Chapter Fifteen - The Flirtatious Lance

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The photo above is so prefect 😩👌 Shitty quality again but it's just.... 😍❤ Beautiful

And if you didn't read description, this is a Keith x Lance ship book too. It's that Pidge x Shiro is the main focus in this storyline.


Pidge POV

       "Keith, I miss him..."

        Keith sighed, relaxing on my couch in the living room. "I heard you a millionth time. He will be back in a couple more days," Keith answered.

       "I knooooow but I'm so alone without him."

        "Your texting him right?"

        I nod.

        "Then your not alone."

         "Shut up," I chuckled, looking down at my phone. I yawned softly, sending Shiro a good morning message before I start to get ready for work. Shiro just left two days ago, leaving me behind alone for a week and a half from his business trip. Keith came over last night and just passed out in my couch for some odd reason. And the best part was that I didn't even know until I walked into the kitchen early in the morning to get myself a snack. He really spooked me once I saw him sleeping in the living room couch out of nowhere.

Now, I'm ready and about to leave the house to go to work. Keith was about to do the same, slowly getting off the couch and stretching. I look up at the man, "Why did you come to my house and pass out on my couch?"

"First of all, you don't own this property so everything here isn't fully yours; it's your mother's to be correct. And second of all, I got tired. I needed to be somewhere else instead of being at my house. That new employee I hired recently is giving me a heck full of mess. Apparently, he found out where I live and I don't feel safe sleeping there for awhile now," Keith replied.

"You mean that new janitor? How is he a mess towards you? And he knows where you live?"

"Yes! Gosh! He seemed like a hardworking person at first but now he just won't leave me alone. And he won't shut his mouth and stop flirting with me. He found out where I live by sneaking his nosey ass in my office and looking through my files."


Lances POV

"Your almost late."

I sighed, "Relax. At least I'm here, right?"

I smiled at my boss. The boss was short and stubby, the man in charge in telling me what needs to be cleaned or not. I'm at my new job as a janitor for only a month, hired by the "big boss". My current boss isn't really the boss of the whole compartment building. He is really just a person in charge of one tiny part of the building and a supervisor that just keeps an eye on me. That boss has no power - the boss with all the power was "big boss". He runs everything! He owns everything!

       The "big boss" is a very tall and skinny male, unknown by race. He got unbelievable soft looking hair in the style of a mullet. The beautiful crystal purplish bluish eyes are just outstanding to look at. This man really takes me off task and just to get him to take notice of me was to irritate him. The "big boss" was mean in a way, bossy really, but I can't help it but smile whenever he's close to me. He just seems so unamused and serious all the time. But there's just something about that guy that makes me all tingly inside and unfocused.

       The "big boss" then enters the building, his workplace. I watch him walk up to his large office, pulling out a set of keys from his pocket. He looked nice today and I just have to talk to him. By this, I walked up to "big boss" and smiled. "Hey," I said, watching the man turn his attention towards me and away from his keys.


        "Just wanted to say - are you the internet?"

         "Lance, don't do thi--"

         "Because I can feel the connection," I smirked, starting to flirt. "Big Boss" just glares, "Go back to work."

         Then the man enters his office and slams the door closed behind him. I just shrugged, 'What got under his skin today?'

         I turned around and went back to work. Again, "Big Boss" is a very irritable person and this seemed to be normal. Was he really this way?


I knock on "Big Boss's" white office door, patiently waiting outside. It was almost my break time, wanting to speak to him. I honestly want to know him more. If this man was going to get my attention every time I see him, it's best to at least get to know him better instead of seeing him as a complete stranger. The man's voice replied to my knocks, "Come in."

I entered, shutting the door behind me gently. There sat "Big Boss", typing quickly on the keyboard by his computer. I walked up to his large desk, getting his attention in seconds. "Big Boss" stops typing and looks up at me. "What do you want Lance?" he grunts.

I shrug, "Just wanted to come in and say hi."


I nod.

"Big Boss" sighs in frustration, rubbing his handsome face, "Well, you got work to do."

"But it's my break time."

"Break time is in 5 more minutes, not right now. Go sweep the floor or something," "Big Boss" snapped, irritated.



"Where do you want me to sweep?"

"My office I guess. Just stay quiet and don't mess with my stuff like last time," "Big Boss" answered, going back to his business on the computer. I smile, grabbing a nearby broom and start to sweep. 'Omg! I'm sweeping the guys floor! I get to see that pretty face more!'

I swept for only a couple minutes, catching a couple of hidden glimpses at the man, before being startled by a unknown female dashing in the office without knocking. I do not know the girl, knowing that she does not work here and I've haven't seen her before. She had large glasses and a cute short hair style, wearing clothes that seemed like a casual uniform. The small yet cute girl walks past me, brushing me by accident as she approached "Big Boss".

"Keith? When is the shipment coming!? I'm running low on soil!" the female spoke, her voice full of worry. "Big Boss", or known as Keith, looked up at the female from his computer, shrugging. "It should have been here yesterday. I'm guessing that's it arriving late," Keith replies.

"Tomorrow, I'm gonna have dead plants because they couldn't get their soil in time. I really need it," the female begged, crossing her arms. "For at least passing out at my place, you got to repay me by getting that soil to me as soon as possible," she continued.

"I know Katie, I will call you immediately once the truck arrives."

"It's Pidge your jerk," the girl spats.

        Keith sighs, "Gotcha. Again, I'll call you immediately once it arrives."

       Pidge nods, "Okay, good. It better be here before I close up shop today." After those words, the girl took off in a rush, leaving the office. She slammed the door closed behind her, seeing that she was clearly not in a good mood. I pout, thinking, 'Does "Big Boss" got a girlfriend? That would be depressing.'

       I look back at "Big Boss", not able to sweep from all the questions that began to form in my head. Keith looks back at me, making eye contact with my eyes. "Why did you stop sweeping?"

       I ignore his question, "Who was that girl?"

      Keith grunts, "None of your business."

       "But I'm curious "Big Boss"."

       "It's Keith. Stop calling me that. And that girl is none of your concern. She's just a friend of mine."

        'Ah! A friend! Maybe he is single!' I thought, a victory for me. I smile, gently putting the broom back where it was in Keith's office. "So your a single mingle right now?" I questioned, pulling up a chair and sitting down across from Keith. I was just behind his large and fancy office desk, observing Keith in front of me. Keith glared, hesitated, then replied, "Yes. I am single. Now go away."

"It's now my break time. Can't really shoo me away this time."

"Do you want to get fired?"

"Your no fun," I pouted, teasing. Keith continued to glare, serious and irritated. "Your an asshole," Keith complements.

"I know," I smirk, now giving my "big boss" my flirtatious look. I, personally, is a guy that loves to hit on guys and girls. I like both genders, giving me a bigger choice range to choose from on selecting my future mate. Right now, Keith was my target.

     Slowly, I knew that this guy was different in the inside - just hiding away his true self from society and keeping it secret to only himself and the others that were close. A huge piece of evidence happened just seconds ago - between Pidge and Keith. Keith would never allow any of his employees talk to him in a way that Pidge did to him; especially me. He would probably fire them on spot if they did. The conversation between that female and Keith showed that they were good friends that get to talk to get other in any way they like without hurting ones feelings; that's a strong bond there. Now I wonder how long they have been friends and why they didn't get together?

(A/N: Woah. Ever thought of that? If Pidge and Keith knew each other for a long time, why didn't they take a chance to date each other? Think about it. What might be holding them back and just being friends over these past years?... 😉)

"Soooo," I said, continuing, "How's life been going for you?"

"Annoying," Keith blandly answers.

"Really? Why?"

"Because of you."

"Damn, that's cold," I chuckle softly. Keith rolled his eyes, knowing that he will have to deal with me for the next 15 minutes because of my break shift. This guy knows I'm not leaving.

"How old are you?" I randomly ask.

"Are you flirting?"

"Answer my damn question," I spoke, crossing my arms across my chest. Keith sighs, "I'm 19."

I smile, "Same here. Birthday?"

"October 23rd."

"Dang, I'm older than you," I chuckle again.


"I'm July 28th, suck my ass,"
I smirk, relaxing onto the chair.

"No thanks."


"I don't want to suck you ass,"
Keith said.

"Why not? Betcha it's nice. Why don't you have a look yourself?"

Keith snorts softly, laughing softly under his breath. The man was trying to hide it but I knew he was laughing. This just made me smile and bright up in delightful joy. I felt my heart begin to pound, knowing that his guy wasn't always mean and serious - but soft in the inside. Keith was now slowly revealing his true self.

       "Are you sure it looks nice down there?" Keith chuckle softly, a weak smile on his pale face.

     I nod, "No doubt."


      "Well, it looks like I have to get back to work. My break time shift is over," I said, slowly getting up from the chair. Keith and I just finished a nice conversation between each other - resulting a better understanding between our differences and similarities. I learned that Keith was adopted; his mother leaving him as a baby and his father losing custody of his own son within a month of having him. Therefore, Keith was sent to an orphanage and was soon later adopted by a lovely couple that couldn't have children of their own. From there, he was raised as like they were their own biological son. He also explained how he met Pidge and how close they were. And how he described it, they sounded pretty close. The best part of how the two met when they Keith accidentally sneezed onto Pidge while in recess - the first bonding moment of a beginning relationship that somehow led them to being great friends to this very day. It was remarkable.

       I told Keith how I was the oldest child of the family. It didn't sound bad until you heard about the part that I got 5 other siblings, not including myself. I got three brothers and two sisters and I had to help raise them. My father suddenly disappeared when I was only 7 years old, making my mother a single mother. Therefore, I had to help out with the family while my strong mother went out to work everyday just to get enough money to get food in our bellies. My siblings and I had to entertain ourselves as our mother had to leave us to go to work. But after all those sacrifices she made, it made her strong. She was the strongest woman I ever had in my life and I completely appreciated her with all my heart. I knew I couldn't find another woman like her. When I told Keith my story, I saw that my "Big Boss" was interested, seeing that he was warming up to my obnoxious self. But now, my time is up and I had to go back to work.

      But before I could leave the office, Keith stops me, "Hey, you go ahead and take the day off. I might go ahead to do that as well."

       I chuckle, "But what about Pidge's shipment? She might be small but it seems like she got a evil demon growing inside of her."

        Keith sighs, "I know. I'm guessing I'm staying here then."

"Well, see you tomorrow then. Thanks," I smile, appreciated that Keith was allowing me to take off work early. I knew he wasn't all that mean.


My hand is numb. Omg.


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