Chapter 66: Fullbuster Family

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Ultear's POV

"Dad, Mom." I greeted as I gave him a quick kiss on his cheeks and I gave one on my mom's. They just returned to Japan and I'm here, at the airport, to pick them up.

"How are you, Ultear? Have you and Gray talked already?" Mom suddenly asked.

I bit my lip as I slowly shook my head in response. Gray must've cancelled my meeting with him because he's avoiding me. All I ever wanted was to talk to him, that's all I ask.

Dad caught my attention when he suddenly started coughing. I immediately went to him and rubbed his back to alleviate it. "Dad, are you alright?? Do you need to go to the hospital??"

"Dear!" Mom got the same reaction as I did.

He held a hand up as his cough eases. He breathed heavily and regains his posture. "I'm fine. I don't want to go to the hospital. We came here to see Gray, not for treatment."

I looked down and my last interaction with Gray came up. Ugh, I'm so stupid. I even came up with the idea of partnership and our past relationship. Well, it was all to piss him, that's all. My acting skills came in handy.

But this time, there won't be anymore acts.

The situation's quite serious now.

"Well then..." Dad started as he fixes his necktie. He gave me a serious look, a look that he hasn't shown to us for awhile. For some reason, it gives me the creeps. He's actually on fire right now.

"Where's Gray right now?"


Juvia's POV

"And then, his mother is actually a funny woman! I couldn't believe it, Juvia!" Meredy continued and then giggles after saying it. Yes, we're on skype. It's been awhile since I last talked to her. They're doing great there.

"It really didn't feel awkward to hang out with the Vastia family. Ah, I feel so welcomed." She said and gave a warm smile.

"I'm glad that Lyon's family liked you, Meredy." I said and smiled back at her.

"But wait, is it really okay for you to talk with me on skype right now? When you're at work?" She asked.

"I'm on lunch break so either way, it's fine." I replied. I finished my lunch earlier before she called.

"Hmm... Where's Gray?"

I automatically pouted. It's been almost a month since we attended Natsu and Lucy's wedding and it's also been a month since we last gone out on a date. He suddenly received an office crisis so he's been attending to it for many days.

"Aww... Don't worry. It's not like he has forgotten about you and your b-"

"Meredy, who are you talking to?"

A familiar white haired guy suddenly came into the scene and I was shocked. I haven't seen Lyon for many days now. He didn't changed at all though.

His eyes widened when he saw me. He runs towards the camera and puts his face closer to it. I had to back away a little because I got scared of his zoomed-in face.


"Lyon, you're too noisy!"

"You should've told me that you're talking with her!"

"But you were taking a bath earlier."

"Ah that's- Okay, never mind." Lyon lost at their argument so I laughed a little. He pulls his face away from the camera and placed it on the top of the table and steadied it so that I can see them both.

"Juvia-chan! How's it going over there?" He asked.

"Well, there's nothing new but Gray-sama's been busy." I replied and sighed because of sadness.

"Busy?" He asked as he raises his eyebrow up in confusion. "Busy for what?"

"He told me that there's a crisis or problem in the office and so, he's been at it for almost a month." I explained and pouted afterwards. I really do miss him.

Though he's busy, he still drives me to work and home and texts me every now and then but it still feels different if you're actually with the person. I feel like we're having a long distance relationship- at work.

"A crisis? Huh? Gray didn't mention that to me."

Why did I suddenly have a bad feeling about the way he talked?

"Maybe Gray doesn't want you to know because you'll only ruin his plans." Meredy retorted, teasing her boyfriend in the process.

"Wha-?! No, I won't!"

"Then say that to Gray. Maybe he'll let you know about it."

"That stupid cousin of mine. Uh..." He groans and runs a hand on his hair, making his hair bounce a little. "But in behalf of Gray, I want to apologize to you, Juvia. I'm sure that it'll be over some time."

"I hope so too." I agreed.

Because I miss him every second, every minute, every hour, everyday and every week. In short, I miss him everytime.


"You just talked to Lyon and Meredy?" Mira-san asked for the twentieth time while I was doing some paper work on my desk.

"Yes, yes and yes." I replied casually.

"You didn't tell me!" She pouted as she crosses her arms on her chest. She slouches on her chair and said, "I miss them too, you know? You should've called me."

"I could've called you if you weren't on a date." I bluntly said as she blushes a little. Yes, when I was on a call with Lyon and Meredy, Mira-san was on a date with Laxus and it just ended.


I closed my eyes and then I put my hands near my forehead to massage them. I've been getting a lot of headaches and it's distracting me from my work. And every morning, I always go to the bathroom to vomit, and I got used to it.

"Shouldn't you go to the hospital?" She suddenly asked.

"No... I already went last week. My next schedule is in another week." I replied. Of course, I've been going to hospital because of this. I can't just ignore it anymore because it's getting worse.

"Does Gray know about this?"

I frowned again and slowly shook my head. Nope, I haven't told him about this yet. I wanted it to be a surprise for him. And I intend on telling him about this when he finishes the office's crisis.

"He has the right to know, Juvia." She bluntly said.

I wrinkled my forehead at her. "You sounded like I don't want him to know about this."

She giggles and hits me on my arm like a teenager seeing her crush at school. "I've always wanted to say that to one of my friends. Hehe, don't mind me, Juvia."

I rolled my eyes at her and smiled. Mira-san, Lucy and the others know about this. He's the only one who doesn't know yet. I'm just waiting for the right time to come.


Ultear's POV

"This is it." I said as we stopped in front of Gray Fullbuster's company, Fullbuster Incorporated. Dad and mom are here with me because we all want to talk to Gray.

And now that's dad's here, he won't be able to refuse our request for a meeting.

"Let's go in." Dad said as he takes the lead and walks in casually. We followed him and just ignored the other employees who stared at us in shock. Of course, who wouldn't be?

Dad is the number one richest man in the world so it's natural that they'd know him.

He stops in front of the counter, who also stopped typing on her computer and just stared at dad with multiple drops of sweat appearing on her forehead. She's the one I talked to before for a meeting.

"Schedule me for a meeting with your CEO, Gray Fullbuster." Dad requested— more like, ordered the girl.

"Y-Yes, sir!" She said as she grabs the telephone on her desk and dials someone. Maybe it's Gray's secretary or something. "Hello? Mr. Silver Fullbuster is here! ... Yes, immediately... Mr. Gray can't refuse this because the man himself came in and requested this... Yes, yes, reschedule the others... Okay, good bye."

She ends the phone call with a smile on her face. "You may now proceed upstairs. Mr. Gray is waiting for you."

Dad smiled in success. "Thank you."

This is about to get real.


Gray's POV

"Huh?! You let them in without my permission?!" I exclaimed in anger. Someone just called me and told me that dad's here along with Ultear and— Oh fuck. I don't even know why Ultear's with him.

"I-I'm so sorry, Mr. Gray! But they already passed the fourth floor."

"I don't care! Just tell them that I'm doing something right now and tell them that they shouldn't go here anymore! I don't want to see them!" I yelled and gripped on my hair because of frustration.

I've been very busy for my plan and I even skipped dates with Juvia for this and then, dad comes back, with his Ultear, here?! I don't even know what he wants but maybe it's for a marriage contract. Does he want to disrupt my plans when I'm almost done?!

"Y-Yes, sir—"

I quickly ended the call and just face palmed on my table. I'm not prepared for this.

I'm not prepared to meet the guy who ruined our family just because of one girl. I'm not prepared to meet the guy who abandoned me and my mom for many years.

And again, why is Ultear with him?!

I shouldn't be overthinking about this. Any minute now, they'll receive a call from downstairs, saying I'm busy and all and then, they'll dismiss them. I should calm down and regain myself.

I shouldn't panic and—

The door suddenly swung opened. My eyes widened at the sight of an old man, with Ultear and another old woman, who looks like the old man's wife.

Suddenly, memories of my childhood came rushing into me as soon as I stared, eye-to-eye, with my father. He's the one I've been avoiding all this time and now, he's right in front of me, smiling.

"Nice to see you again, my son."


Help, I'm half-asleep.

Well, I should be sleeping right now but Hiro Mashima suddenly posted that Gruvia art from above and made my motivation burst. ♥

And who's hyped for Fairy Tail 2018?! ♥ I am! And just so you know, I've been reading its sequel for quite some time now and it's actually good. :>

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