Chapter 43: Expectations vs. Reality

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Before starting this chapter, I want to show you the artworks of one of the readers here! This was made in one of the scenes in Chapter 40! ♥

Thank you very much to Pikachu150 ! I LOVE YOU! IT LOOKS REALLY GREAT! <3 :))

This chapter is dedicated to you~ ♥


Juvia's POV

"Gray-sama, what did mom say to you?"


I pouted as he continued on driving and ignored me again. I kept on asking him about what he talked about with mom earlier because mom was crying when I got back to her hospital room. I had asked her about the reason but she only said that it was nothing.

"Gray-sama, I'll open this door and jump if you won't tell me the reason." I said seriously.

He sighed and replied, "Juvia... It's nothing, seriously. Please stop pestering me about it."

"But..." I pouted again and stared at him driving casually. I was just curious. What if mom told him embarrassing stories of me when I was a kid? Like when I suddenly slapped my teacher's face? Or when I slipped on the floor and everyone saw my strawberries patterned underwear?




I would die of shame.

"Okay... But is it about me when I was a kid?" I asked and prepared myself for his answer. If it is about it, then I would walk to the bridge and jump.

"Nope." He simply answered.

I sighed in relief and rested my back on the seat. Well at least, Juvia won't have to kill herself. And it's not like she'll do it for real though.

She opened her phone and it's already past 9 in the evening. We already had dinner earlier and all's that left is to go home and rest. Tomorrow, we'll need to pack our things since the next day after tomorrow is the day when we'll all go to Canada.

"... Juvia."

"Yes, hubby?" Juvia directly asked.




Realizing what I just said... I quickly covered my mouth and felt my cheeks reddening. Oh no! Okay, that just slipped out from my mouth. It wasn't intentional! W-W-What should J-Juvia d-do?

He blushed a little and spared me a glance. "... Sheesh, Juvia. You're making me nervous here."

"J-Juvia is nervous too!" Juvia said and looked at the other side, trying to look away from his face. "S-Sorry for calling you that..."

"Nah, I like it better." I heard him said that and afterwards, he chuckled. "Anyways, what I wanted to say— No, ask is..."

And I waited in anticipation for his question.

"Do you want to sleep at my house for today?"

And again, I blushed a million shades of red and felt my heart racing, making me feel that it wants to get out and jump. I laughed nervously at his question and said, "I-I d-don't mind but... W-Why?"

"Nothing. I just want to sleep with you, that's all." He answered with a straight face.

How come he doesn't get embarrassed after saying that?


(A/N: Things might get hot... Nah, I'm kidding. 😂 Not yet prepared to write those things.)

We just arrived at his house and he was busy turning off the engine of his car to see me clinging onto the seatbelt in nervousness.

I-It's n-not like i-it's our first time to sleep n-next to each other in o-one bed. I-It's just that... It made me a lot nervous today than the last time for an unknown reason.


I flinched and asked while stuttering, "Y-Y-Yes??"

He furrowed his eyebrows in front of me and asked, "... Is something wrong? You seem kind of odd today."

Juvia laughed nervously and avoided his gaze. Okay, how come he doesn't notice that Juvia is nervous? "N-Nothing's wrong at all. Juvia was just thinking about something."

He seemed confused at first but I gestured that I'm fine. He shrugged and gets out of the car and I did the same thing as well.

By the time he got next to me, he was already holding my hand and he intertwined it with his. He leads me inside his house— Okay, stop. That sounded so wrong.

As usual, his place is clean and everything is so freaking organized. One time, Juvia is going to make Gray-sama her own maid/butler and make him clean Juvia's house.

"Juvia, I'm going to do something here downstairs. You can go upstairs already and take a bath. Just use my clothes in my closet. I don't mind." He said while eyeing me.

"W-What??" I asked and gulped afterwards. J-Juvia is going to u-use his clothes?? No, Juvia is not choosy but isn't this a dream come true? ♥ "O-Okay then."

He leans in and gave me a quick kiss on my lips before letting go of my hand and proceeding to somewhere else. "I'll meet with you upstairs later."

I took a deep breath before turning to the stairs that leads to upstairs and then I went up. I went inside the room of Gray-sama and this time, the covers of his bed was different. It is now colored in white. The last time I went here, the color was gray.

S-So neat...

I shrugged my thoughts off and went inside and closed the door. My eyes darted towards the photo albums I saw last time. I frowned as I remembered what's inside it. I want to check the other albums but... Gray-sama might caught me checking it out this time.

I avoided looking at the albums and went to his closet. It was darn big. I opened it up and saw his suits, his t-shirts, pants, shorts, sweats, almost everything! A-And... Even his... U-Underwear...

I blushed again and avoided staring at it so much. I feel like a pervert at this point. I casually grabbed shorts and a t-shirt before closing it.


The bath felt nice.

I'm now wearing a towel as I just got out of his bathroom. I was drying my hair when I got out while using another towel.

I sighed a little as I sat down on his bed and continued on drying up my own hair. Still, I wonder why he asked me to have a sleepover at his house today? Is he scared of something— No, definitely not that. We're talking about Gray-sama here.

So then why?




Is it... THAT?

W-Wait, I'm not mentally and physically prepared for t-that! I tried to calm myself down as unnecessary thoughts kept on rushing into my mind.

Maybe it's not about that at all. It's still early for us to do it. But then again, Natsu and Lucy did it on their first week of being a couple, same goes for Gajeel and Levy, except for Jellal and Erza. It's not my fault that they kept telling me about it.

"Oh no... What should I do if it's about that?" I asked myself and stood up from his bed.

Gray-sama is still a guy no matter what and he needs that in his life but... But... I'm not prepared and I'm a little scared— No, scratch that. I'm scared of it a LOT.

I sighed and slapped myself twice. "Juvia Lockser, please stop thinking about those things. It won't help you out."

Good thing I was already wearing my underwear inside so I opened my towel casually and let it fall on the floor. I can't use Gray-sama's underwear, you know and he doesn't even have a bra.

When I was in the middle of putting his shirt, I was—

"Juvia, I—"

I looked at the guy by the door and we both stared at each other. While it continued to process on my mind, my cheeks felt really, really hot as I grabbed a bottle of lotion and threw it on Gray-sama's forehead.



"WAAHH! I-I'm really sorry about this, Gray-sama!" I said as I held onto the ice pack I brought from the kitchen on his head. And she's already wearing the shirt and shorts she got from Gray-sama's closet. The shorts were slightly short and his shirt was big that it stopped above my knees and covered the shorts I was wearing. It was a little embarrassing, to be honest.

He got a slight bump on his forehead because of the lotion I threw earlier. He winced in pain when I tried touching it. "O-Ow..."

I frowned and didn't touch it instead. He was lying down on his bed while I sat down and continued on treating his injuries. "I'm sorry... It wasn't intentional— Well, it is intentional but—"

"You should've locked the door, Juvia." He said casually.

"You should've knocked on the door as well, Gray-sama."




"... Point taken. I'll do it next time but also lock the door." He said and that statement made me giggle.

But a question popped into my mind. I removed the ice pack from his forehead and looked at him with a questioning look. "Gray-sama, did you see it?"

Well, the towel I used was on the floor and I was only wearing my pair of underwear that time so he must've...

He looked away with a slight blush rising from his cheeks and said, "... Uh... Sorry but... Yeah."

I blushed again and I put the ice pack on his forehead. Well, it's only Gray-sama so it's fine. I would've killed the person who opened it if it's not Gray-sama. "... It's fine. What's done is done."

"No, it's not. I hope things won't get awkward after this." He said and sighed afterwards.

I flinched when he started sitting up on the bed but I stopped him by touching him on both of his shoulders. "Gray-sama, you shouldn't yet. You still have that bump on your forehead."

I gulped when he looked at me from head to toe. A-Are we going to do it? "... My shirt looks big on you and aren't you wearing anything below?"

"J-Juvia is wearing shorts but the shirt was too big so it covered it up." Juvia answered.

I flinched when he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and he pulled me closer to his chest as he rests his chin on my right shoulder. "... You still look beautiful even if you're wearing my clothes."

Juvia blushed again at his compliment and said, "G-Gray-sama, you're making Juvia embarrassed again..."

He backs his head and looks at me in my eyes again. For a moment, I saw it twinkled a little. He tightened his grip on my waist as he leans in.

I closed my eyes when I felt his lips against mine. I-Is this it? Are we really going to do it? I don't know the signs of doing it because I didn't have a boyfriend before. I unconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued to kiss.

He lets go after 2 minutes and I breathed heavily and he did the same. "... I'll just take a bath. You can sleep now if you want." He said casually as he removes his arms from my waist.

I removed my arms from his neck as well. "Okay, Gray-sama."

He gave me a small smile before giving me another kiss on my lips and he finally gets up and goes to the bathroom.

I held onto my chest where my heart is and felt it racing so fast. I actually expected that we were going to do it but I'm glad that we didn't because I'm still not prepared. I think he noticed that.

What a great guy indeed.


For Japanese couples, it's actually normal for them to do it already if you didn't know.

Mashima himself colored and translated that~ 😍😍

Hope you enjoyed this chapter~ ♥

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