Chapter 18: Bree! Bionic!

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"I can't believe you would even think about making Bree bionic!" Chase shouted, completely against the idea for some reason. I was trying to stay out of their conversation, I was with Adam in the training room, but at this point anyone could hear.

"Chase, why are you so against this?" Mr. Davenport asked. Yeah, but why is he so against this as much as he is?

"Life with bionics is not easier, it has made everything difficult and I don't want her to have to deal with that!" Chase explained, wanting his decision to be the final decision.

"She has been exposed to bionics already. She is on this island and in danger, the least we could do is to make it easier for her to protect herself!" Mr. Davenport said, trying not to raise his voice, but to get his point across.

"I can protect her!" Chase shouted back.

"I'm sure you can, but you have other responsibilities now and you can't be her 'bodyguard' 24/7. I'm sorry Chase, but I talked to her parents and they said we could whatever to keep her safe. I wish you were with me on this, but this is happening" He said, trying to end the argument.

"If you are giving her bionics, and I have no say. Then I am choosing what she gets" Chase said, surprisingly calm.

"Fair enough" Mr. Davenport agreed.

It's good that at least he seems to be on board about this but I wish he would look at me, he was avoiding me ever since.

"So what abilities were you thinking of?" Chase asked, wanting to get started right away.

"I was thinking superspeed, and vocal manipulation"

"Those would be good but how about that and invisibility, geo-leaping, and a force field. She can handle these. I know it." Chase said, sounding like with a smile too. I can't actually see him from where I am right now.

Invisibility? That sounds so cool!

"All right, but I haven't perfected invisibility or geo-leaping yet" Mr Davenport said.

"With my help we can do this" At least he's better about the idea. Can't believe this will be a reality.

"But before we start, I want you to go talk to Bree" Mr Davenport said, ready to wait to start with the chip.

He sighed, what could he be thinking? I had been hiding around the corner in the next room hoping he would come.

"You're right" Chase said. Wait what? Really? And then he walked into the next room, that I was in. I wanted to be in his arms but I didn't know if I should so all I did was stare at him, awkwardly.

He did it for me, he walked straight towards me and only stopped when he pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we just stood there.

"I should have talked to you about it-" I whispered, my eyes still closed.

"Shh, " He interrupted me, "it's okay"

I smiled and then leaned back enough to separate us, I then quickly put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. It had been so long. With everything that is going on, I need Chase. I didn't care that there were other people in the room probably watching us, I really didn't care.

I could see Adam looking at us from across the room, and for the first time, it looked like he was happy for Chase and I. And not jealous anymore. At least some things in my life are getting better. But only some.

For the next few days, Chase has been doing nothing but work on a chip for me. I have no idea how much sleep he has been getting but I don't think it's been a healthy amount. The weird thing is that he doesn't look that tired but I know he is. Even Mr Davenport has been taking breaks, Chase should too.

"Chase, please take a break and get some sleep" I said carefully watching what he was doing before I put my hand on his arm.

"I can't, it's almost done" Chase said, slightly turning to me. Before he could turn back to keep working I quickly wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him back and put my head on his chest. Why does he have to be so stubborn sometimes? 

It took him a few seconds but he finally stopped working, but that moment ended a minute later when he softly pulled my arms away from him so he could keep working. 

"Chaaaase" I whined softly, rolling my eyes. He turned back around, took a step toward me, lifted my chin with his finger and kissed me softly. He's trying to shut me up, and I'm not going to let him. 

It's 1AM so I can't make too much noise. I pulled away from him and grabbed his hands, slowly getting him away from the chip he's making. He gave me a look like he was saying "Bree."  I knew if I got him enough away from the table he would notice and try to go back so I let him turn around to leave again but I jumped on his back, making him and myself fall on the floor. 

"Bree!" He whispered loudly. I am making him go to sleep, even if it is just for a nap. 

"Chase!" I mocked, pinning him to the ground so he couldn't move. 

"You need to listen to me, Chase. It is one in the morning, please go to sleep" I whispered, fighting against his struggle to get up. 


"No, we will stay like this for the rest of the night if it means you will go to sleep" 


First day of school today so I rushed to get this finished. I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL. I could use some nice comments on this chapter ;) 

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