Chapter 56: Reason

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Me right now: [literally]

I FINALLY UPDATED THIS STORY! Sorry for such a long wait! I was more active in youtube than here hahaha. I'm sorry. And I was busy with watching animes.


Mira's POV

"Does she like chocolates? How about flowers? If so, what kind? What color does she like? Is she allergic to some food? If so, please tell me. And what..."

Blah, blah, blah.

This white-haired guy over here keeps on blabbering his mouth and questions me about Meredy. Geez. A few days ago, he was still into Juvia but after meeting my friend, he totally fell for her.

And he's such a friendly guy. Did you guys know? After our meeting that day, he offered to give her a ride home but she declined because she still needs to run her errands. And you know what happened next? Lyon accompanied her on her errands.

He's that desperate.

Not that he's different from me.

"CALM down, Lyon." I finally let out and he did become quiet, which surprised me because usually, he would still continue on talking nonsense. I rubbed my temples.

He became an obedient person.

Oh my.

And he's even holding a paper and pen with the questions he's asking me written down!

"Seriously, Lyon?" I asked.

"What? I'm just curious, okay? I want to get to know her better..." He said and scratched his cheek. He's embarrassed about the fact that he's becoming more and more like a stalker.

"You know what, this won't work." I said and thought up of something that would help increase his relationship with Meredy. "Hmm... How about I set you and her up? I'll tell Meredy that you need help with your clothes. She is a fashion designer after all. I'll just tell her that I recommened her. Sounds good?"

"DEFINITELY!" He nodded a million— no, trillion of times.

"But," I said, cutting his excitement. "You better make sure that you can talk to her normally, not like this or not like that time when Juvia's around. She get easily freaked out of guys like that so learn to calm down and take it easy for awhile."

"Hm, noted." He said and writes it down on his paper.

"You should also think of topics, okay? And talk to her as if you're talking to me."

His eyebrows creased. "What? You want me to joke around with her? And even insult her? Heck no."

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT, YOU IDIOT!" I shouted and some of the people inside the room looked at us but when I gave them one look, they all turned around. Tsk.

"Anyway, I meant it like this. Normal, as if we're friends— Uh, are we friends or frienemies? Never mind that but I hope you get my point."

"Yes, I get it. I got it all noted." He replied and gave me a thumbs-up. He smiled while he was looking at the notes he had taken down. This is new.

"Say," I said. "How come you changed from Juvia to Meredy— real quick? I mean like, you haven't even gotten to know Meredy but you suddenly... switched to her and abandoned your love for Juvia?"

"Mira, I already knew right from the very beginning— even before my cousin realized his feeling for her, that I don't have a chance. This past few days, I've been secretly trying to move on from Juvia. Yeah, I'm doing that to stop getting hurt. It was hard, sure but the pain was worth it."

He smiled again as he reminisces. "Becoming Juvia's friend is enough for me and knowing that her boyfriend is someone I could entrust her to, I think that it was time to let go. I'm not yet in love with Meredy. I was just— you know, like when you first met Laxus. That electric feeling in your gut that you can't even explain why it's happening to you."

I paused. "I know that feeling."

"It's hard to explain." He said and sighed. "But yeah, that's that."

I laughed a little. "Isn't it so weird that we're having this kind of conversation right now? We usually would be brawling and noisy."

"I don't know," He chuckled and wiped a tear that almost came out from his eye from doing so. "Maybe you're starting to become nice to me because I'm going to leave."

And with that, I frowned. The feeling of happiness that was within me earlier drowned.

He's just a friend, okay? Nothing more. I'm just sad at the fact that I won't get to argue with someone who's just like me.


Gray's POV

"Gray, I want to tell you that the mall that you've been working on finally done, bro!" Natsu yelled so I backed away a little from my phone. "I just got a phone call from my coworkers there! A lot of people have been coming in and out. It's a successful business!"

"Is that so?" I asked. Ah, it's done. I didn't think that it would be this soon.

"By the way, why were you so eager about making this mall?" He suddenly asked. "All those paper works that you've been working on for months... That you even told Juvia that you're busy whenever she's asking you to go out... They're all about this mall, right? Why are you so obsessed of it?"

"I don't want to tell you but I can say that it's a childish dream of mine." I bluntly said after thinking about the reason why I'm building the mall.

"A childish dream? What do you mean by that—"

I hung up on him. Ugh, he never stops talking so I'm glad that I did hang up. It felt nostalgic though. The reason why I'm so obsessed with it is just simple.

It was one of my goals ever since I was 4.


"Sweetie, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Mom asked while I was coloring on my coloring book. She was busy cleaning the table and dad was out, as usual.

"Mom, I want to be like dad! I want to become a successful man like him and build a mall in America!" I adore dad so much. He's an amazing person and a hardworking one at that.

"A mall? Why?"

"I read... Your diary, mom." I said embarrassingly. "It was stated there that one of your dreams with dad is building a mall that reminds you of how you first met each other— In other words, a mall that looks like a school outside."

She stopped cleaning and looked at me with awe. "Y-You...?"

"It was a unique idea! Though, I wonder why you guys didn't continue it..." I said and scratched my head. "But never mind that because I will build it for you, mom!"

Mom started tearing up and dropped the rag that she was using to clean the table. She runs to me and pulls me into her arms. "Oh, Gray!"


That was all I could remember.

I did it mom.

Even if she already died, I still continued on pursuing her dream— their dream because I promised her and it was one of my goals and there's no way that I could ever abandon it.

A school-like mall but it's not a school.

It's confusing me too, don't worry.

"Gray-sama~♥" Juvia appeared behind me suddenly and wraps her arms around me. "You're finally done with your work!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry if it took so long." I said and kissed her hand that was near my face.

Juvia gave me a new life. Without her, I don't know what I will do. She was always there for me and she never gives up. She was different from Ultear.

I promise to never lose her.


Ultear's POV

"Mom, dad! I'm glad that you're back in Japan!" I said excitedly as I ran up and hugged them both as soon as they got out of the airlines.

"Ultear, I'm also glad that you look well, my dear." Mom said and gave me a kiss on my head while she's at it.

Dad chuckled. I let go of them both and helped them carry their luggages. While we were walking, some tried to interview dad and take pictures of him but thankfully, dad has a bodyguard to take care of all that.

Well, duh. He's like, one of the richest man in the world.

"Ultear, have you told him already?" Dad suddenly asked.

"Not yet. I haven't been getting a hold of him. I couldn't even make an appointment so I don't know how but I'll think of something." I said.

I once tried to make an apointment there but as soon as I touched the pen, the lady there told me that I should leave because Gray's too busy and that his schedule is already filled up.

It sounded suspicious but I let it slide.

"Perhaps, I should help you." He said. "Should we talk to him together?"

"I don't know if that's the best choice dad. For as long as I can remember, he loathes you for leaving him and his mother for us." I was straightforward there.

Who knew that I would be one of the reasons why my ex hates his dad?

I didn't know. I didn't even know that we were siblings the moment my mom got remarried to a man called Silver. I didn't know his surname by that time but a week before I broke up with Gray, I realized that it was Gray's father.


Hopefully, I can finally finish this story within this summer! 😊

And I have two questions for you guys:

1.) Should Juvia's mother die?

2.) Is One Piece or Pokemon worth watching?

Er, the second one is random. I want to watch both of them but I think it's impossible because they both have like, 800+ episodes? So I'm using this chance to survey you guys HAHAHA!

And, I'm just gonna share this to you guys...

Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs) and Orihara Izaya (Durarara!!) are both cool, handsome and they're like husband material. ♥

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