Chapter 42: Mira's thoughts | M meets G

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Juvia's POV

"U-Uh... W-Well..." Gray-sama stuttered as he took a glance at me and he's sweating a cold sweat on his forehead. He couldn't seem to find the right words to tell Mira-san about what happened.

I gulped again and I laughed nervously and that made Mira-san turn her attention to me. "G-Gray-sama has a red ink smudge on his hand and touched his face without knowing it! That must've been t-the reason."

"Y-Yeah." Gray-sama agreed as he ignored Mira-san's curious stare.

She tilted her head a little bit to the side and said, "... Hmm... Sounds convincing... Okay then. I'll go out now."

And with that, she turned around with her heels clicked on the floor as she opens the door and left the two of us. We both sighed in relief as soon as she wasn't there anymore.

"Phew, that was close—"

And the door suddenly sprung open again, making the two of us jumped from our places. It was just Mira-san with her eyes squinting at the two of us as if she was watching.

"Uh... Mira? What are you doing?" Gray-sama asked as he squinted his eyes as well.

"... Nothing, never mind." She said that and left us again.

I sighed in relief again as I literally sat on the floor and held unto my chest, feeling my heart beat. "... Mira-san sure is scary..."

"Nah, she's not really scary... At least for me." He bluntly said and ruffled his gorgeous hair. "She's not that scary, if you ask me."

"She is." I said and then I stood up from the floor and faced him. I touched his cheek where Mira-san saw a red smudge on it. Oh, dear... There is a red smudge on it. It must've been from my lipstick. Tsk.

I ran my finger across it to make the red smudge disappear. "Don't worry, Gray-sama. Juvia will remove this."

He suddenly held my wrist, making me stop my finger from removing the red smudge. "... Just leave it there. It's fine with me. Let others think what they want to think and I don't really care about that."

"Gray-sama..." Juvia said and found herself smiling while looking at him. She automatically wraps her arms around his neck and tiptoed a little to reach his height.

He seemed surprised a t first but later then, he also wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back. We stayed like that for awhile, just feeling safe in each other's arms.


Mira's POV

"Uh... Mira, I think you should go to a parlor to fix your brutally messed up hair." Lyon suggested as soon as he saw me messing up my hair in frustration.

Indeed, my hair looked like it could be a nest for birds.

I glared at him and said, "Ugh, leave me alone."

I was just so curious about Gray and Juvia. I know that there's something going on. Like, why would I believe that Gray would use a red ballpen? He only use black. Tsk tsk.

"Oh hey, Gray and— Oh my! Gray, wash your face!" Lyon shouted when we both heard the door of Gray's office opening.

"Huh?" Gray bluntly asked and Juvia came out of the office after him.

"Seriously, did you really take a bath today?" Lyon asked back and that made Gray glare at him.

Juvia laughed nervously and I saw her tugging at Gray's suit— Woah, that's unusual. "Haha, it's just an ink from a red ballpen, Lyon. Don't worry about it and Gray-sama is taking a bath everyday."

"How did you kno— Wait, have you been watching him while he's taking a bath, Juvia-chan?!" Lyon screamed and almost everyone in the room turned to him.






Both Gray and Juvia's face turned red at the same time.

Hm, suspicious.

"W-WHAT?! N-NO!" Juvia disagreed and waved her hands, signalling that Lyon's suggestion was wrong. "Lyon, how could you!"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry about that." Lyon said apologetically.

"Aish, anyway, we both need to go somewhere. Lyon, I'm leaving you in charge with Mira. Remember my paper works, okay?" Gray said, changing the topic. He looked serious and he turned his back on us and gestured Juvia to follow him.

They started to walk away from us with Juvia waving a good bye to Lyon and I. I folded my arms and started thinking about what just happened.

1. Gray definitely blushed.

He rarely blushes but if it's Juvia, he does. I know that he likes— No, loves Juvia. He told me about that but I don't really know if he confessed to her already.

2.  Juvia is spending a lot of time in Gray's office all the time.

That's true. Usually, Juvia would bring the schedule of Gray in his office and comes back immediately but now, she spends at least an hour inside there whenever she gets in.

3. They're always together, even at evening.

I'm sure that Gray rarely has meetings at this kind of time.

"Hmm..." I said. I'm not stupid at this kind of thing. I know very well that there is definitely something going on.

Are they dating?




But Juvia could've told me about it.

"Mira, you look like a creeper—"

"Shut up."


Juvia's POV

"Gray-sama, your hand is sweating. Are you nervous?" I asked as I glanced at our intertwined hands. We both decided to go to mom today instead because tomorrow, it's going to be a busy day.

We arrived at the hospital after a few minutes. Gray-sama bought a bouquet of flowers for mom and a basket of fruits, which mom likes very much. He just wanted to give her gifts since she's sick. I was holding the basket in my other hand while Gray-sama held the bouquet in his other hand as well.

"S-Sorry and yeah, I guess." He answered and he lets go of my hand. He took a deep breath and continued on speaking, "... I think it's my first time being nervous again."

I held his hand again, making him flinch at my sudden touch. I don't really care if his hand is wet. "No, don't be nervous. Juvia is here with you and mom is an easy-going type of person. I'm sure that you'll find it easy to communicate with her."

"... Okay, I'll calm myself down." He said and gave me a light squeeze on my hand.

I gave him a smile as we both stopped in front of mom's room number. I looked at him as I gripped on the door knob and turned it around, opening the door.

The hospital aroma greeted us as we got inside. Mom was there, sitting on her bed and reading a book. She has a dextrose on each of her hands and her hair is turning white a little. Well, mom is getting older and her birthday is coming soon.

Her eyes darted towards us and her lips slowly formed into a smile. "Gray and Juvia... You're finally here." She weakly said.

I frowned as I pulled Gray-sama near mom. I quickly let go of his hand as I ran quickly into mom's arms. I always feel warm whenever I'm in her arms. It feels the same with Gray-sama.

I gave her a kiss on her cheek before I slowly slipped out from her arms. She was so weak and frail, compared to the last time I saw her. And I remembered what the doctor said...

"Ms. Lockser, your mother doesn't have enough time."

I didn't tell mom about what the doctor said because I didn't want her to worry over something like that. I believe that she'll still live long. We'll get through this. I'm sure of it.

I stood up and pulled Gray-sama again. "Mom, I'd like you to meet... Gray Fullbuster, my boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lockser." Gray-sama said as he stretched his hand to mom for her to shake it. She also stretched her arm slowly and reached out for Gray-sama. Mom gave him a smile and said, "It's nice to meet you as well, Gray."

"My, you look so handsome even in real life. Juvia has the jackpot." Mom teased and even wiggled her eyebrows at the two of us.

"M-Mom...!" I hissed in embarrassment and felt my cheeks turning red again. I told mom to not tell Gray-sama that because it's embarrassing for her.

Gray-sama chuckled in response and he gives the bouquet of flowers to mom. As an instinct, I also put the basket on the side table. "Mrs. Lockser, I bought a bouquet of flowers and a basket of fruits for you. And, get well soon."

"Oh, you shouldn't have." Mom said as she accepted the bouquet. She smiled again as she looks at Gray-sama. "And you can call me mom as well, Gray. It feels awkward whenever someone calls me, Mrs. Lockser."

"Ah, I'm sorry..." Gray-sama said and took a glance at me. "... Mom."

Oh, he looked so cute. You should've seen it! He was blushing again. ♥ Darn it. I should've taken a photo of him. (T^T)

"So... Shall we discuss..."




"About your marriage?" Mom asked, teasing us again.

"Mom!" I hissed again in embarrassment. Mom should literally stop asking about those things. Gray-sama's face was redder than mine, as I noticed.

"Dear, can you get me a glass of water downstairs? I felt the need of water suddenly." Mom said and gestured me to go.

"Of course, mom." I said and sighed before leaving. I looked at Gray-sama with my eyes saying, I'll be back. He seemed to understand me because he nodded at me.

Gray's POV

When Juvia left, I got nervous again so I folded my arms across my chest. Juvia's mom looked like her a lot, in my eyes. I can see Juvia in her.


"Yes, mom?" I asked without showing my blushy face to her.

She gave me a weak smile and said, "I know that you love my daughter very much and I entrust her to you. Please take care of her, okay? I know that I don't have emough time anymore... I'm glad that Juvia found someone who can be by her side. Please don't leave her, okay?"

I felt sad and happy at the same time because she entrusted me Juvia... But when she said that she doesn't have long, that made me uneasy.

"... I will, mom. I will never leave Juvia."


Hey guys. what's up? (^___^)

It's been awhile guys! I missed you so much! I'm sorry that I didn't update this last week or yesterday.

I'm having love problems. 💔

Haha, it's hard. Ang hirap umasa lalo na't nagbibigay si crush ng motibo sayo palagi.

And my crush and I have a picture.

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