Chapter Nineteen: The Flower Girl And The Flower Boy

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Pidges POV

"Thank you! Come again!"

A ring of the door closing as I watched one of my customers leave my flower shop with a bundle of Tithonia diversifolias in his hands. Tithonia diversifolias are beautiful and bright yellow flowers that bloom amazingly in the fall; also known as "Mexican Sunflowers". I've been getting lots of sales from them, my biggest attraction yet during the autumn season.

A couple more customers enter, looking and observing my place. I could tell that they were new at my shop. I patiently waited behind the cashier countertop, enjoying the weak sunlight that shined through my windows. Even after lunch time, it's hard to get warmth at the hottest point of the day. I exhaled through my nose, now glancing down at my shoes. Thoughts became to run through my head. 'How is Keith doing? He seems to be getting along with Lance lately - which is good? I still don't understand how one person would complain about another then suddenly, hallelujah, they're now dating. Like nothing happened!'

"Excuse me?"

"Huh?" I glance up, seeing one of the same new customers I saw earlier in front of me. It was a lady, tall and had beautiful white hair. She was young and well dressed. "Oh, do you need some help ma'am?" I ask, weakly grinning.

The lady nods, "Yeah. I'm new to this place and I'm looking for a bundle of mixed flowers that I can get? My ex boyfriend told me that this was a good place for flowers so I decided to come here. The flowers are for my mother."

"Just a mixture?"

The lady nods again, holding a small lady like handbag in her hands. "Let me see what I can find," I said as I excused myself out back of the shop. The lady stood where she was, patiently waiting for my return.


Shiro's POV

"Shiro, I don't thing it's a good idea to bug Katie when she's working," Keith pointed out.

I sighed, "I know but I'm bored and I just want to help get out with the business."

Keith shrugs, "Okay, fine. I can't stop you but don't be surprised if Katie starts beating your ass."

      "Very funny..."

I grumbled, grabbing my jacket before I left my girlfriends house. I went to Pidge's house to see if her mother was doing alright but found that Keith already beat me to it. And from my successful business trip from Florida, my boss gave me the week off from work and the schedule to my next business trip. This time, the trip is set in the next couple months to New York - a big and busy place.


Pidges POV

"Here we go. Here's your bundle of flowers," I smiled, sliding the bundle of mixed flowers into her hands. The lady smiled, making direct eye contact in appreciation. But something hit me immediately, my eyes trying to recognize the lady while I held the eye contact back at her. The lady seemed so similar after getting a good look of her - the pretty face, white hair, crystal eyes. Something wasn't right and I could feel it under my skin.

I gulped, forcing my eyes to look away as I walked behind the countertop. The lady just watches, unaware about the situation going on in my head at the moment. "How much?" She asked.

"$12," I quickly answered. The lady opens her handbag, searching for some money. I watched but my attention quickly looked at the front door as a man walked in - my boyfriend. A grin grew on my face, surprised to see him at this time of day. Shiro walked over behind the countertop, nudging me teasingly with a smile. "Hello," Shiro greeted.

I giggled, "What are you doing here Takashi?"

The lady looks up then tenses. The commotion distracted her, her eyes watching us as we began to start a conversation. But before Shiro could answer my question, the lady hisses, "Shiro?!"

Shiro looked at the screaming lady, immediately tensing up in response. "Allura?"

      "Hummmm, I hear that you go by Takashi now? That's a new name."


        "Don't "Allura" me! I'm surprised that you didn't even notice me until I said something. It's like that date months ago. You were focused on something rather than me when you gave me those flowers at that dinner date. That was a beginning sign that you could be seeing someone else!"

I gasped, 'That's why she looked so similar! I saw her at Takashi's date months ago. She's Takashi's ex girlfriend!'

Allura grunts, crossing her arms. Jealousy was fired in her eyes, glaring at the both of us. "So, you left me for this petite girl?" Allura growled. "I didn't know you were into short and boney girls."

I gently laid the flowers on the countertop, slowly taking a step back. I wasn't sure if this lady would just yell or pounce on me. From her presence, I felt threatened - fear growing inside of me. Shiro grunts, "I did. She brought me more happiness than you did. And don't call her that."

"But look at her! She's nothing compared to me! She's not very beautiful, she's too skinny, and too fragile. And those glasses make her look like a boy. I betcha she's just skin and bones. If I was her, I would start eating more," Allura insulted. The lady was trying to hurt me but I tried to block her words. I didn't want to get hurt by a jealous woman nor get into a heated argument against her. Who knows what she could do?

Shiro commented, "But I like the way she is. Katie's beautiful to me just the way she is. Don't like it? Then you could just leave."

"Ohhh, Katie's her name?" Allura then looks at me, continuing, "Listen here bitch - if I see you again in public, I'm gonna beat your ass."

      I tensed, watching Allura lean in over the countertop. She was about to grab me, probably on the shoulder so she would make herself quite clear. But Shiro stops her by blocking. His right arm protectively covers me, making Allura stop before face palming into the man's arm. She grunts.

"Allura. Leave. You're not welcomed here anymore," Shiro warned. Allura exhales, annoyed as she slowly backed away from the countertop. "Keep the damn flowers. I'll go somewhere else. I don't want flowers from the "stick" that stole my man."

       After that, Allura was gone. The lady left the building, leaving the bundled flowers on the countertop. I slowly relaxed, looking up at Shiro in a shocked expression. "You dated her?"

       Shiro chuckles deeply, "Surprisingly, I did."

        "She's a mess."

        "I know."


      "Shiro, your doing it wrong. The customer isn't going to be happy."

       "Shush! Your distracting me."

        "Your distracting me! Your failure to wrap some flowers is getting under my skin."

        "Well, this boy never done simple tasks that consist of the fingers."

       "I see," I grunt, watching Shiro struggle to wrap a bundle of flowers for a impatient customer up front. My boyfriend decided to stay and help out with my shop, only being two hours since Allura stomped out. It was now busy hour and it seems like Shiro can't handle one of the most simplest tasks out there. How could he not know how to wrap flowers?

       I sighed, "Well, keep working at it. If I get yelled at, your getting your ass whooped by me later tonight."


       "Shut up."


"Shiro, you need to wrap three more! Hurry up!"

"How do you deal with this pressure!?"

"You'll get used to it."

"Easy for you to say that, your a tiny cute shrimp who got speedy fingers. Wrapping bundles of flowers doesn't seem like a hard task for a shrimp like you."

"Takes practice."


       "Is it closing time yet?"

       "Not yet. Will be in 30 minutes," I answered, fixing up my shop. Shiro stood behind the countertop, waiting patiently for customers to walk in. I fixed up the items and cleaned up the area. I also placed some items (that were misplaced by customers) back in their correct areas. I never understood why people do that - laziness?

        The outside was dark and the temperature dropped. Winter was approaching quickly. Shiro had a ruff day, seeing what I actually have to deal with, especially since I'm self employed. When Shiro is at work, all he has to do is go to his office and make money on the laptop. Not much physical requirements for his job. But I know he'll improve if he comes back again. We can both be the flower girl and flower boy.


Oh. The title fits right?


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