Chapter Five - I Had To See You

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Pidges POV

     "Thank you, come again!"

     The doorbell rings, the customer walking out with one of my plant care books. Today was a bit of a slow day but has increased by a couple of customers now. As I suspected, the business will fully be back into its busy state very soon. It was now late in the afternoon, almost closing time within 30 minutes. The sun now barely provided any sunshine but it did leave a beautiful soft glow around the atmosphere of my store.

A small smile was on my pale face, taking in the beautiful site and the cool air. Fall was at its fullest and winter was now slowly approaching. My business is usually still busy around the cold winter because of the flowers I plant usually only bloom in the winter. All I do is just cycle the different types of plants by the seasons - where they grow best.

Winter is one of my favorite seasons. It snows for a good amount of weeks, bringing beauty among my town. And especially when the Christmas lights come up, the skies are more colorful than ever. Adjusting my glasses, I look down to my shoes. The shoes I wore today were converse however by how the wear was on it, you could tell that they are no where new. The clothes, the white shirt and blue jeans that I wore, were still in good condition. I could wear the clothes little longer but I knew I needed a new pair shoes soon.

The door rings again, it opening. The autumns fresh air rushed in, sending me chills throughout my tender skin. Looking up, all I could do was gasp.

"You again?!"

A deep male chuckle responded, the tall figure walking up towards the countertop. I was behind the countertop, resting my hands onto its cold surface.

I smiled, "Why are you here again?"

"Well, I had to come by and see you again," replied Shiro, fixing up his casual clothes.

A small giggle in response, feeling my cheeks softly turn pink from the man. "Really?" I questioned.

"Yap," Shiro smiled back, pulling out his wallet form his back jean pockets. His large hands opened the leather material, pulling out some cash. All I could do was watch, feeling my heart about to burst out of my chest.

Shiro continued," Now, I would like a bundle of flowers however you got to surprise me. Get me something that a girl would like."

"It for your girlfriend?"

"Well, not exactly."

"You cheating on her?"

"Well no.... Don't think so," giggled Shiro. I rolled my eyes, walking off towards the back of the store.

Shiro POV

'Damn, she's still cute. She's cute everyday.'

I watched as the small female ran off towards the back of the store, leaving me behind for me to wait. A deep chuckle filled my throat, looking down at my wallet as I sent myself into deep thought.

'Why am I here? She's not my girlfriend. I need to be at my girlfriends place right now... but fuck it.'

Small panted footsteps approach me, Pidge returning with a bundle of beautiful BueatyBerrys in her small hands when I looked down at the small female. This time, I know not to grab so fast. I quickly smiled, watching as the girl lift up the flowers up for me to grab.

"Thank you, how much?" I asked, grabbing the flowers gently from Pidge. The girl smiled, "It's on the house."

I scoffed, "Not much of a business here. Seems more like a charity now."

Pidge rolled her eyes, walking behind the countertop. "If you really want to pay, its $9."

"Thank you," I smiled, pulling out a ten dollar bill with one of my hands. "Keep the change," I spoke when I handed the dollar into Pidges gasp. Pidge nodded, watching her place the dollar into the cash register without a problem. I smiled, starting to walk off without saying a word. However, before I could reach to the door, I suddenly stopped. I stopped right in front of the exit doors, gripping the flowers tighter in my hands.

     "You alright?" Pidge asked, watching my every move. My back was facing her, in other words, she can't read my emotions and thoughts that were going on inside my head. I let out a soft sigh, relaxing myself as I shook my head.

      Pidge frowned, a worried expression now read on her face. "Well, what is it? What's upsetting you at the moment?" Pidge asked again, more softly this time.

     I turned around sharply, stomping up to Pidge in a quick and loud manner. The female flinched from my sudden action, watching me walk right behind the countertop and right up to her. Pidges golden eyes scanned for a reason of why I just suddenly walked up to her without saying a word, but my expression was serious. Too serious to tell what was really going on inside my head.

     My heart started to race, my cheeks themselves starting to blush softly. I quickly handed the bundle of flowers back to Pidge, my serious expression now softening. Pidge gulped nervously, still looking up at me, "Shiro?"

     "Pidge, I want you to have them. I bought them for you," I quickly spoke, my hand still aching for Pidge to grab the bundle of flowers.


      "Yes. I bought them for you," I added in.

       "Your girlfriend...?"

     "Forget about her. These flowers are for YOU. Take them," I slightly demanded.

      Pidges golden eyes slowly glances down at the flowers, a small chuckle escaping her mouth. "Well, this is a very weird gift. I gave them to you and your just giving them back," Pidge smiled, grabbing the flowers from me.

       "Well, not really," I objected.

       "How so?"

     "Because I bought them. They were then mine when I bought them and I'm now giving them to you as a gift," I smirked, twisting around my words. Pidge snorted cutely, laughing softly.

      "I see," Pidge smiled, looking down at the BeautyBerrys. A smile grew on my face, watching the small and fragile female observe the flowers that now rested in her hands. "I'll take them home," Pidge added.


Pidges POV

     "Mother! I'm home!"

      No response, just silence. Sighing, I dropped my car and store keys onto the kitchen countertop as I walked towards the garage door. The garage was always closed, only opened whenever a need of something was required. At the moment, I needed a vase for the flowers Shiro gave me, entering the dark and small garage. It's white paint inside was now pealing, indicating how old the garage was. As I turned on the light, the reflecting of my mothers car shined in my eyes, walking around it as I looked for a empty vase.

      'Dang. Betcha that mother haven't touched her car for months. Betcha that she hasn't gone outside for months as well.... She really needs to get some fresh air.'

       It took a couple minutes before I could find a empty vase, gripping it in my other hand as my opposite hand was holding Shiro's bundle of flowers. After that incident, Shiro gave me his phone number, which I now have in my phone contacts, as I gave him mine. Afterwards, he left and went straight to his girlfriends house. For myself, I decided to close up 20 minutes early due to myself being suddenly flustered by a man just moments ago. I've never been so flirtatious around a man before and I've never experienced a man doing the same to me. To be honest, that was the first time a man has ever flirted with me. It feels good.... I've never felt that way before.

      Exiting the garage and entering back into the house, I marched over into the kitchen to fill up the vase with water. I checked if my mother had touched her pills today and surprisingly, she did. She's now getting better with remembering to take her medicine - a good sign of herself getting better. If she's remembering things better now, then I don't have to write a sticky note anymore for her everyday.

     Once the vase was nearly full, I turned off the water and walked into the living room. Placing down the heavy vase on the living room table, I swiftly place the beautiful bundle of the flowers into the vase. A smile was on my face, enjoying their beauty and the remembrance of Shiro.

      'Man, Shiro is very a sweet guy. Never met a guy like him before.'


Shiro's POV

      Trying to quietly enter my girlfriends house, all I could see was a empty area. Which was a good sign, knowing that my ass wouldn't be beaten by my girlfriend for suddenly ditching her and leaving without saying a word. However, I think saying that ass beating part was a bit too early when I entered the living room, seeing Allura sitting down on the couch, her arm crossed. I could tell she was pissed, tapping her foot repeatedly as she watched me walk in guiltily in the large room. Allura smiles, "Where have you been?"




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