Part 5: What is it With You Mortals?

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"So..." John cleared his throat. "Should we discuss?"

Sherlock and Strange seemed to be having a staring contest of some sort. Well it was more like glaring than anything else. John's eyes darted between the two of them waiting for a response. He worried that they might start another duel so he repeated himself.

"Sherlock? Doctor Strange? Are we going to discuss our new client?" John asked.

"Soon, John," Strange told him.

"Don't call him Doctor Strange. He doesn't even have his license anymore," Sherlock seethed. "He gave up being a doctor to become a wizard."

"I prefer 'Master of the Mystic Arts."

"I prefer 'get out of my flat, you prick!" Sherlock spat at Strange.

Strange rolled his eyes and walked over to John's desk. He ruffled through a pile of folders and finally found it. He picked up a light Manila envelope and walked back over to the seating area.

"Is this your client, John?" Strange asked.

"Yes... How did you know?"

Suddenly Stephen's bracelet began omitting a low pitched whistle sound and he dropped the folder on the floor. "It's Wong. The Sanctum's in trouble, I have to leave."

"What?" Sherlock barked.

"I'm sorry, Sherlock. I-"

"We're going with you," Sherlock declared.

"No, we're not," John protested, "we're going to stay here and pick up Rosie later today."

"Come on, John. Please?"

"I really have to go now, please make your decision," Strange told him.

"John, please?" Sherlock persisted.

John rolled his eyes. "Fine. No more than an hour!"

Suddenly they were in the Sanctum once again. Sherlock noticed the same familiar sweet aroma he smelled almost two years ago when he last visited. The three of them were all staring at Wong who was munching on a pulled pork sandwich.

"Wong?" Strange stepped forward.

Suddenly Wong made the sandwich disappear and changed into a uniform in a matter of seconds.

"There's been a warning. Something big is hurtling towards earth and at this rate, it's going to land right here. On top of the Sanctum," Wong explained, "I figured we could use as much magic as we can get."

"And why can't we send the foreign object to an uninhabited planet?" Strange asked him.

"Because, Strange. It's not an object... it's Bruce Banner."

Sherlock looked to Strange for guidance as to what their current situation was. Meanwhile, John was waiting for Sherlock to turn around and leave with him.

"You two need to leave. Right now," Strange ordered them. He created a flaming portal but Sherlock refused.

"No. We will not leave," Sherlock told him.

"Sherlock..." John urged.

"No! You're just... going to get yourself killed," Sherlock said to Strange completely ignoring John.

"And what would make that better? Have two more innocent civilians get killed too?" Strange retorted, "absolutely not. Leave, Sherlock. Now."

"Civilian? Is that what you think of me, Strange?" Sherlock asked, "is that why you left? You couldn't be burdened with having to spend any more time with... what? Civilians? Mortals? Fine."

"Sherlock you know-"

Suddenly Sherlock hopped into the portal and landed on his bed. And he could hear from downstairs that John had landed safely too, but instead on the couch. Sherlock started to get up and he still couldn't shake the terrible feeling that Strange was going to get himself caught up in something that may very well kill him.

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