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Scarlett's P.O.V.

I woke up sore and in pain. I opened my eyes to find myself lying in my new room. Derek immediately came into my view.

"You can't go to school today," he told me acting like a stereotypical mother.

"Why not?" I asked wincing in pain as I got up.

"That's why," he replied.

I sighed siting up properly.

"What happened last night?" I questioned, "After I blacked out I mean."

"Well the alpha ran away leaving me with my uncontious younger sister and half of my dead sister," he said sternly with his signature 'run' face.

"Listen Derek I was gonna tell..." I started but got cut.

"I know what you're gonna say. That you wanted to tell me but you didn't want to worry me. I get it but you should of still told me you and Sarah could of gotten yourselves killed," he said looking more concerned.

"How did you know..." I started asking him how he knew Sarah was there, but I stopped myself remembering he probably caught her sent, "Never mind."

I sighed and turned my head to see that it was 7:20.

"Shit! I need to get ready for school," I cursed getting up quickly only to groan in pain.

"You're not going to school," Derek stated as if it was the obvious.

I stood there and though about it for a sec. I mean it would be nice to wait one more day and let this wound heal better but my mind directed immediately to Scott. I need to know what happened to him I need to know if he's okay, I need to know if he was bitten.

"I can't there were others in the woods and I think one of them was bitten by the alpha," I said as Derek's eyes widened in shock.

"Are you sure he was bitten, maybe they were just attacked," he reasoned.

"I don't know that's why I need to find out," I said as I slowly walked over to my closet and started to look for something to wear, "Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to take a shower and change in private please."

"Fine, I need to do something anyways. Here are the keys," he said making his way to the exit and throwing the keys to his Camaro at me.

I easily caught them and he left. A part of me was curious as to what he was doing and wanted to follow him but another part of me knew I would be late for school if I did.

I decided to let it go and kept looking through my closet. I soon pulled out a white t-shirt, a pair of grey jeans skinny jeans and a dark green military jacket. I also grabbed a random pair of black underwear and a bra. I then quickly shed out of the gross muddy clothing I was wearing yesterday and jumped into the shower.

10 minutes later I came out and and wrapped a towel around myself. I quickly dried my hair and body and put on the clothing I had laid out for myself.

I quickly curled my hair and put the front back with a few pins and grabbed my bags running down to the front door. I slipped on a pair of brown boots and left the house locking the door behind me. I then walked over to the Camaro, opened the driver's door and sat down. I placed my back in the passengers seat and put on my seatbelt.

Just as I was about to start the car my phone beeped. I looked at it to see a text from Sarah.

Sarah: Can u pick me up?

Scarlett: Can't your cousin take you?

Sarah: I don't trust him yet.

Scarlett: Shouldn't he be the one that doesn't trust you? I mean you did lie to get out of getting in trouble.

Sarah: Please can you just pick me up?🙏🏻

Scarlett: Fine😒

Sarah: Thx!😉 I'll be waiting.

I rolled my eyes and started the car. It was currently 7:40 so I didn't have much time to fool around. I quickly pulled out of the front of the house and drove to the Stilinski household.

Once I got there Sarah was there talking to her cousin. They were comparing bags?

I rolled down the window and yelled, "What the hell are you two doing!"

"Scarlett come here a sec and bring your bag," Sarah yelled back.

I sighed and turned off the engine. I took of my seatbelt and got out of the car grabbing my bag in the process.

Once I got to them I felt extremely uncomfortable I tried to ignore her cousin as much I possibly could since he just reminded me so much of my ex. Sarah took my bag out of my possession and explained that she needed to borrow it for a sec and make sure she had everything. She then ran into the house to get anything she had forgot.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at the ground hoping the boy with the buzz cut wouldn't say anything, but he did.

"So it's been a while," he said making me look up.

"Pardon?" I asked a bit confused by what he was referring to.

"It's um been a while since we've seen each other. You know like before you left Beacon Hills," he said stuttering a bit.

Did I make him nervous?

"Um I guess I mean I had an accident and I lost a lot of memory from before I left," I admitted.

I mean it's true I didn't remember him. But it wasn't really much of an accident. You see really powerful alphas are able to take memories from people so I begged Laura to take away a memory but she wasn't strong enough and she accidentally took way too much of my memory not including want I wanted her to take in the first place.

"The fire?" he asked.

I looked away as soon as he said it. Derek is able to compartmentalize his emotions about the fire but every time I think about it it just brings pain to me.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit a sensitive spot," he said placing his hand on my shoulder making me fidget.

He quickly got the message and let go.

"It's fine," I weakly smiled looking back up at him, "So anyways how exactly did we know each other before, as in were we good friends or..."

"Not really I mean we talked sometimes but we didn't really know each other that well. Most of the encounters that we had were because of Sarah," he smiled.

"Oh I see," I said taking a step away from him smiling.

"Really you're gonna do that?" he laughed.

"Well I'm trying to go back to old habits," I laughed.

"Well I was hoping we could become more of friends now, I mean most of the time we didn't even talk because you had cuddies but now..." he started but I cut him off.

"Excuse me?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"It's true. All girls had them," he said nonchalantly.

"You're so gonna pay for that Stilinski," I said approaching him.

"Oh ya how?" he asked getting closer, but immediately got nervous noticing how close we were.

I also started blushing when I realized the closeness. I looked down and saw that the only thing stopping us from being chest to chest was my crossed arms. I slowly looked up to meet eyes with him. Just being like this, I felt as if I had known him my whole life. I mean I know this is kinda crazy and suuuuuuuper cliché but that's the way it felt.

He slowly opened his mouth to say something when a voice interrupted him.

"Okay I'm ready!" Sarah yelled from inside of the house.

Stiles and I immediately separated. Once Sarah was outside she locked the door and got into the car.

"Come on what are you waiting for!" Sarah yelled again but now from the car.

"I guess I'll see you at school," I smiled walking away from him backwards.

"Not if I get there first!" he exclaimed running over to his Jeep.

"Wha...?" I questioned quickly running over to the Camaro.

I am not gonna lose a race! As you can see I'm a bit competitive. Don't judge me, I mean who likes losing?

Anyways, I got in and started the car quickly driving to the school.

"Calm down there you're going a bit fast," Sarah said grabbing onto the safety handle.

"Relax I'm going the speed limit. Plus I'm in a race," I said keeping my eyes on the road.

Today was my lucky day all the lights were green and I didn't have to stop at all, except for the stop signs but that was just like 5 seconds of my time.

"Let me guess, Stiles?" she questioned giving me a look.

"Yeah, why?" I asked glancing at her quickly.

"Cause he had a huge crush on you when we were kids and I overheard a phone call he had with Scott last night and he was talking about you and how nervous he was going to be around you and that you are more beautiful than he remembered and shit like that," she said causing me to blush 50 shades of red, did he really like me?

I quickly tried to orientate myself. Why'd this boy make me feel this way?

"Well you can tell him I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm an independent woman who doesn't need a man," I said putting my head up.

"You know you don't have to become a nun right? I mean if you really don't wanna go back down that road just date a supernatural. Like another werewolf or something," she suggested.

"I don't know, I just still want some time out of relationships, you know? I just want some me time, I guess. I don't know just..." I said trailing off.

"Ya I get. Meanwhile I need a distraction," she said nonchalantly.

My eyes widened and I gave her a look.

"God not like!" she exclaimed hitting may arm, " I just want to go out there and date not randomly fuck people. Jeez Scar I thought you knew me better!"

We both laughed as I turned into the school's parking lot. I quickly tried to find a parking spot.

"Oh by the way did you know Scott got bitten by a wolf when Stiles and I left you guys," she added out of nowhere.

"What!"  I exclaimed turning my full attention to her.

Right then I heard a beep and quickly pressed the breaks. I turned back to the road and saw that I had almost hit an old blue Jeep. Sitting in the drivers seat was Stiles.

I sighed dropping my head on the wheel. I looked up to see that Stiles had a huge grin on his face but I think it was more towards Sarah since she had let out a bit of a shriek. She was now glaring at him making him a bit scared now especially after she showed him her special finger.

I chuckled signalling that Stiles should pass first. He then shook his head and told me to go. We were pretty much doing that over and over until Sarah had enough.

"Somebody just go already! There's a fucking line behind us!" she yelled looking over her shoulder.

I did the same and noticed she was right so I just passed giving Stiles and small wave.

"What happened to no guys? You two were clearly flirting," she questioned.

"That wasn't flirting," I said backing up into an empty parking space, "besides we need to become more involved with Scott and Stiles so we can find out what happened and if he's having any of the turning symptoms."

She nodded as I parked the car and took out the keys. We then both removed our seatbelts, grabbed our bags and got out of the car.

"So this is Beacon Hills High?" she questioned looking over the school.

"No it's a prison," I said sarcastically.

"Well you're not wrong there," she added as we both laughed and walked towards the building.

"So what's my prize?" Stiles said out of nowhere catching up to us followed by Scott.

"Excuse me?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Well I won didn't I?" he questioned me.

"No you didn't, that was like a tie," I protested laughing.

Meanwhile Sarah and Scott had started a conversation of their own. It was mostly catching up and stuff, I didn't really pay much attention though.

"Oh come on I was already in the parking lot when you zoomed in here and almost hit me," he laughed nudging me.

"Ok fine whatever I did almost crash into you so you can win, what do you want?" I gave in since it was my fault we were almost in an accident.

"Um how about dinner with um me," he stuttered scratching the back of his neck.

Did he just ask me out? I mean we hardly even know each other and he asked me out?

"Like a date?" I questioned hoping he wouldn't say yes.

It's not like I wouldn't want to but like I said before, I can't risk it.

"No!" he exclaimed loudly, making a weird movement with his hands, "I'm just saying like maybe like a small meal to like catch up and stuff."

"Uh I'll have to think about it," I said almost a bit to fast grabbing Sarah by the arm, "I uh I'll see you later."

I dragged Sarah away from the boys and towards a bench outside of the school. We were supposed to wait out here until the principal came to show us around. We had already met him previously with Derek when we were registered.

"Bye Scott!" she said as we left.

We both sat down and soon enough the bell rang and everyone ran inside leaving Sarah and I alone. A few seconds later a car pulled in and a girl with long dark brown hair and brown eyes came out of it. It then left and she made her way over to us.

"Hi I'm guessing you guys are new too?" she questioned extending her hand to us smiling, "Allison Argent."

Sarah and I both looked at her dumbstruck. Did she just say Argent? If you don't already know the Argent family are werewolf hunters, who burnt down my family's house while almost all of us were in it. My uncle and I are the only ones that made it out alive and he's been in a coma ever since. Meanwhile Derek and Laura were at school. Anyways the Argents normally train their kids from a young age but something tells me she doesn't know jack shit.

"Scarlett Hale," I hesitated shaking her hand.

She didn't seem nervous at all, she didn't know and even if she did she wouldn't be able to do anything about it now since we were at school.

"Sarah Stilinski," Sarah said now taking Allison's hand.

Allison just stood there and smiled at us.

"Here sit," I smiled back moving closer to Sarah giving the future huntress space to sit, she might be family with the Argents and will probably go into the family business but I'm not rude to a person until they give me a reason to be.

We sat there in silence as Allison looked through her bag.

"Shit!" she exclaimed.

"What?" Sarah and I asked at the same time laughing.

"I forgot a pen," she sighed slouching.

"Sorry I only have mine," I said feeling bad.

"Same, sorry" Sarah added.

"It's fine I'll just have to figure something out," she sighed fixing her bag as the principal walked over to us.

We all stood up to great him.

"Sorry to keep the three of you waiting so Miss. Argent you were saying that San Francisco isn't where you grew up?" the principal questioned Allison as we made our way inside.

"No but we lived there for more than a year which is unusual for my family," she smiled.

"The two of you move around a lot too am I right?" He asked Sarah and I.

"Ya my brother's work consists of moving a lot," I answered nervously.

"Same! What does your brother do?" Allison asked me completely curious.

"Oh um he's a bodyguard," I lied, it's not like Derek couldn't be one I mean he's got that bodyguard look, if you know what I mean.

"Oh cool, my dad's an arms dealer," she shrugged still smiling.

Sarah and I were also smiling at this point. What can I say this girl's got a contagious smile.

"I like you," I said to Allison, "I think I'm gonna keep you."

We all then laughed and the principal gave a little chuckle, "It's good that you guys are already making friends, now I'm going to take the three of you to your first class and fortunately you guys take it together."

We all gave each other happy looks and followed. Even though Allison seems like such a nice girl and could be a good friend I still need to keep my distance cause once the Argents find out the Hales are back in town things are gonna go to shit.

Soon we got to the class and the principal opened the door for us letting us in.

"Class these are our new students Allison Argent, Sarah Stilinski and Scarlett Hale. Please do your best to make them feel welcomed," the principal said soon leaving us to fend for ourselves.

Stiles and Scott were in this class as well giving us the chance to monitor Scott but of course I didn't want to be to close to Stiles since I had just completely rejected him but of course I wasn't fast enough. Allison went to sit down in the spot behind Scott, Sarah sat in front of Scott and the only spot left was right behind Stiles. I sat down there and made sure not to make eye contact on my way there.

As I was getting ready for the long class ahead I stopped when I saw Scott turn to Allison and give her a pen. Last time I checked she didn't tell him about the pen.

"Thanks," she said confused as Scott turned back around with a big grin on his face.

Sarah gave me a look and I did the same.

Once classes were over we went to our lockers to get our things. All three of us were side by side since we were new. As we were about to leave we were stopped by a girl with green eyes and strawberry blonde hair.

"That jacket is absolutely killer, where'd you get it?" she asked Allison.

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique in San Francisco," Allison answered nervously.

"And where'd you two get the fabulous jeans?" she asked Sarah and I.

"Macy's?" we both answered in question form, I felt as is this was some sort of game show and with the wrong answer we wouldn't win the prize.

"And you guys are my new best friends," she smiled.

This girl was so the popular girl. She had the outfit, the perfect hair, the great body, the confidence and if that wasn't enough she of course had the popular boyfriend.

Just as we were about to react a guy came up to us she addressed him as Jackson and started making out with him. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. Sarah had a bit of sadness in her eyes. Did she like this guy?

Anyways, I looked away and noticed that Stiles, Scott and another girl were staring at us. Stiles and the girl were in conversation but it looked like Scott was ogling Allison.

I tuned my hearing to listen to Stiles' conversation as the two populars kept eating each other's faces.

"Can someone tell me how the new girls are here all of 5 minutes and are already hanging out with Lydia's click," the girl asked Stiles.

"Cause they're hot. Beautiful people herd together, except for my cousin though," Stiles answered making me giggle a bit.

"How about you?" Lydia asked me getting me out of the zone.

"Pardon?" I asked having no clue what she was talking about.

"You zoned out didn't you?" she asked me smirking.

"Ya, sorry," I answered nervously.

"Don't worry about it, it happens to me all the time," she said not once breaking her huge grin, "I said there's a party this Friday, wanna come?"

I pondered for a sec but realized this Friday was a full moon. I can't go nowhere.

"Oh this Friday, sorry I can't I have to help my brother bring some more stuff from my old place," I lied.

"Are you guys sure?" Jackson asked us, I'm guessing everyone else had declined as well, "I mean, everyone's going after the scrimmage."

"You mean like football?" Allison asked.

"Football's a joke, are you kidding? The sport here's Lacrosse," Jackson answered like the dochebag he looks like.

Anyways Sarah and I looked at each other with huge grins. We love Lacrosse. We were the only girls on the team in our old school and would love to do the same here.

"You two like watching?" Dumbass asked as if we were incapable of playing the sport for our gender.

"No we like playing, we were the only girls on our team at our old school," I smirked.

"Oh that's so cool, maybe team Captain over here can talk to coach to see if you guys can get a tryout. Isn't that right?" Lydia smiled up to her boyfriend.

"I don't know I mean we've won state championship for the past three years and we've got enough..." he started but was cut off.

"Jackson!" the strawberry blonde whisper/yelled at him.

"I'll see what I can do," he said clearly not making it his priority.

"We've got practice in a few minutes Allison, that's if you don't have anywhere else to be?" Jackson sort of changed the subject as Lydia made sure his hair was on fleek.

"Well I was gonna..." she started but Lydia interrupted.

"Perfect your coming," Lydia said grabbing her hand, "you guys too," she continued referring to Sarah and I.

We both looked at each other and shrugged following the bunch.

I sighed as we sat down on the bleachers to watch the practice. You don't know how badly I wanted to be down there and play, it was killing me. Meanwhile Allison was asking Lydia about Scott who had no absolute clue who he was, typical, but Sarah quickly started chatting up a storm about him. I had no clue she knew that much about him.

So far all that's happened was that most of the boys, except for Stiles who was sitting on the bench (I guess he wasn't a good player) were standing in a line to see if they could throw the ball into the net that was defended by Scott. The first person that threw hit Scott in the face knocking him over.

He might not be a werewolf after all.

But then he caught the next one catching everyone by surprise including himself. Then he caught another and another, he just caught them all. This seemed to really piss Jackson off so he pushed himself to the front. He picked up a ball with his stick and threw it.

And Scott caught it.

Lydia stood up cheering for Scott as her boyfriend gave her a look which she returned with a smirk. Allison just laughed as Sarah nudged me. There was officially no doubt that he was a werewolf and would turn this Friday night. I wanted a closer look though.

"Give me a sec," I said getting up and making my way to Stiles.

I sat next to him without him even noticing, he was too concentrated in cheering for his BFF, "That is my friend!"

"Your friend is really good," I said scaring him.

He turned around to look at me blushing and sat down, "I'm pretty good too you know," he said as his heart beat skipped, he was lying.

"Then why are you sitting out when you could be practicing with the others," I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I-I don't have an answer for that," he admitted.

I chuckled as he turned red.

"So um you like Lacrosse?" he asked stuttering.

"Oh ya totally, Sarah and I used to be on the team at our old school," I told him.

"I can talk to coach for you if you want, to see if you can be on the team," he blurted out.

"Really?" I asked taking the chance, I know I was sort of using him but I needed to see how strong McCall was.

"Ya, totally," he answered doubtfully, you could tell he had just said it in the moment but he also looked like the kind of guy that when he said something he had to do it.

He stood up and walked over to the coach acting all cool.

"Sup coach," he said to the coach thinking I couldn't here the conversation.

"Who the hell are you?" the coach asked befuddled.

I had to suppress a laugh from escaping.

"I'm Stiles," he said but the coach was still giving a look,"...Stilinksi."

The coach was still staring but then something clicked, "oh right Stilinski, your the second worst on the team next to Greenberg. I really hate Greenberg."

"Right um I was just wondering if my friend Scarlett and my cousin Sarah could try out for the team, they're really good," Stiles assumed so that the coach would agree.

"Well we do need new players let's see them on the field, next practice they can come and play," coach said making me sigh.

I was really hoping we could play now for Scott but I guess it didn't play out that way.

"Great!" Stiles exclaimed with a huge grin as he walked back over to me.

He then sat down and turned to me, "Next practice you'll be gearing up with the rest of us."

I smiled hugging him. It took him by surprise but he soon patted my back.

"Thank you so much," I said gratefully, I was still super happy that Stiles did that, he's a true man cause he had the balls to refer us to the coach meanwhile Jackson was just like 'Ya whatever.'

The rest of the game I sat with Stiles catching up and talking about how good of a player Scott was. Stiles was so sweet he was such a nice guy but I knew I couldn't get too close to him. Every time I do I always end up losing them.

Hey guys hope you like it!

Happy August and belated full moon!



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