Chapter Eightteen: The Return

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I love Pidge. I will die for her ❤


3rd POV

It was a cool bright and sunny day, the autumn leaves flying around in the swift wind. The air was chilly and the leaves crutched underneath people's shoes. Today was the day that Shiro returns from Florida, a day that Pidge have impatiently waited for a week and a half. The small girl was waiting for her boyfriends plane to land, waiting around the terminal where he is expected to be after exiting the plane. Keith decided to tag along, taking the day off from work and just allowing one of his supervisors to take over for just the day. Lance couldn't join in with the fun; instead, he was at his mother's house with his family while he celebrated one of his siblings birthday. It was Lance's first younger sister's birthday (2nd oldest sibling, Lance being first), celebrating the year when she turns 18 - a young adult. Lance now wasn't the only adult sibling in the family, now Layla and himself being adults and not kids by law anymore.

       Ever since the two began dating, Lance and Keith have been slowly getting along and personally getting closer in person. By each day, they learned new things between each other and text everyday while away. Keith never knew he would get close to Lance but the odds are that he was getting close to the man. He was getting closer and closer to him - and he liked it.

Keith stood beside Pidge, his hands in his jean pockets as he guarded the tiny female. Shiro's plane hasn't arrived yet and the two were now impatiently waiting. The airport was full of people but wasn't overcrowded to the point that people were shoving past each other. The place was filled with different types of people, varying around gender, family, and race. But Pidge didn't pay attention to such things, her focus was all on the arrival of her boyfriend. To be honest, the girl was anxious and worried for multiple different reasons: ranging from a breakup, cheating, disappearance, or plane accident. The girl already knew that her boyfriend wouldn't cheat or disappear without saying a word but the other things can still happen. To mention, they're still only dating.

       Keith begins tapping his foot impatiently on the hard tiled floor, looking over at Pidge. "Hey, do you want to go get something to eat and then come back to pick up Shiro?" Keith asked, bored and wanting to move around instead of standing in one spot. But Pidge was stubborn, shaking her head immediately without any hesitation. She wanted to freeze, wait and watch Shiro walk up to her with his baggages in his hands. She wanted to hug, kiss and touch her man once they make eye contact. A week and a half may not seem long but it felt like forever between the two.

Keith sighed, pouting in disapproval from Pidge's response. The guy honestly wanted to go look around and snack on something but from the looks of it, he just got to wait. Pidge gripped onto a bundle of flowers she brought with her, grown by herself from her own flower shop. They were beautiful red roses that she wanted to give to Shiro as a welcoming gift. Minutes later, the airport speakers announce that Plane 213 was now landing - Shiro'a plane. Lunch time was at its peak and Pidge was already making plans to go lunch with him. And if Keith wanted to join in, she didn't mind.

       Pidges heart began to race, excitement growing inside of her. She couldn't wait for Shiro to return, knowing that he'll be as excited as she was. After a long wait of 10 minutes, Shiro's plane was finally here and parked right outside of the terminal. Immediately, Shiro comes out first, his suitcase rolling right behind him with a jacket wrapped around in one of his arms. He was dressed in a casual business suit.

       Shiro, as money rich as he was, always bought first class tickets whenever he travels. He honestly couldn't stand being around masses of people all the way at the back of the plane. He preferred his fancy ass to be at a nice seating place where there's great internet, quiet, and fine dining. Even having a thought to seating beside people who sneezed, coughed, or smelled would just make his feel sick.

      Shiro immediately makes eye contact with Pidge, the girl smiling in such joy as the man approached her. Keith started to smile weakly, enjoying the reaction Pidge just made when spotting her boyfriend. Keith began to trust Shiro - seeing that he wasn't some kind of molaster or womanizer. The man was very respectful towards Pidge and does not take any advantage on her. Keith respected men like that.

Shiro and Pidge embrace each other into a warming hug, the teens arms wrapped around Shiro's neck. The roses she was holding were pointed downwards so the thorns wouldn't stab into Shiro's neck. Keith adored the cute moment, placing his hands onto his hips in a friendly manner. "Oh, I missed you! Did you miss me?" Pidge smiled, slowly pulling away. Shiro chuckled deeply, "Of course."

Pidge grinned in happiness, sliding the roses into Shiro's hands carefully. Shiro watched, gripping the bundle of beautiful flowers into his large and warm fingers. "They're beautiful," Shiro commented. Pidge just giggles.

Keith suddenly interrupts, "Hey, I'm hungry. This belly isn't going to feed itself."



Chapter Nineteen: The Flower Girl And The Flower Boy

Shiro has nothing to do since his next business trip is within the next couple months and is taking a week off from work. So, he suddenly visits Pidge while she works at her flower shop, taking her by surprise. The man decides to help his girlfriend out with the busy customers. Will he able to do it?


Lances Family (if you were confused, sorry 😊):

Lance - 19
Layla - 18
Sarah - 17
Tomas - 16
Emily - 15
Aaron - 15

So many kids... I can't even take care of myself 😝


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