Part 4: Old Friends Reunited

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A/N just to let you know (just in case you didn't understand the last chapter) the part where Sherlock is on the rooftop and then the hospital was a flashback/in Sherlock's dream. Sorry if the transition didn't make sense.

When John woke up, he noticed that he was cuddling Sherlock's arm. Luckily Sherlock wasn't awake to see and John quickly got up and out of bed.

"John?" Sherlock murmured through the pillow covering his mouth.

"Morning, Sherlock," John replied, "I have something to tell you."

"I'll meet you in the living room." Sherlock flipped over so his voice wasn't muffled. "And could you get Mrs. Hudson to fix us up some tea?"

"Not sure that she'd like that. But I'll try."

John walked out of their room and went downstairs. He was surprised to find that Mrs. Hudson was already there cleaning their dishes.

"Oh, good morning dear," Mrs. Hudson greeted John.

"Mrs. Hudson, mind me asking... What are you doing?"

"Well you boys haven't done your dishes in a month and it's starting to stink up the whole building." Mrs. Hudson turned on the sink to rinse off a plate. "I made some tea. It's over there on the coffee table. I know it's been hard on you and Sherlock, but if you would mind cleaning up-"

"We're sorry, Mrs. Hudson. We'll try to get on that. Thank you for the tea."

Sherlock marched into the living room wearing his navy blue dressing gown and stopped when he saw Mrs. Hudson at the sink.

"John I didn't say she had to do the dishes. Just the tea will suffice, Mrs. Hudson. Now run along," Sherlock ordered.

"Pardon me?" Mrs. Hudson scolded Sherlock.

"Alright fine." Sherlock walked over and sat down his seat across from John who was reading the newspaper. "So what is it that you wanted to tell me, John?"

"Perhaps we need a bit of... privacy." John turned back to look at Mrs. Hudson, then back at Sherlock. "It's a sensitive matter."

"Oh enough of that John, I already know what you do when you're alone. It's fine, in fact-"

"No... NO!" John screamed.

Sherlock raised his eyebrows.

"No... It's not that, Sherlock."

Suddenly Sherlock began to smell the familiar, faint scent of rust and summer air.

"Mrs. Hudson, get out of here!" Sherlock yelled.

He threw himself at John to shield him for what he knew was coming next.

"Sherlock? What was that for?" John was on the floor as Sherlock crouched in front of him waiting.

"You'll see."

Nothing happened but the scent grew stronger and Sherlock held out his hand.

"Okay, Sherlock. That's enough." John started to get up. "I'm tired of you pretending-"

Suddenly a few sparks started illuminating out of thin air and John caught on. The sparks started to spin in a counterclockwise motion. Sherlock continued to hold out his arm full of anticipation.

"Sherlock," his voice echoed through the room.

Suddenly Sherlock heard it. It was flying through bins, windows and doors just to arrive in Sherlock's hand. He hand out his arm and felt it in his grasp after a few seconds. The Wand of Watoomb.

"Sherlock, it's me. It's Doctor Strange," he told Sherlock.

As Strange exited his ring of sparks, Sherlock squeezed the wand and then threw his arm forward. The wand omitted rays of orange that nearly hit Strange in the head until he used his shields.

"It's good to see you too, Sherlock," Strange said as he waited for Sherlock to stop blasting him.

"What do you want, Strange?"

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