Things That Go Thump

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--Toast's PoV--

I was alone in our flat, Jimmy doing... Who knows what while I waited back in the basement. Someone knocked on the door and Sherlock was waiting on the other side. I almost screamed, and tried closing the door, he blocked it. "Do you have any more of that stuff that was under your bed?"

"... You mean Macarnoni?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah, the mac and cheese..."

"There is a difference between Macarnoni and mac and cheese," I told the man as he walked in.

Sherlock started poking around a bit. "Really? what is it?"

"Macaroni is a highly addicting drug only sold by a few sellers and the Acachallas- You tasted some of it, didn't you?" He nodded and I couldn't help but sigh, "are you sure about this?" He nodded, "alright, don't worry, I'm one of the sellers..." He gave me a small look.

"I thought that was your brother?" He asked me as I pulled out one of the stashes from the walls.

"We're both in the business. They only know Gavin does it because the cops caught him selling it... Personally, I've had a few close calls but..." I saw him holding his phone up, I couldn't tell what he was doing. "Put down your phone."


"Put down your phone, I know you have contacts inside the castle, for all I know you're talking to them." He pocketed his phone, but I couldn't help but worry. "Look, are you sure about this? This stuff is really dangerous."

"You do it too, huh?" I felt my face flush and he nodded. "Alright then..."

"Why do you even want some of this?" I asked him while he took some of the Macaroni, and he shrugged.

"I wanted to see what a full dose was like."

"Believe me, a taste is enough, but who am I to judge... Now get out and don't tell anyone what just happened. He started to leave, when he stopped.

"May I bring the cake?" He asked and I gave him the pastry that up until then had been cooling on the counter. He smiled and took it up while I re-hid the Macaroni.

Ghost came back almost an hour later, caked with dirt, blood and soaking wet. "I hate the rain..." He muttered as he sat down.

"How many?"

"About three..." I rose and eyebrow, "seven including witnesses..." He shivered, "I really really hate this. And Casket. And blood... I hate this..."

"Well, better get some rest, am I right?" I asked, watching as he searched the room a bit.

"So who'd you give the cake to?" Ghost questioned suddenly, and I paused a bit to think.

"Sherlock dropped by and I gave it to him." He sighed, "I'll make more tomorrow, sir."

"Did you also sell him Macaroni?" I froze.

"Noooooooooooo, of course not, why would you s-" he gave me a look, "yes."

He groaned. "You need to stop selling that stuff!"

"He asked for it, sir! I couldn't just say no!"

"THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU SHOULD SAY!" I jumped back from his sudden rage while he just climbed into his bed. "Night, Johnny."

"Good night, sir... Sorry about the Macaroni thing..."

"It's alright."


"Go to sleep and I'll think about it."

"Okay, sir..." I climbed into my own bed, watching sir as I drifted off to sleep.

--Ghost's PoV--

Halfway through the night, someone broke in.

I don't know how, but they managed to sneak in without breaking the window or even opening the door. I have a feeling that unless he woke us up, we wouldn't have otherwise.

I woke to a sudden smash, Toast paralleling my movements. I felt super lucky I slept with my clothes on as we noticed a man standing in the middle of the room, a china teacup's shards littering the ground. I pulled out a gun and he just smiled as two little red sniper dots appeared on our foreheads.

"Who are you?" I snapped, ignoring Toast's asking how he even got in there.

He clicked his tongue, "I don't think you're in the position to ask questions, Johnny Ghost." My blood ran cold as he said my name. "Or is it Jimmy Casket?" My mouth fell open, not knowing what to say, "or should we go even farther?"

"Sta-Shut up!" I told him, not putting down my gun. The dot on my forehead moved to Toast's, and I must've looked pretty fearful right then...

"Don't say another word and come with me, or your partner is going to decorate the wall with his blood." He said. I swallowed and followed him to a nearby building, we were both standing on the roof.

"So what do you want?" I asked him, scowling.

"I am Sherlock's nemesis, you stay away from him, alright?"

"Fine, I never wanted to go near him." I said, turning to leave, but he grabbed me by my hood.

"I'm going to insure this." He pushed me to the side of the building, " and your partner? Sorry, but I change my mind so quickly." He pulled out a walky-talky. "Shoot him dead." and then he pushed me over the side.

I died as soon as I hit the ground

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