "Cool enough, then get out of my room, door is right behind you.."..She answered in her nonchalant tone and she is back to focus on her diary.

Manik : "maa please.."..He pleaded and she gave him a deadly glare, he closed his eyes as he knew she'll eat him alive.

Manik : "Acha okay! I won't call you maa, but talk to me na.."..He again pleaded and this time she patted the side beside her indicating him to accommodate himself, he rolled his eyes on her as he exactly know how stubborn she is. So reluctantly he sat down on the floor beside her.

Manik : "That's the first, and will be last only. "..He clearly told her and she chuckled and nodded as well..

Nandini : "okay! Now let's talk.."..She said after taking his hand on hers and he smiled to full, she always manage to calm him no matter in how much anger he is.

-: Back to present :-

Manik's pov

There is still a smile on my face as I recalled those memories, she was right here with me in all my odds and what I did?, I took away her happiness, her smile and I also killed our baby. Tears started flowing out of eyes as I recalled that day when she told me about our dead baby, sometimes I really hate myself to the core that I feel like killing myself with my own hands, how can someone be so cruel? Well! I have set an example for height of cruelty. I wish I could make everything right but they say once things are done you can't undo them, still I wish any day I could be able to forgive myself.

My love for her is enough for me to survive, I love her from the bottom of my heart and for loving her I don't need anyone's consent, I have full right to love her, to worship her like a true devotee but I don't have any right to keep her with me. How I wish I could be able to sleep in her lap like earlier days but....... And here everything ends with this small word but.

Tomorrow is a big day for both of us, so I went to my bed and drifted in a deep slumber with only her in my dreams. That's the only place where I can have her in my dreams!!


Missed me? Or not? , I came early right?, Am trying to write in my spare times. I repeat trying! 😜

Why do I feel like that you people are thinking that am going to wrap this story sooner? 😐😐

Well! I have no plans as of now, but if you want me to wrap up this beautiful story (which I seriously don't want right now) you can tell me honestly and I'll think about it.

Phir milenge, tab tak, duaao mei yaad rakhna. Rab rakha! 😍😘

Love you loads
Your storyteller ❤😘

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