Chapter 19: The Chip

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"The chip can wait, you need to rest, Chase" I said, loosening my grip only a little bit.

"Well I guess we will be sleeping on the floor because I am going to finish this chip"

I waited until Chase finally fell asleep before getting off of him and then laying my head on his back so if he got up, I would wake up too.

I woke up to Adam walking into the room looking at up confused at around 6 in the morning, he must have been playing video games with Leo all night again.

Then I felt Chase get up and I immediately pinned him back down, it was the same except this time Chase was on his back and not his stomach. I heard Adam laugh.

"Bree come on, really again" Chase groaned, rolling his eyes and turning his head to the side.

"I'm serious" I said, again not giving up on this.

Later in the morning, Chase was working yet again. He was being very persistent about this.

"Hey, you wanted me to sleep and I did" Chase said, turning to me with his hands up in defense. That's true, despite the struggle. I wasn't going to stop him now. He does look better now that he has gotten some sleep, it will help him concentrate now that he isn't really tired.

When he hasn't been training and teaching, he has been working on my chip, I keep having to remind him to eat and sleep. He just has too much to do these days. I wish I could help, but everything he has to do has something to do with bionics so there is literally nothing I can do. When I first saw Chase on his first day of school, and me wanting to be his friend, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But being here at the academy was better than being alone at the safe house. I mean I know Leo was there too but it's not the same, at least here, Chase is here and there are multiple people. It's less lonely here. Even better since he's not ignoring me anymore.

"Bree," Chase said, getting my attention again, "I need to tell you that it is going to hurt putting the chip in your neck"

"Well I have broken my arm before so I should be able to handle it" I said, thinking of how painful that was.

"I know you can handle it, I'm just saying because it will be different because it is your neck but it will only take a second to do" He said, now starting to make me nervous about it. Not about bionics, just about the neck part. Bionics should be fun, though the reason I'm getting them isn't fun.

"Will I have to sleep with all of the other students, after I get bionics?" I asked, it would seem weird if i didn't?

"No, why would you? Unless you wanted to. Nobody is going to force you to"

"Because it would seem wrong for me, a future student to be sleeping with a mentor/teacher, being you" I explained awkwardly and laughed slightly at it.

"We aren't even sleeping together," He blushed, "just falling asleep next to each other"

"I know I know," I laughed, "I was joking, Chase. Except I don't even know how you're dad is even okay with us doing that"

"Maybe he is just so busy he hasn't noticed, I don't know" Chase shrugged.


"It's done" Chase said, setting it down and then place his hand on my shoulder.

"I'll go show him," he said, referring to Mr. Davenport.

Oh my god it's happening. The process of making the chip seemed to be so drawn out that now that it's time, it seems so sudden. I didn't even realize that I started pacing back and forth. I wasn't really nervous before, well, at least not that much. It's like having plenty of time on a school assignment, you don't worry that much but then it's close to being due and you feel like you're overwhelmed. I didn't even think about the training involved, I'll have no idea of how to use bionics in a group of people that do know how. I feel like I'll be using the word "how" a lot, after this. How will I activate my bionics? How do I control it? How do I stop using the ability once I start? Normally I learn things quick but this will be more than one ability, I can't start slow because of the reason I'm getting bionics. I knew there was something about Marcus. I should have told somebody what he tried to do a long time ago, a long time ago.

"Bree? Bree!" I heard someone say, pulling me out of my thoughts. I turned to see who it was because I was so distracted to recognize the voice, it was Adam. "What's wrong?"

"Chase finished the chip" I said, thinking that would explain how I feel without going into details.

"It will be fine, bionics are fun," Adam smiled, "you'll get used to them, and believe me, if I can do it, so can you"

I nodded, "thanks and I know I can but-"

Chase came back into the room, "ready?"

I looked back at Adam and he nodded with a small smile. Then I looked back at Chase, "I guess so"

Then I walked with Chase over to where it would be done.

"Ok so you will have all your abilities all at once, but you just need to focus on one. Mr Davenport thinks you should start with focusing on super speed first, but I think you should focus on invisibility first because who knows if Marcus will randomly show up, and if you could turn invisible then he wouldn't see you"  woah woah woah

"Chase, can't we focus on that after I have the chip?" I asked, all of that was definitely overwhelming. I can't focus on that much at the same time. I wanna start with the chip. Then the abilities afterwards. That makes sense to me.

"Alright, well you'll need to go stand in the center of that capsule," he then pointed to the capsule, "and stand facing us"

I walked over to the capsule and stood in the middle like he said. They had cleared out the room so it was just us and Mr Davenport.

"Not gonna lie, Bree" Chase started, "this is going to hurt.."


Still deciding when I'm going to end the story.. but for now, I will go back and forth updating this and Locked in With Him

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