Chapter 57: Wedding Invitation

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I finally updated after many times of thinking the story thoroughly omg. *---*

I actually have the ending in mind now already but I'm just filling the in-between gaps to complete it. (And no, it's not gonna end with a child already.) *snickers*

Oh wait,— I know what you're thinking and it's not a lemon. ;)

Juvia's POV

"November 15?" I asked while rereading this white envelope on my hand while drinking iced tea.

"Yes, yes! It's next year and I'm inviting both you and Gray there!" Lucy said excitedly as she drinks her strawberry shake. "He's your partner. And I think, there might be a commotion while the wedding is on-going 'cause you know? Gray's famous and all."

"Ah, we got used to it already." Juvia said and laughed while remembering the times whenever Gray-sama walks on the road, some would even look back just to take a good look of him.

"I still want to congratulate you again, Lucy! Congratulations! I'm extremely happy about the wedding!" I said and squealed. They're finally getting married.

"Thank you, thank you!" She laughs and wipes the small tears that formed on her eyes. "I wonder who's next?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I blushed a little and avoided eye contact with her. I know what she's thinking right now. "S-Stop it. We've only been dating for 3 weeks now."

"But if marriage comes up for the two of you, will you marry him?"

I put my hands on the table and stood up with hearts on my eyes. "YES! YES! YES!"

Lucy seemed stunned and she looked around the cafe and noticed that almost everybody looked at us when I shouted. I blushed again in embarrassment and sat down and started drinking my iced tea again.

"I-I mean, i-it would be nice... You know, to marry him. I wouldn't mind it." I said calmly.

"Hmm, should we have a double wedding then?" She smirked.

"H-He didn't propose, okay??" I uttered and sighed, not in disappointment. "Honestly, I think the next one who's gonna get married is Levy."

"Ah, they just had a fight two days ago." She suddenly blurted out. "I think they're sorting things out right now."

"Really? I do hope that they're gonna be okay..." I said. Those two rarely fights because Gajeel would always give in to Levy and lower his pride. Same goes to Levy if Gajeel's the one who's angry.

"Speaking of Levy, we still have to visit Erza's house today, right??" Lucy reminded me.

"Oh no, you're right!" It's Saturday today and Erza invited us to her house, along with Levy to have a get-together because it has been awhile since the four of us hung out with each other.

Besides, Jellal's out while hanging out with his cousin, whoever that is.

We quickly got out of the cafe and went inside Lucy's pink car that was parked in front of the place. Wanna know why it's pink? Because it reminds her of Natsu's hair. Cheesy.


Fernandez Residence

"Ah, finally you two are here." Erza said when she opened the door to their house. Their shop is closed for now because of our little get-together.

We were supposed to meet up at exactly 12:30 but now, it's like 1:47 because Lucy and I had too much talk at the cafe. I wonder why we're always hanging out at a cafe?

My lowers lowered down at Erza's tummy and saw a small bump on it. "Woah, it's really getting big oh my."

Lucy laughed at my childishness and puts her hand on Erza's tummy and gently runs her hand through it. "Ah, a small living human in her tummy. I wonder, when will I have that as well?"

"That's a pretty weird way to describe it." Erza giggled. "You can just ask Natsu, you know."

"I can't—!" Lucy said and folds her arms across her chest. "Natsu's been too busy at work lately and we rarely hang out."

"But you're going to get married to him in a month so that might change." I winked at her. Gray-sama's been busy lately as well. I guess he's been working with Natsu on something.

"Wait, you two should get inside. We can't continue on talking here outside." Erza suggested and laughed a little afterwards. "Levy's already in there."

We agreed with her and went inside the house. As expected, the house is really clean,— but Gray-sama's house is cleaner. There were 2 boxes of strawberry cake on the table and we saw Levy staring at her phone while sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Levy-chan~ I've missed you!" Lucy pounced on Levy and gives her a big hug. She rubs her cheeks against Levy's and looked like a cat.

"Lu-chan! That tickles!"

I laughed at their cuteness. I remembered back then that I used to get jealous of Levy because she got closer to my best friend, Lucy, but it all changed when we grew up and we even became great friends.

Erza came afterwards with a tray. On top of it were 4 slices of strawberry cake and 4 drinks. She really loves strawberry cakes. She never tried a different flavor and if you somehow smash her cake, she'd go crazy and cry for weeks.

I even remembered that time when I was a kid, she gave me a strawberry patterned underwear as a gift!

Hmm, I wonder why I'm reminiscing while looking at the three of them, having fun?

Ah, I really missed hanging out with these three.


Gray's POV

"Gray, as in, STOP walking around your office! I'm getting dizzy just by looking at you!" Mira complained as dhe continued on reading the daily newspaper that was on my desk earlier.

"But I—"

"Yes, I know. You miss Juvia and you couldn't just say no when she told you that she's going to hang out with her friends for the rest of the day." She continued on what I was supposed to say.

H-How did she even know that?

"You know, you two should get hitched already. Go propose to her." She suggested.

"That's going a bit too fast, don't you think?" I asked. She might get creeped out of me if I proposed too early. I should just wait for the right time and right moment.

"Nah, I don't think so." She said. "And you're talking to the love expert here! There are couples out there who gets married early even if they only just started going out!"

"Right, and this love expert can't hang out with Laxus at the moment because he is busy at work." I teased while pointing at her.

She frowns and cries a little. "WAH! You're so bad, Gray! You know that, right??"

"Yeah, I'm so aware. And what are you even doing at my office? You should go back to your desk and finish all of your paper works." I reminded her. She's been hanging out on my office since morning and it looked like she's bugged by something.

And it's all because of Laxus, the lucky guy. (Insert sarcasm)

"I already finished my work for the day," She said and sighed. Wait, when did she start them? "I'm just bored, okay?? Laxus is not here, Juvia and Lyon are out and I'm—"

"Wait, did you just say Lyon?" I asked, checking if I heard her right.

She nodded. "Yeah, he's out for the day."


"He's on a date with my friend, Meredy. Although, I wouldn't call it a date."

It looks like he finally gave up on my Juvia. Ah, finally. But secretly, I hope it goes well witht his Meredy girl. He's been hopeless lately and he's getting ready to go back to his company by 2 weeks from now.

*opens the door*
"Gray-sama, I'm here!"

I widened my eyes as I looked at the door. I swear I just heard the door opened and Juvia's voice. And even footsteps!

But she wasn't there. The door was closed as well.

I looked at Mira and she had a devilish grin on her face. Her phone was raised a little. "Pfft—! I can't believe you actually fell for that HAHAHA! I'm so glad I recorded this one."

They're all just sound effects?!

I glared at her and felt my hope crushed into tiny pieces.


Ultear's POV

"A meeting with Mr. Gray Fullbuster, ma'am?" The lady at the counter asked me while she was typing on the computer about something.

"Yes, I am Ultear Milkovich from Mr. Silver Fullbuster's company." I introduced again myself to her. "I want my appointment scheduled as soon as possible.

"Right. I've confirmed that you're on Mr. Silver's company. The only vacant time on Mr. Gray's schedule is a week from now. Will you still take that chance?"

A week from now...

"Yeah, do it." I said and left her without hearing what she has to say about the time.

I can just email her later at home. I can't believe that I'm finally going to talk to Gray again and I hope that this will go well.

I'm going to reveal everything.


This is like a filler chapter, except at the last part. Hehe.

I'm sorry for not updating as fast as I could! I've been getting a lot of headaches for this week and I've been sleepless lately. I sometimes edit on my laptop for stress relief and so on.

I'm really not fast at watching One Piece. 😂 I'm stuck at episode 61 because I started Hunter x Hunter (again) and Pokemon and Lovely Complex (again) and—

Luffy is so me and Zoro represents the animes.

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