Chapter Fourteen: Coming Clean In Bed

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Pidges POV

"Stop hogging up the bed."

"Sorry. Your bed isn't very big like mine so I'm pretty squished."

I chuckle, "I like it squished. Means I could get closer to you."

"That is true."

A soft smile grew on my pale skinned face, looking up at the white ceiling right just above me. At times, I would look over just to catch glimpses of my boyfriend, whom was laying right beside me. We were both chilling in my bed, in my room. It was now evening, late evening to be correct. It's a Wednesday, which I just locked up my business just half an hour ago. Shiro and I have started to hang out more - meaning that now we are seeing each other over the week days instead of just the weekends. Again, due to the circumstances of our jobs, we could only see each other late evenings and in short periods of time. I didn't mind and from the looks of it, Shiro doesn't neither. As long as we get to see each other, I think we're good.

      Honestly, I love seeing my mans handsome face more often, getting so excited whenever I hear that he is either coming to my place or I'm invited to his. It doesn't matter which place but what really matters is that I get to see him more often. Last weekend, we cooked a nice meal together and had dinner at his apartment. His apartment was nice and clean, still much better looking than my messy room at the moment. And at times like this, Shiro doesn't seem to mind or even care about the mess I make from out of my belongings.

After that dinner, we cuddled onto the couch until I fell asleep. I don't remember what happened after except that I woke up the next morning in my bed, in my room, in my house somehow. My best guess was that Shiro took me home and put me in bed while I was passed out. It was late and for tiny little me, I get as sleepy as a baby early at night.

Shiro and I were just relaxing today, enjoying our company simply by chilling on my bed and laying side by side to each other. And Shiro was right - my bed was a bit small. So really, we are squished together, exchanging body heat. Shiro's right arm was under my head, giving me support as I felt the hand getting rub my shoulder.
Shiro was kind and sweet, trying to take care of me as much as possible. I try to do the same for him but I'm starting to notice that it looks like I'm just taking an advantage on him. But I'm not or try not to.

Silence was between us, a comfortable silence. We both didn't spoke a word until 10 minutes later from our cuddling session. Still in bed, Shiro spoke, "So, you going to tell me now?"

"Huh?" I question, turning my head to face Shiro, looking into the beautiful man's eyes.

"The whole thing? The truth? The truth on why you hide your birth name from public? And if anyone else knows about this? You told me not too long ago that you would tell me everything."

I first hesitate, "You want to talk about this now? Really?"

Shiro simply nods, interested and wanting answers. The man wanted to know more; I couldn't just hide it from him forever. And, Shiro was right again. I need to tell him if I'm going to date him for a long time. I slowly exhale through my nose, remembering that I promised to tell him not too long ago by my own words. I nod, adjusting my glasses, "Okay. Well, not including my family, only Keith knows my birth name. And now by this day, you do too. I got another friend, Hunk, but he isn't really close enough to me to tell him my birth name yet. We are close but only known each other for a short period of time. And I require high amounts of trust first before I speak my birth name."


       I sighed, coming out clean, "And I hid my name because I am the daughter of the astronauts, Dr. Sam Holt and Matthew Holt, whom went to the Kerberos space mission but never returned."

        "Wait, what?! Your the daughter?!" Your the daughter of that popular missing case from two years ago?!" Shiro spoke loudly, shocked. The man was tensed, just can't believe he was dating someone that was related to that accident. From the news, it said they were killed out in space from error and he still believes it till this day.

"...They're dead?" Shiro whispered, in question and confusion . 'What a horrible incident! And Katie's right in the middle of it!' Shiro thought.

        I shake my head, "No."

"But the news--"

"Let me finish. You'll get to hear my side of the story on why I don't think they are dead. Anyways, I hid my birth name so the public wouldn't find me and attack me by wanting answers of how I'm feeling or what I'm thinking of from all of this mess. My mother went into a break down and has been sick ever since their disappearance so she never went out in public after that. And by that, she didn't have to worry about the people. But in order to keep this place going and have food in our bellies, I couldn't hide. I needed to work. Therefore, I took over my mother's family business, the flower shop, and worked there ever since...."

I paused, thinking of my words before speaking again, continuing my story more softly, "And what really upsets me is how the public just simply marks them "dead" without any true evidence that they were dead. Ya, they "investigated" but they just thought up some stupid reason on why they "died". And that reason was, "pilot error". Like seriously? My brother and father worked well as a team and never fought, meaning that no pilot error should have happened between each them. There could be spacecraft error but why didn't the investigators or news people say that instead? Because they don't know. There's no spacecraft evidence that the ship would break down or tear apart; this simply pisses me off."

Shiro stayed quiet, listening to my story with ever most detail. I could tell he was interested, wanting to know both sides of the story before judging. I spoke again, "Also, the space program investigated for a week and dropped the case, saying "they couldn't find anything. They somehow cannot be tracked". Ever since then, I still think the investigators are lying. I think my family is still alive.... They have to be alive. I know my brother and father. And since it was my brothers first mission, it would be depressing to find him actually each up dead from the mission he prepared for for so many years. I was even there when they took off. I gave them both a hug and wished them the best of luck... But I guess wishing luck doesn't happen, right?"

I start to tear up, "I can't believe how the world would just give up on them just like that! My father and brother worked hard and received so much respect from the space program that they should be searched more longer. They were special to the program and they were special to me. They made my life so much happier. I just miss them so much."

"Did the space program fund the funeral?" Shiro carefully asked. I nodded, sniffling softly, "Ya but I denied the request. My mother couldn't think at the moment so I had to make the decision. She would probably want it but I refuse because I have to know the whole story from the space program to know if they are really alive or not. A couple charities raised up some money for the missing, handing me around $100,000 but I spent it all to get ride of the debt. I found out four years ago that my family were in super deep debt in sending my brother into the space program. And I knew my mother and I had to pay it off someday so I decided to do that to the money."

I slowly start to close my eyes, feeling hot tears fall down my face. I was softly crying, depressed now from all this mess happening in my life. My breath hitched, adding a couple more details before finishing, "And Keith was always there for me. He helped me through hard times. And when Hunk came along, he helped me as well. I can't believe I have such good people out there that have my back. My mother didn't help me. Once the investigators walked up to our door and announced us that my father and brother are "dead", my mother believed them by the minute they told us and she's been grieving ever since...."

My eyes were still closed, afraid that Shiro would think I was a baby. I did not want him to see me, embarrassed from all this crazy mess but I couldn't help it. I am weak. I knew I can't do anything to help get my father and brother back home - but I just wish I could. I would do anything just to see their faces again. Before I could say another word, a pair of warm arms wrap around my small body, bringing me in a soft and warm embrace. "Shhhhh, it's okay. I'm here. We will find them."

"We?" I weakly asked, opening my eyes and looking into Shiro's crystal ones. Shiro nods, "I believe you. We will find the truth together."

All I could do was smile, now crying harder. I wasn't crying in sadness but now happiness, feeling the warmth and comfort that Shiro was giving me. Shiro then push me into his warm chest, comforting me even more. All I could do was cry, slowly getting louder and louder. Shiro spoke no words afterwards. All he did was comfort me physically, showing the huge amount of support towards this big problem that I have for two years and counting. My tears ran down onto his shirt but the man didn't mind, feeling him gently kiss the top of my head with passion.

I embrace Shiro back, my hands gripping onto his lower half of his shirt, digging myself into him. My glasses slowly slide off my face but at this moment of time, I didn't care at all. All I wanted was Shiro. All I wanted was family. All I wanted was hope.


"Hey, Katie? Wake up."

A soft man voice filled my ears, slowly creeping my eyes open. It was blurry at first, my glasses laying on the bed beside me. As I put the large geeky glasses back on my face, I was able to focus on my boyfriend; whom was softly speaking to me. Shiro was still laying beside me, gently brushing my soft hair out with his fingers in a loving motion. I sniffle, looking up at the man.

I yawned, "What happened?"

"You fell asleep crying. It's really late right now," Shiro answered in a soft voice. My room was pitch black, only the shining light of the moon lit up my bedroom. I just yawn again in a cute way. "What time is it now?"

"You fell asleep around 7:00 pm, it's now 11:00 pm."

"The fuck? I slept for four hours?"

"Well, you were a bit upset. You really needed one in my opinion," Shiro softly smiled, now stroking my soft chestnut color hair. I just purred in delight, enjoying the feeling of the man's large fingers touching my head.

"Now, it seems that I need to get back home. It's late for me and I got a business trip around 11 am in the morning," Shiro add in.


"So I need to get to my plane around 7:00 am in order to go to Florida," Shiro corrected, the hand now slowly moving down and brush my cheek gently.

"Take me there."

"To Florida?"

I nod, a tired smile on my face. My eyes slowly closed but I was still fully aware and awake. Shiro sighed, "I would love to but you got work and a family member to take care of."

I grunt, "I see. Now, how long will you'll be gone?"

"A week and a half."

"What the hell?! I can't stand not seeing you that long!" I whined loudly.

Shiro just sighed, pulling his hand away from me. "I know but we can text."

"Text is lame."

"I know but that's the only way we could communicate."

"How about call?" I ask softly.

"Well, I don't want you calling in the middle of my meetings," Shiro shrugged.

"You got a point there. But your staying with me longer. If I'm not going to see your beautiful face for the next week and a half, your sleeping with me for another hour," I argue, grabbing Shiro by the shirt and pulling him really close to me. Shiro just chuckled, now in defeat.

"Fine," Shiro softly smiled, relaxing himself on my bed. My eyes were still closed, feeling and enjoying the warmth that radiated from my boyfriends body. The man was keeping me warm. Before I knew it, Shiro starts attacking me with small kisses all over my face, resulting myself to giggle loudly.


"Hmmmmm?" Shiro smirked, now giving me a big and sloppy kiss on my lips. The salvia was now all over my face and lips, I just giggling away from Shiro's attacks. "Really?" I smile softly.


Holy shit, that was deep xD

Also, I'm turning 17!!!

I also want to say.... THANK YOU for almost 1,000 views! Like, dang! I never knew it would go that high :)


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