Chapter 67: She's my Personal Assistant

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I changed the chapter title from Three Days to She's my Personal Assistant for various reasons and I hope you don't  mind that! And I also changed the storyline for this chapter a little bit.

Gray's POV

"What the f*ck are you doing here?!" I gritted my teeth with a mixture of frustration and anger.

"Now, now, calm down Gray. I'm not here for any bad reasons. I just want you to listen to me." My so-called father elucidated as he fixes his necktie in the process.

"Calm down?" I asked, making sure that I heard it right. My eyebrows furrowed, "Someone who disappeared in nearly half of my life suddenly appeared in front of me with his present wife and my ex -girlfriend. How do you expect me to f*cking calm down?"

"Gray," Ultear called out but I didn't look at her. I just continued on giving the old man a glare and I know it's not enough, considering what he did to ruin my entire childhood.  "We just want you to listen to us and then we'll leave afterwards."

"No, I want you all OUT now." I claimed and quickly grabbed the telephone that has the connection to the guards.

"Dear Gray, please—"

"Don't call me that. I'm not your son." I said and eyed the old woman. She's partly the main reason why my mom had a terrible time coping up at home. She's the reason why our family is like this. She's the reason why I hate my father so much.

"Okay, Gray! Enough is enough!" The old man shouted but it didn't scare me or anything but it was enough to make me stop my hand from dialing the number. 

"You should quit this childish act of yours and learn to listen to me. Whatever happened in the past, I'm still your father and you should give me respect!"

"You didn't give mom the respect she deserved." I bluntly said.

"Gray," Ultear let out a long sigh because of the prolonged bickering. I don't even know why she's here and she shouldn't be a part of this. 

"Come to think of it, why are you here, Ultear? Not that I really care." I asked in a low voice. "Do you work with my father now or something? "


"Honey, don't you think it's best if we leave Ultear someplace for now?" The old woman suggested. Just hearing her voice makes me angry so much. "We wouldn't want a sibling fight to happen here, right?"




"Sibling fight?" I asked and raised my eyebrow at her. I don't remember Ultear having a sibling. For all I know, she's raised without one.

Ultear looked troubled and avoided my loom instead.  What's her problem all of the sudden?

"See, this is why I want to talk to you Gray." The old man said and looked at me with a pleading look. "Gray,  please... Just a little bit of your time is enough. It'll just the two of us. Lara and Ultear won't join us at our talk.  Please Gray, consider this."

I looked at him in the eyes and I could see how badly he wanted to talk to me. I knew deep inside me that this day would eventually come but I didn't expect it to come sooner, especially in a critical and busy time.

I don't even know if I'm ready for this. I don't even know if I'm ready to forgive him for ruining my life. I'm  not so sure anymore.  If only mom was alive.

Just then, I felt someone pushing me a little from my back, saying I should go. And what's weird is that, there's no one behind me. What was that?

"Gray, please talk to me."

I sighed a scratched my cheek. Weird things keep on happening all the time... Maybe, I should at least try to listen to what he needs to say?

"... Fine. Let's talk, old man."



uvia's POV

"Have you heard?! Mr.  Gray's father just came in!"

"Yes, I was there when it happened. He was with two girls and they both looked beautiful."

"Oh no, what's the meaning of this?!"

I frowned at the whispers I keep hearing around. Silver Fullbuster is inside this company and Juvia doesn't  know if it's true or not. Either way,  she's worried for Gray-sama because the last time he saw his father with another woman, he broke down.

What's weird is that, Mira-san and I weren't there when it happened. We were at the bathroom at that time.

"Juvia, did Gray tell you anything about his father coming here?" Mira-san curiously asked.

I shook my head as response. "Nope. He hasn't told me anything as of now."

She furrows her eyebrow and put a finger near her chin and started thinking about the current situation. "This was unexpected. I don't believe that Gray invited three people this easily."

"Yes, I don't too."

What if they purposely barged into this company just to talk to Gray-sama?

And they mentioned two girls. I'm sure one of them was Mr. Silver's wife because I already saw her before.

But who's the other one?

I wanted to peek in his office but they're covered with blinds so I was left without any choices. I'm worried about him, I'm definitely am. 

"Juvia, I think you shouldn't over think this. It's bad for your health, you know." Mira-san claimed as she looks over my tummy. 

"Juvia knows but—"

The door that leads to Gray-sama's office suddenly opened, revealing four people. Mr. Silver came out first, along with his wife, and then a familiar girl came out—

Wait a minute, isn't that Ultear?!

She's really beautiful but why is she here? After her, Gray-sama also came out with a serious but sad face. What did they talk about? Why does he look like that? 

He didn't stop and instead, he started following the three people in front of him. He didn't even look at me or at anyone else. He just focused himself in front of him. And that made me sad...

When he passed by me without saying anything, I felt my heart breaking into little pieces. 

I bit my lip as I quickly grabbed his wrist and made him stop from walking. "Gray-sama, where are you going?"

He finally looked at me and his eyes softened. He takes my hand that's holding his wrist and held it. "Juvia, don't worry. I'll be fine. We're just going to talk about something important."

"W-Why... Can I come with you?" I asked and frowned at him. It's our first interaction, after so many days. 

He gave me a small smile and shook his head. His other hand made its way to my cheek and he caresses it. "You don't need to. I'm sorry if we haven't  been talking nowadays but this time, let me handle this. I don't want you to stress yourself out."

"Please believe in me."

Hope started filling inside my heart as I smiled as well. Just his words and actions are enought to convince me. "Okay, I believe in you."

He gave me a quick kiss on my forehead as he lets go of me and gets back on track. But, we were surprised to see that Mr. Silver, his wife and Ultear have stopped their tracks just to watch us. 

"Gray, who is she?" Mr. Silver asked as he looks at me. I don't know why but his look gives me the creeps.

"She's my personal assistant," Gray-sama answered and gave me one last look before continuing his sentence. "And she's also my girlfriend and mine only. Got a problem with that, old man?"

His father was taken aback by his son's words. He faked a cough before turning around and he started walking again. His wife and Ultear did the same thing and then, Gray-sama followed them.

I held unto my chest as they slowly disappeared in my eyes. With the reassurance Gray-sama gave me earlier, I'm sure he will be fine. I hope that he'll return safe.

With me and his baby...


Short chapter but this was on purpose to give highlights to what happened.

I'm so sorry for the late update! I just finished my exams last week and started enjoying my week at the moment hehe and I don't feel well.

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