Chapter 62: Leaving

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Lyon's POV

"Huh? Yeah, yeah... Hm, the flight tomorrow is at 10:00 A.M, right?" I asked the person I'm talking to through my phone. I was fixing up my clothes and things in my luggage bag so that I can go tomorrow without any worries.

"... Okay... Ah, don't worry about it... Well, I don't miss you. Bye." I said and hung up. Unfortunately, the guy's my childhood friend ugh. And a clingy one.

I closed the zipper on my luggage when I was done. Tomorrow, I'll be leaving Japan. It's really time for me to go and leave... It was supposed to be 8 months ago but I didn't because of Juvia-chan.


If I could, I would've stayed but this time, it's for Meredy.

I sighed as I plopped on top of my bed and just stared at my ceiling, without doing anything. I usually do this whenever I'm thinking about something hard.

Now that I think about it, I haven't confessed to her, have I?

But she might be in love with someone else...




I grabbed my phone and started finding Meredy in my contacts. Ever since that moment with Juvia-chan, I realized that loving a person isn't all about his/her answer. It's about fighting, like even if you know you don't have a chance, you still tried your best for him/her to accept your feelings.

You won't love a person easily just because of chances. Timing and spirit counts.

I quickly dialed her phone number and I put my phone on my ear. A little while, she picked it up, "Hello? Lyon?"

Hearing her voice really soothes me. "Hey, Meredy... I know it's already afternoon but do you have time? I want to spend time with you a little longer before I leave."

"A-Ah... Yes, of course, Lyon. I have time. Where should we meet up?"

"Remember the place where I told you I'd go with you to the hospital? Let's just go there, the park." I said as I checked the time. It's 6:12 in the evening.

"Park? Okay then. I'll meet you there in half an hour." She replied.

"Okay then..." I said and whispered the next, "I miss you." And before I could hear her answer, I hung up on her. I didn't want to hear it yet.

I should become a man and confess, before it's too late. It's time, after all.


"HEY, Lyon! I'm sorry if I took so long!" Meredy shouted as she ran towards me while trying to catch her breath. She looked breathtaking in her white dress and pink cardigan.

I gulped when she sat next to me on the bench. I started sweating. I shouldn't be this nervous.

"Don't worry about it, I just got here as well." I honestly said.

She gave me a light smile before looking around the park. "This place seems nostalgic, right?" I flinched when she suddenly puts her head on my shoulder. She always do this whenever it's just the two of us around.


"Have you packed everything that you need for tomorrow?" She suddenly asked.

"Yes, I've packed them already." I replied before putting my head against hers, but lightly. "Will you go to the airport as well?"

"Well, of course I will." She muttered and I saw her playing with her fingers on her lap. "Juvia and the others will be there to see you off, right? I want to see you off as well."


I honestly didn't want any of them at the airport because I know that I'll breakdown. I've been hanging out with them for a year or more so it's hard. I can't make any more excuses to dad anymore.

"Listen, Meredy... I—"

"Lyon, I have something to give to you."

I looked at her as she removes her head from my shoulder and gets something from her white shoulder bag. She hands me a snowflake cellphone keychain. It's colored light blue with a mix of green.

She smiled sweetly and said, "I was thinking of something I could give you before you go and this is what I bought. It somehow reminded me of you, Lyon."

It's definitely my style.

I returned her smile before wrapping my fingers around the keychain. "I'll cherish this... Thank you, Meredy."

Her face became blank and said, "Why did you sound ungrateful?"

"W-What?! No, I'm really grateful."

She grins at me before putting her head on my shoulder again. I sighed in relief when she did that. "Ne Lyon... I have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

"What if I said... I want to go with you tomorrow? Will you allow me?"

I turned my eyes to her and for some reason, words couldn't go out from my mouth. Just the thought of her, going with me, is just practically beautiful and better. But I can't be selfish and force her to go.

"I'm just kidding! Sheesh, what's with the silent treatment?" She said and even stomped her feet on the ground.

"I-I was just taken aback, don't worry." I said and gulped afterwards.

"By the way, what were you saying earlier?"

Ah, she heard me. Damn.

I gulped again. I think she noticed my nervousness because she suddenly removes her head from my shoulder again to look at me closely. I couldn't even look at her in the eyes.

I confessed to Juvia-chan easily but why can't I towards Meredy?!

I took a deep breath before standing up with my hands inside my pants' pocket. I turned to her, to face her. I reminded myself, it's now or never, a lot of times. She looked confused right now.

"Meredy... I have something to tell you."


"... When I first met you, you looked stunningly beautiful and I wanted to get to know you better so I asked help from Mira and we became close." I started, trying to look at her in the eyes. "I wouldn't say that I chose to become closer to you just because of your looks... It felt different— way more than that. And then, it clicked. It was love at first sight."

"It really felt different from the other girls I've liked. It felt different with you. There's this... Feeling I've been building up ever since that day. Every time we hang out, I always feel happy. And then, when I learned about your sickness, I have this feeling inside of me that I want to protect and cherish you forever."

"I've been meaning to tell you this but I couldn't find the right chance... But now, it's now or never." I said and took a deep breath again. "Meredy... I love you... I love you so much, more than my own life, no joke intended. I really love you..."

Her eyes widened and she gaped. She couldn't say anything and I think that she's surprised. It is a sudden confession.

I chuckled as I leaned at her and gave her a light kiss on her forehead. "You don't have to answer just yet... I just want you to become aware of my feelings right now."

"I-I-I... L-Lyon... Um..."

"Well, its getting late. We should go home now. I need to wake up early haha." I said and laughed a little. "Come, I'll walk you home."

She blushed a little before nodding. It's a short time... But it's better than not hanging out with her.

She's still speechless. I guess she didn't feel the same way about me... It doesn't matter anymore though. At least, she knows.


"Um, seriously... It's not like I'm going to die." I said and sweat dropped at all of them.

Juvia-chan, Gray, Mira and her boyfriend, Laxus, Lucy, Natsu, and some of their friends namely Levy, Gajeel, Erza and Jellal are here and they all have bouquet of white flowers in their hands.

And of all colors, they chose WHITE.

I sighed before messing my hair in frustration. "You guys... Seriously, ugh."

"But you'll come back before Lucy's wedding, right?" Juvia-chan asked and frowned afterwards.

All I need to do is update my parents about all sort of things and then I'll go back here just to attend Lucy's wedding. And afterwards, I'll go back again at my parents side— What a messy trip it is.

"Yeah, so I told all of you that you didn't need to come." I said and sighed again. "Now, I'm feeling emotional..."

"Hn, I didn't want to come but Mira and Juvia said—" Gray was stopped from talking when Mira suddenly slapped him at his cheek. When he looked at her while glaring, she started to look innocent.

"It was nice meeting you, Lyon." Levy said and smiled. "I really hope that you have a nice trip and take care always, okay?"

"Gi-hee, better listen to her." Gajeel said before wrapping his arm around his girlfriend.

"L-Lyon..." Lucy said before walking towards me. Some of her tears started flowing out from her eyes before saying, "Y-You should really take care of yourself, okay?! Be careful out there in the sky..."

What am I, a kid?

I chuckled as I pat her at her head and said, "I will, I guess."

I flinched when Natsu suddenly hugged Lucy and was glaring at me. "Hey! No touchy-touchies to my honey, hmp!"

"Gross," Gray commented. He ruffled his hair before looking at me with a bored look. "Uh... Good luck."

It sounded bad luck.

"Gray-sama, you should say some good things to Lyon once in a while!" Juvia-chan said before pouting at her boyfriend.

"But he's coming back in 3 weeks or so. There's no need for that."

She sighed before looking at me with her usual smile. "Lyon... Thank you for everything. You should come back, okay? And take care of your health while you're away."

I smiled and nodded at her. "Yes, I will Juvia-chan."

Gray twitched his eyes at me after I said that. I just stuck my tongue at him. I'm not really comfortable around possessive boyfriends.

I looked at Mira, who was silent all throughout the day. She wouldn't even talk to me since last week. She even avoided me when I was going to talk to her, jeez.

I sighed before walking towards her. "Hey, Mira. Listen, I—"

She looked at me and pouted. "I don't need to. I just need assurance that you'll come back again..."

"Aw, you'd miss me that much?" I asked, teasing her a little.

She pouted even more before some tears started going out from her eyes— Okay, what?! This is an unexpected case. I gaped at her when she suddenly started hitting me on my chest, but it didn't hurt that much.

"Damn you, ice freak! You better come back or else, my demon sense will awaken! I don't even know why I feel like this but I'll really miss you! I won't have anyone in the office to fight with..."

That's her reason?!

I laughed before grabbing both of her hands so that she could stop from hitting me. "Don't worry, Mira. You're the second person I'll contact before going back here."

"You better..." She muttered.

I gave her a light hug to make her feel better— Of course, I asked permission from Laxus before doing that. I wonder how did these two get together?

"But where is Meredy?" Erza suddenly asked before looking around. "I thought that she'll be here to see Lyon off."

"I'll try to contact her." Jellal said before grabbing his phone from his pocket.

She wouldn't even answer my texts from yesterday. I guess, it shocked her a lot. I risked another friendship just because of my feelings. But it's better this way, I guess.

"Flight 152, get onboard now. I repeat, Flight 152, get onboard now."

"That's Lyon's flight." Natsu commented.

I looked down. I'm glad that I hung out with her last night, even if it's the last. "... I'll contact Meredy once I landed at my destination."

Juvia-chan frowned before grabbing her phone too. They're trying to contact her. But if she doesn't want to answer, then it's fine. I held unto my luggage before pulling it towards the entrance.

"Lyon, stop!"

"Lyon, wait for Meredy..."

"Is she in a traffic?"

"Maybe she's just eating somewhere."

"Uh, that would be like you, Natsu."

"Look guys, it's really fine. I'll just talk to her." I told everyone and forced a smile. "Well, I need to go now. I'll catch up with you guys in a month from now."

"3 weeks," Gray corrected but I ignored him.

I took one last look at everyone before turning around and pulling my luggage inside. It didn't feel complete. I wish that you came here... We wouldn't see each other for a while...

I'm not yet inside the airplane but I already miss her.


I stopped from taking another step before turning around and saw her running towards me. She has a luggage with her as well and she looked a little sweaty from running.

"W-Wait for me, you idiot...!"

I gaped at her until she ran in front of me and stopped. She's trying to catch her breath. "M-Meredy...?! You shouldn't run, you know. It's bad for you." I said and pat her back.

What is happening right now?!

"Meredy, what's with the luggage?" Jellal asked.

She looked at her cousin with a smile and announced, "I'm going with Lyon too. I'm glad that I made it here before he aboarded the airplane."




"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted, even I shouted as well.

"Meredy?? What are you saying—?" I asked her in shock.

She kept her smile and said, "I meant what I said, Lyon. I'm going with you today and from now on, always."

"D-Do you have a ticket?" Juvia-chan asked.

"I do!"

"All of your clothes are there in your luggage?" Erza asked.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Your medicines?" Jellal asked.

"It's inside my pocket."

"WAIT A MINUTE!" I shouted, making everyone shut their mouths. It's not processing well in my mind right now. First, Meredy came here with a luggage and second, she told us that she's going with me.

"Meredy, I don't get you." I said. "W-What's with this?"

She sighed before looking at me. "... I... Secretly scheduled myself for a flight today too. I really want to go with you, Lyon. No matter what..."


"Because I love you too, Lyon! Don't you get it??" She asked as her face started heating up from embarrassment. "I love you, I love you, I love you! I couldn't tell you last night because I was too happy with your confession..."

Did I hear it right?

"... Y-You really mean it?" I asked in a low voice. "I'm not dreaming... Right?"

She laughs before shooking her head at me. "No, you're not. This is all real, Lyon. I really love you."

I didn't know what to say to her. I was too happy and overwhelmed right now. The girl I love, loves me back. And it's not a dream—it's reality. Everything she just said is true.

Everything is real and true...

"What, Lyon? Are you speechles—"

I don't know what to say so I quickly pulled her into a hug. I gave her a tight hug before saying, "Thank you... Thank you for loving a fool like me..."

She giggles as she hugs me back. "You're not a fool, Lyon. You are who you are after all."

I laughed and hugged her tighter. It really feels good to know that she loves you back. It's shockening but at the same time, I feel really happy. And she's coming home with me.

"Ehem, we are still here, you know." Mira said.

We looked at them and they're all smirking and Mira's recording this with her camera— Wait, when did she do that?


I'm really sorry for the late update guys. I have a heartburn and plenty of chest pains right now. 🤒😣 I'm glad that I updated today because I really miss writing.

I want to make a separate story about Lyon and Meredy!

Nah, I can't right now haha.

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