You're a werewolf, Scotty

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Stiles' P.O.V.

I can't believe it, my crush since 3rd grade is actually back! The day I found out about the fire I left class and ran to her house. Once I got there I was greeted by some deputies including my dad. He told me that only two people got out alive including her but she was in critical condition.

By the time I went to see her in the hospital she was gone she just vanished. Now out of nowhere she's back without any explanation as to why because she lost her memory.

Something isn't right here and I'm gonna figure out what it is, but right now I have to follow Scott on his journey to find his puffer.

"I don't know what it was it was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball, " he said as we crossed a stream, "And that's not the only weird thing. I can I hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear, smell things..."

"Smell things? Like what?" I asked cutting him off.

"Like the mint mohito gum in your pocket," he said pointing at my pocket.

For a second I was confused and stopped to check my pockets, "I don't even have any mint mohito..." I stopped talking when I pulled out like half a piece. I gave him a weird look and he extended his arms as in saying 'see'. "So all this started with the bite?"

"What if it's like in an infection? What if my body is flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?" he asked, you could see he was very concerned for his safety.

"You know what I actually think I've actually heard of this. It's a specific kind of infection." I started to tease him.

"Are you serious?" he asked, he was completely buying it.

"Ya, I think it's called lycanthropy," I said keeping a straight face.

"What's that? Is that bad?" he asked getting really worried.

"Ya it's the worst but only once a month," I added.

"Once a month?" he questioned buffudled.

"Mhmm, on the night of the full moon," I howled causing him to push me. I chuckled, "Hey you're the one who heard a wolf howling."

"There could be something seriously wrong with me," Scott said angrily.

"I know! You're a werewolf! Grrr!" I said making some hand gestures, Scott just rolled his eyes at me as we continued walking through the woods, "Ok obviously I'm kidding but if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find its cause Friday's a full moon."

Scott stopped and looked down, "I could of sworn this was it I saw the body, the deer came running, I dropped my inhaler."

"Maybe the killer moved the body," I said, to be honest I really wanted to find that body.

"If he did I hope he left my inhaler those things are like eighty bucks," he said bending down to look for the puffer.

I was about to answer but stopped when I saw a figure in the distance. It was a man in a black leather jacket, he had quite the creepy vibe. I hit Scott's shoulder making him turn to see him. He quickly got up to face the man. The man got closer to us and I realized that it was Derek Hale, Scarlett's weird older brother. He always creeped me out.

"What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property," he said clearly pissed off. Scott just stared at him kind of scared while I tired to avoid eye contact.

"Uh sorry man we didn't know," I said awkwardly.

"Ya we were just looking for something but um forget it," Scott said but Derek pulled something out of his pocket and threw it a Scott which he caught. It was the inhaler.

We both looked a the eldest Hale as he walked away. My jaw had completely dropped.

"Alright come on man I need to get to work," my best friend said about to leave but I stopped him.

"Dude, that was Derek Hale, Scarlett's brother. You remember right? He's only like a few years older than us." I said.

"Remember what?" he asked a bit confused.

"Really? I was freaking out about this for months when it happened. Their family? They all burnt to death in a fire like ten years ago," I said feeling bad for Scarlett, "she was in the accident, she lost her memory."

"I'm sorry man. I wonder what they're doing back though?" he questioned.

I sighed, "Come on," I said making my way back to my Jeep.

Scott followed soon after.

Scarlett's P.O.V.

I stood outside of the house waiting for Derek to come home. I had been practicing how to perfect my hearing and I wasn't happy with what I had picked up.

After about ten minutes I could finally see him he was walking back with his usual grin, see the sarcasm.

"What the hell!" I yelled once he was close enough.

"What?" he asked not even fazed by me. He walked right past me and towards the house.

"You couldn't of been more creepier?!" I screamed causing him to pause and turn to look at me.

"I wasn't being creepy I just returned the puffer and made sure to catch his sent, he's definitely turning and you need to keep an eye on him," Derek said blandly while putting his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you Captain Obvious!" I exclaimed, " I already know that he's turning and like I told you I'm already keeping my eyes on him!"

"Do a better job then," he said walking into the house.

I followed behind quite pissed off, "What do you mean 'do a better job'?"

"I mean don't just follow him around the school. See what he does after school, when he goes to work, what he does at home..." Derek explained but I cut him off.

"You want me to stalk him?" I asked putting a hand on my hip.

"How much more clear could I be?" he asked blandly.

"God!" I exclaimed marching to my room and slamming the door behind me.

If you get to know Derek he is a nice guy behind all of those layers but he is quite unreasonable.

I sighed and decided to study for a test I have tomorrow. That's right the first day back and we already have a test for the next day.

(A few days later)

The next few days were pretty hectic. There were too many tests and assignments to follow Scott. I might be able to get a bit of intel today though since I have to go to the Stilinski household after school to do a Chemistry project with Stiles. It was due tomorrow even though it was given today. Mr. Harris is an ass.

Anyways my social life has gotten way better lately. From night to day I've become one of the most popular girls ever thanks to Lydia. I'm still trying to get used to all the attention but I'll get it sooner or later and surprisingly enough Lydia isn't as mean as she comes off as, she's quite nice and smart if you really get to know her. Unlike Jackson who is still a complete asswipe. I can't believe Sarah has a crush on him. Moreover Allison is so sweet I can't believe she's an Argent. She's got a date with Scott at Lydia's party tonight. If she isn't already a hunter she definitely is gonna become one once she sees Scott turn.

Anyhow today is LACROSSE DAY! Sarah and I finally get to play and try out! We were both on the red team so we were on Scott's team. It's a good way to see his power.

"Let's go, gather round, bring it in, come on, come on," Coach said while blowing his whistle.

Once we were all gathered Scott waved at Allison as she went to the bleachers.

"Got a question McCall?" Coach asked approaching him.

"What?" he asked clearly confused.

"You raised your hand. Do you have a question?" Coach asked again.

Uhh no I was just uhh nothing sorry," he answered making me chuckle.

"Ok most of you know how this goes, if you don't make the cut you're most likely sitting on the bench for the rest of the season. You make the cut you play, your parents are proud, your girlfriends love ya!" the Coach exclaimed moving someone's helmet back and forth on their head, "Everything else is ah cream cheese. Now get out there and SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT! COME ON!"

Everyone yelled and got into place. Most of the game was pretty easy. Some body checking here and there and some goals but nothing too exciting. Until Scott caught the ball but was immediately pushed down by the asswipe. Jackson pulled off his helmet and smirked, then pulled it back on and went back to the game.

Soon enough Scott had the ball to himself and ran to the goal swooching past everyone and even doing a flip over some guys on the way and made the goal.

Everyone cheered and Coach blowed the whistle.

"McCall get over here!" he said and Scott did, "What in God's name was that? This is a Lacrosse field, what are you trying out for the gymnastics team?"

"No, Coach," Scott answered.

"What the hell was that!?" he exclaimed.

"I don't know. I'm just trying to make the shot," Scott answered again.

"Ya well you made the shot and guess what? You're starting, buddy. You made first line!" Coach said giving Scott a small slap.

Everyone cheered and Scott was ecstatic. He smiled and did a little jumping thing. Stiles didn't seem so happy, he just sat there thinking.

Later there was just more rivalry between Scott and Jackson especially since he made first line before Jackson did. I had to do something. Scott had the ball and Jackson was ready to check him so I ran into him with all my force sending him a few feet back. I definitely got Coach's attention. Jackson slowly got up in pain and glared at me. On the other hand I was smirking.

"Hale!" he yelled blowing the whistle.

"Look who's in trouble," Jackson pouted.

I just rolled my eyes and walked up to Coach.

"Yes Coach, what's up?" I asked.

"What's up? More like what's down. You completely knocked Jackson on his ass and it was hilarious," he yelled laughed causing everyone to do the same, "You're pretty strong for a little girl, do you think you could do that with a really fat, 6 foot kid?"

"Easily," I smiled.

"Good cause you're the second person to make first line!" he yelled.

I smiled widely as everyone cheered like they did to Scott.

After try outs both Sarah and I went to the girls change room skipping. Sarah later made the team by taking a sneak shot.

"I can't believe we did it!" she exclaimed changing.

"Me too, I just hope no one got suspicious of my strength," I sighed checking my hair in the mirror.

"Don't worry about it, by the way can you take me home?" she asked.

I sighed, "Fine but just cause I'm going there too."

"A hot study date with Stiles?" she asked moving her eyebrows up and down.

"Ew! God no! Mr. Harris assigned us as partners for a project," I exclaimed grabbing my purse.

"Whatever you say, just don't come to me for protection cause I don't have any," she said walking out the door.

"What?" I exclaimed following her.

Once we got to the Stilinski house Sarah went to her room and I went to Stiles' just to find him on the computer. He didn't notice me enter and close the door. There were papers and books all over the floor.

I picked a paper up and read it, "Lycanthropy."

Stiles jolted up, closing his computer screen and turning to me.

"You could of knocked," he said fixing his shirt.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled trying to hide the fact that I was getting nervous.

"Do you want me to be honest or do you want me to lie?" he asked scrunching up his face.

"The truth," I said rolling my eyes.

"Ok you're gonna think this is crazy but um Scott was bitten by a wolf and he's been acting weird ever since and he's really good at lacrosse and he used to suck so I have theory that he might be a werewolf," he blurted out causing me to step back and put the paper down on the bed.

"You don't believe me," he said as I sat down.

"I do," I sighed looking down at my hands in my lap," I do believe you."

I looked up to see him creasing his eyebrows, "Why?"

"Because..." I sighed about to reply when the door opened to revel Scott.

"Hey," he said to the both of us, "Am I interrupting something?"

"Get in," Stiles said closing the door behind Scott, "I've been up all night reading websites, books, all this information."

Scott turned to give me a weird look and then turned back to Stiles, "How much adderal have you had today?"

"A lot," he replied sitting in his desk chair and grabbing a paper causing his friend to chuckle, "Doesn't matter just listen."

"Is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?" Scott asked putting his bag down and sitting down next to me.

"No they're still questioning people," Stiles said impatiently.

"Ya even my brother," I sighed.

"We saw him in the woods the other day," Scott told me, "No offence but he's kinda creepy."

"None taken, he has that kind of vibe," I shrugged.

"Ya, Ya, Ya, but that's not it!" Stiles exclaimed interrupting our conversation.

"What then," Scott asked confused.

"Remember the joke from the other day?" he told Scott, "Not a joke anymore."

Scott was clearly lost.

"The wolf, the bite in the woods. I started doing all this reading," he started and got up, "Do you even know why a wolf howls?!"

"Should I?" Scott asked.

"It's a signal," I said making them both turn to me.

"Ya. When a wolf's alone it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pact. So if you heard a wolf howling others could of been near by maybe even a whole pack of them!" Stiles exclaimed.

"A whole pack of wolves?" Scott asked curiously.

"No. Werewolves," Stiles replied causing me to sigh.

"Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour," Scott said getting up and grabbing his bag.

"Listen to him, Scott," I said.

"We saw you on the field today, Scott. Ok what you did wasn't just amazing, alright, it was impossible," Stiles chuckled.

"Ya so I made a good shot," he said walking away.

Stiles put Scott's bag down, "No you made an incredible shot! I mean the way you moved, your speed, your reflexes? People can't just suddenly do that overnight? And there's the vision and the senses and don't even think I don't notice you don't need your inhaler anymore!"

"Ok dude I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow," Scott said.

"Tomorrow what no! The full moon's tonight! Don't you get it?!" Stiles exclaimed.

The whole time I was just sitting back watching them fight.

"What're you trying to do? I just made first line, I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me. Everything in my life is some how perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?" Scott yelled, he was angry.

"You're cursed Scott," I said softly.

Stiles nodded in agreement while sitting down, "I'm trying to help. You know and and it's not just, the moon will cause you to physically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak."

"Bloodlust?" Scott asked confused.

"Your urge to kill," I answered.

"I'm already starting to feel an urge to kill, Scarlett," Scott said pissed off.

"You have to hear this," Stiles said grabbing a book. "The change can be cause by anger or anything that raises your pulse," he closed the book, "Alright! I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does! You gotta cancel this date. I'm gonna call her right now."

Stiles got up and went to Scott's bag. He grabbed his phone and went to stand in front of Scott.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked.

"I'm cancelling the date," the witty friend replied.

It all happened so fast. Scott yelled in denial and pushed Stiles against the wall with his fist up. I grabbed Scott by the shoulder and growled in his face with my fangs out and my eyes flashing blue.

"I don't know how you did that! Congrats on your cute trick!" He yelled shocked pushing the desk chair to the floor.

He slowly started breathing then turned to Stiles.

"I'm sorry. I gotta get ready for that party," he said walking to the door, "I'm sorry."

He left.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I slowed my breathing. My eyes went back to normal and my fangs slowly retracted. I licked my teeth to make sure and yup they were gone.

"No wonder you believed me," Stiles said walking up behind me.

"I almost forgot you were here," I turned to him, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

He chuckled, "I have so many questions!"


Hey guys! One more chapter until I'm done the first episode! I'm having so much fun writing this I hope you like it. Scarlett and Stiles are gonna get a bit close next chapter! Can't wait.



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