Chapter 61: Out

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Let's start the countdown... until the last chapter...

This is 10. 🤗

I have a crappy writing, I'm so sorry. But it's all planned now. All that's left is for me to write it. :>

Juvia's POV

"Juvia, does this look okay?" Lucy asked while she showed me a really frilly wedding gown and twirled around.

It's been a couple of months and yes, their wedding is next month, finally! And since I'm her bridesmaid, I'm helping her pick up a dress for her wedding day.

"Hmm... Nope." I bluntly said. There's just something about the dress she's wearing now. It doesn't look okay.

She pouted and shrugs, "Well, I'm gonna pick another gown. Just wait there, okay? It won't take long, I'm sure."

Not. It actually took her 30 minutes to wear the gown she's wearing right now but I don't mind since today's Sunday and I don't have work. Gray-sama's with Natsu because they're gonna pick his tuxedo.

But later afternoon, we're going to the hospital together to get mom. Yes, she's finally getting out of the hospital and she's gonna attend Lucy's wedding.

I giggled as she went inside the dressing room when she found another gown.

Juvua grabbed her phone while waiting and scrolled through her contacts. Juvia actually became good friends with Meredy for some reason.

We hang out with each other every now and then and what's cute is that, she realized that she's in love with Lyon but doesn't know how to confess haha.

So, Mira-san's been encouraging Lyon to confess to her ever since.

I called her and I put my phone near my ear while I'm waiting for her to answer. A couple of minutes later, she picked up, "Juvia?"

"So how's your date with Lyon?" I asked while smirking a little. She's on a little date with him today and it's hard to even think that they're not going out.

"S-Shh...! It's going well though... Uh, how about you? How's it going with Lucy's dress?" She asked.

Actually, they're invited to Lucy's wedding as well since Lucy is friends with Lyon. Ah, I suddenly remembered the time when she set me up for a blind date. Well, if it weren't for that date, I wouldn't have met Lyon.

"Hmm..." I looked at the dressing room. "It's going... Okay? She's still not done."

"I hope that she can finally pick up a dress." I heard her sighing on the phone. Well, I've been coming here everyday because of Lucy.

"Yeah, I hope so." I sighed as well and continued, "Well, I'm gonna hang up. I'm just asking how are you today because I know that you're a tad nervous. Bye bye!"

"Hmp, bye! It's true though."

And she ended the call.

"Juvia, Juvia!" I quickly looked at the dressing room again and saw Lucy wearing another... Uh, a flashy wedding dress. She looked happy about it though. "How about this one?? Does this look okay?"

I gave her a thumbs-down. I just got to be honest always.




Natsu and Lucy ran to each other and hugged like they didn't see each other this morning. *barf*

I giggled at them. They're going to get married but they still act like little kids. Natsu suddenly whispered something in her ear and she slapped him in the face while blushing.

I wonder what he whispered though?


I flinched when I felt his arm wrapping around my waist as he gives me a small kiss on my forehead. "Is Lucy done with the dress now?"

"... Y-Yes..." I said as I took a glance at him. He's wearing his reading glasses even if he's not reading right now.

And he's actually wearing the clothes I picked for him back in Paris. I awed at him. I wonder why he wore that though. It's only November and it's not that cold.

"How about Natsu?"

"You know that guy, he's not picky." He said and stared at the arguing couple. "He just wore one tuxedo and that's it, it's done so I didn't have a hard time handling him."

"Ah... Lucy wore at least 15 dresses..." I said. And it's for 30 minutes each.

He chuckled and pinched my cheeks lightly. "At least she has the dress that she wants now."


We looked at the two of them and was surprised that they're glaring at us. I don't even know why they're glaring though. We didn't do anything.

"Uhm, get a room." Natsu said and waves his hand, telling us to go. He looked super disgusted, ugh.

"Hey, at least we didn't hug each other like there's no tomorrow in front of other people." Gray-sama said and stuck his tongue at Natsu.

He and Lucy automatically blushed and scratched their heads in embarrassment.

"Well, we gotta go now. We still have to go and fetch Juvia's mother." Gray-sama said while looking super disgusted at the two right now. I laughed silently so he wouldn't hear it.

"Okay, thanks for accompanying the both of us separately." Lucy said and winked at me.

"It's no problem! There's no need to thank us." I said before looking at Gray-sama and Natsu, who are glaring at each other at the moment.

Juvia thinks that this is the first time she saw them arguing...


"My, my. I told you Juvia that I can go home by myself." Mom said weakly and laughed.

The doctor said that her condition is fine and that she can go home now and recuperate but she's not allowed to be energetic always because her health is not yet fully back to normal. But, knowing that she can go home now is enough.

"There's no way that I can let you go home all alone." I said sternly.

Gray-sama carefully pushes the wheelchair near his car. He gets his car key and pressed it so we can open and get inside his car. I opened the door at the backseat while he helps mom get up from the wheelchair.

"Uhm, Mrs. Lockser, I—"

"Gray, I already told you to call me mom." My mom said to him with a smile.

I looked at Gray-sama and saw that he was blushing a little. He scratched his cheek before saying, "I-I'm sorry, mom... I'm going to carry you so that you can sit comfortably in the car."

Mom silently nodded as Gray-sama carries her gently in his arms. Mom's not that heavy so I'm sure that he could manage. I can carry mom too, actually.

"I'm sorry for being a burden to you guys always." Mom said as he puts her gently and carefully inside the car.

Gray-sama puts a seatbelt around mom before saying, "You're not a burden mom. I would feel guilty if we left you all alone today."

I find myself smiling at Gray-sama before going to the front seat. I'm glad that he doesn't have any trouble communicating with mom, considering that his own mom died in front of him.

I frowned and mentally slapped myself to reality. I have no right to feel pity for him because he's fine now.

After he returned the wheelchair inside the hospital, he hops unto the car and starts it as we drove off slowly for mom to adjust. She's not used to cars ever since dad died so you can say that this is her first time again.

"So Lucy's finally going to get married, right?" Mom suddenly asks.

"Yes, mom. It's next month," I answered. "We also picked out a dress for you to wear, mom, so you wouldn't have to worry."

"That fast?" She asked and giggles a little. I can see why mom is named Rainbow.  It's because she shows us that she's always happy and she looks so pretty whenever she smiles.

I once thought of it as a weird name before but after I got to know my mother better, I realized that it's actually a really nice name.

"So, when are you two going to get married?"

"Come again?"

"Well, you've been dating for quite a long time now, right?" Mom asks and laughs afterwards. "I was just curious about the date of your wedding day."

I felt my cheeks burning up and I saw that Gray-sama was the same as well. "M-M-Mom, w-we haven't talked about it..." yet.

"Oh, is that so?" She asked in disappointment. Ugh, I'm guessing the reason why mom wants me to get married so quickly is because she wants grandchildren.

I laughed and looked at the window instead. That was an awkward topic. Sure, we've been dating for like, 7 months now and counting but we haven't talked about taking another step in our relationship.

I feel like Gray-sama doesn't want to...

"Gray, I want a boy and a girl, okay?"

I blushed even more and looked at mom, who's smirking evilly. "Mom...! Gray-sama's driving so we should be quiet and please worry about your health."

"What? I'm just saying..." Mom defended and pouted. Why do I look like I'm the one who bullied her?

I sighed in relief before looking at him. His bangs were covering his eyes so I couldn't picture out the emotion he's feeling right now. I saw his adam's apple moved before saying,

"Y-Yes, mom. Noted."

Mom smiled in success while I stared at him in shock. What is he saying right now?!


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