The Chapter of Cake

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--Toast's PoV--

"Toast, what are you doing?" Ghost asked, watching me bake on the little stove we had next to the mini fridge.

"I'm baking a cake, sir." I saw him smile, "make that two cakes..."

"Who gets the first one?" He asked, sitting down

"Our neighbors. They've been neighborly enough and Ms. Hudson says that they're almost always busy, so I decided to make them some cake."

"May I have the icing in the bowl when you're done?" Sir asked, looking around.

"Of course sir. What are you looking for?"

"Jimmy want to know where his diary is...  I don't remember packing it, so I figured he did it, but he's insisting he didn't do it so did you pack it?"

"No, I couldn't find it."

"It was on your bookshelf!"

"It wasn't there when I went to pack it, I thought you got it... Or maybe Sherlock if we're unfortunate..."

"Ow, headache..." Sir blurted. "We need to get that back."

"Let's just find out where they live and pay them a visit once I'm done with the cake."

"Do we seriously want to be that kind of neighbors?" Ghost asked and I shrugged.

"We need to introduce ourselves some way, we want to trust us in case some murderous ghost comes and we need to evacuate the building." I told him, finishing the cake, "plus it's done."

"I could eat it." He said, ignoring my phone buzzing. I went and picked it up.

"Hello, who is this?" I asked.

"We have your creepy journal thing." John Watson said through the phone. 

"Technically it's not mine... Or my partners... Any of them."

"We've read it..." he paused. "That was possibly a mistake... We want to talk to you about it."

"Well, I can't yet, we're busy." I said, sideways glancing to sir who was just watching.

He mouthed, "who is it?"

"John Watson." I mouthed back.

"We live at 221B Baker's Street, Mrs. Hudson told us you live below us." I froze.

"I baked you a cake."


"I didn't know you lived above us..." I glanced at sir, who paled and ran out of the room. "Sir's coming up, be careful, he knows you have the book..."

He hung up and I ran after the man who had left the room, not knowing who to expect when I caught up.

--Sherlock's PoV--

Toast hung up after giving us the warning and we jumped to action. 

John grabbed a bat and hit behind the door, while I waited with the journal. Someone burst in, I could momentarily hear John gasp as the door almost hit his face. The blur lunged at me with inhuman speed I wasn't preparing for and barely gave me time to duck. I looked up, being greeted by Jimmy with his knife.

"Helloooo Sherlock." He said, laughing. "D'ya wanna know my secret?"

"I think I might already know it, why are you offering." I told him, he gave me a small frown like I didn't get a joke.

"Nonononono, Locky-"

"Don't call me that." I said, inching away slowly. John was away from the door, holding the bat, but Jimmy glared at him.

"YOU STAY OUT OF THIS, or I'll kill you both sooner~," He ignored a slight commotion on the stairs, smiling. "You don't know my secret. You think you do but you don't~."

"You share bodies with Ghost? Your a murderer? You can't read?"

"Those can all be guessed! Everyone who knows my sercet has to die, and thats why I'm gonna tell you~." He started laughing, "so, Locky, d'ya wanna know my secret?" The commotion was getting closer.

"Hmm... Sure." He smiled wider and gripped the knife tighter.

"So-" He was interupted by someone running into the room.

"DUCK!" He yelled, shooting at Casket. Casket dodged most the bullet, but it got him in the hand and he dropped his knife. I leaned to grab it. "DON'T touch it, mr. Holmes, no one has touched that and survived." Casket glared at Toast and I couldn't help but wonder about the lack of threats or anger.

"May I please have his journal back?" I gave him a look, stood up and handed it to him. He pulled out a gun and pointed it to me. "Look, I'm sorry, but promise you won't say a word to another living thing about what you've seen in this book."

"And if I don't you'll shoot me?" Toast nodded, grimly.

He sighed and made a glance at Casket, who was smiling and fiddling with his knife, an obvious message, 'you don't do this, I will'.

"I hate doing this, I really do, so please?"

"Fine, I promise I won't tell anyone. John, promise the man you won't tell anyone." John looked ready to scream as he came out from behind the door.

"I promise not to tell anyone." He said, pointing out the door, "now get out of our flat." Toast nodded and dragged Jimmy out, ignoring Jimmy's evil smiles to us. "What was that?" He asked, looking at me.

"Well, it's obvious the prince has made friends with a murderer hiding in plain sight before knowing, and now neither can bear to kill the other, so Ghost protects Toast even when he's killing people, and Toast tries to keep casualties to a minimum, while still keeping his friend from getting arreseted... do you think Toast is still bringing us that cake?"

"I don't think so..."


"Why is that what your worried about here? We now have a disowned prince living with a serial murderer in our basement."

"Theres more than it to that, I can feel it! I was THIS CLOSE to knowing before Toast came in-"

"AND SAVED OUR LIVES. Sherlock, I don't think you understand how dangerous this is. You could've died, we both could've died!

"I wouldn'tve allowed him to do that." I told John, trying to calm him down, but he just sighed.

"I really don't think you understand that when you die, its for forever. I don't care if you died or not that one time, but this is serious! That man is a killer, we need to turn him in."

"I know, but we promised not to." John gave me a look. 

"You want to find out what his secret is, don't you?"

"I don't know what it is, and I hate not knowng."

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