Chapter 8: His Perfume

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Juvia's POV
Next day~

I yawned because its 6:30 in the morning and were in front of the building, the mall, and Mr. Fullbuster is observing how it was going. There's a change of plans too, this is our last day here in the States.

"Oi, Natsu! No slacking off in the job!" Gray-sama, AKA Mr. Fullbuster, scolded Natsu who was sleeping at the side.

"Ugh! Urusai, Gray!"

"I hired you to make this finish, not to slack off!"

"I get it, I get it! Sheesh! No need to be so Mama Baloney!"

Mama Baloney? Is there such a word?

"Lockser, what's my next meeting?" He asked, making me flinch while getting my folder full of his schedules.

"U-Umm... 7:30-9:00 is meeting with all coworkers in your Fullbuster Company and 10:00 is our flight back to Japan." 10? Well that's earlier than I expected.

"Okay. Let's go."

He was about to walk out but I stopped him by saying, "But sir, you still haven't finished the meeting with Natsu and his other coworkers---"

He faced me, no emotions as usual. "My time is not worth it. Now, let's go."

"Ouch, that's rude, Gray." Natsu commented while carrying three blocks on his hand.

I put my hair behind my ear and nodded. Its kinda offending but there's nothing Juvia can do. He is my boss. I need to respect his decision. We walked off out of the construction area and got into his Black car.

I, of course, sat in front because he might think that I'm making him my driver if I sat at the back. He started the engine and we drove off. After a few minutes, I was surprised where we stopped off.


I thought he never eats breakfast--- Oh wait, I forgot but I think so. He seldom eats breakfast. That's what I've observed and now, he wants coffee? Won't he get a tummy ache or something? But I guess he's used to it.

"Lockser, stay here. I'll just get us some coffee." He said, opening his door and going out.

Us? Eh? He'll buy me coffee too?? 0////0  Well, its very unexpected of him. Of course, who wouldn't be surprised?

I brought out my phone and sent a message to mom:
To: Mom
Hey Mom! How are you? Are you taking your vitamins and medicines? Were almost home. ^___^ Right now, my boss is buying some coffee. We'll leave at 10. I'll see you later, mom.
Send | Delete

I pressed send. Although, it would take awhile for her to receive it because I'm far from her. After a few minutes, Gray-sama entered the car with 2 coffees. He gave me and I said, "T-Thank you."

Juvia blows on the coffee and took a sip. "Lockser, when we get home at Japan, put this on my room." He gives me his black bag and his key to his house.

"E-Eh?" I gulped. I-I'm going to his house? S-Seriously? "I'll ask Mira to accompany you to my house." He said, starting the engine.

He looked at me once again, I flinched. "Tch, you're not using a seatbelt? Do you want us to get caught?"

I looked at my hands. My right hand is holding a coffee and my other hand is holding his bag and his key. "Tch." He suddenly leaned unto me.

My face turned red when he leaned. He pulls the seatbelt and puts it on me. He smelled... Good. A cologne that would make any girl fall for him. When he finished locking my seatbelt, he looks at me.

I can feel his hot breath when we were locked into each other's eyes. He's hot, he smells good, has long eyelashes, and he's handsome. What else could you ask for? He sighed and backed away. He restarts the engine and we drove off.

W-What just happened?


Its already 7:30 and were already at his company for his meeting. There are 10 people inside the Meeting Room. Gray-sama's at the middle. I was sitting beside him. Though, I don't know what I'm supposed to do here.

"Now, let's start. The mall should be finished in around 5 months. I want all of you to work hard for it. I've been planning this mall for a long time now and I can't believe that something went wrong."

"We know, sir. We were surprised too. To see that something got broken." The lady and with black hair said. "We will fix it right away, sir."

"Good to hear that."

"Sir, Lyon Vastia isn't gonna attend us today?" Someone asked. Gray-sama shook his head. "No, he's not. He said he has a date today."

Lyon Vastia?

"*sigh* You should talk to him and tell him to attend our meeting. He's always skipping out."

"I know that. I already talked to him yesterday." Gray-sama sighed as well. "But that bimbo never listens."


"I guess, we should start without him, as always," someone said in the group. The old looking man stood up and said, "Mr. Fullbuster, here are my lists of shops to be built inside."

He gave Gray-sama a bond paper with a blue table inside of it. Discounts, name of the shop, who will manage it and etc. Gray-sama nodded two times, slowly. Means that, he approves of it.

He looked at me and said, "Lockser, please get us some coffee." I immediately nodded and went outside.

Wait... Coffee? Again? He's going to drink coffee again?? Like seriously?? He's not going to have a stomachache, won't he?


We were at the rooftop of the Hotel, with our bags. We were waiting for his helicopter. But then again, it was a bit heavy because I was carrying my bag, his bag and some of his files. It is heavy.
I sighed. My shoulders were getting tired. Seriously. I don't expect that he'll help me. I'm his personal assistant. I'm someone who assists another person. This is only natural.

After a fee minuted, we heard a loud, irritating noise above. It was his helicopter. I sighed again.

"You should've told me if that's too heavy for you."

He leans in and gets his bag from me. Again, I could smell his perfume. He didn't smelled sweaty, even after that meeting. Doesn't he get sweaty?

"N-No, sir..! I could handle it---"

"No, you can't. I'll just give this to you when we get back. Let's go." And then, he went to the helicopter.

He just helped me and...

He's sweet.


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