Chapter Four - Nice To See You Again

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Pidges POV

"Why are we here again? When you said, "hang out", I didn't think this."

"Stop complaining. We haven't really caught up in awhile, especially with Hunk," Keith mumbled.

A sigh left my mouth, nodding, "That is true. But again, why here?"

Keith and I haven't spoke to each other in a couple days, which is an sign that my business is still going slow for about a week or two. Less business, less supply needs. I really just hope it will speed up soon. I have to buy more medicine for mother since I finally been able to successfully make her take it at least twice a day. For her stubborn heart, I always knew there's a hidden access point to where her stubbornness does not grow - and I apparently found it.

I've haven't seem Hunk for a couple weeks, a good guy I met a year ago when he was at the pharmacy getting medicine as well as I was. Ever since that day we met, we stayed in touch as friends over the phone and sometimes hanged out in public. Keith then met Hunk only a couple months ago, also agreeing that this large man was a gentle giant. Keith thought it was a good idea to go to a restaurant, a high standard restaurant, that I can never afford if I went on my own. Tho Keith decided to pay off this visit, us three going to talk over the table and enjoy each others company.

To also include, it has only been a week since I saw that handsome man. I'm still embarrassed about that incident but it hasn't bugged me as much as it did when it happened on that day. I still have no idea what came over me but I just have to forgive myself and move on with life. Life is weird, a price to pay for being human.

"So, when is Hunk coming?" I asked.

Keith shrugged, crossing his arms in his normal emo fashion way. We both sat in silence, right across from each other at a four chair table that sat near a window. It was a beautiful day however a crowd of clouds just rolled in ten minutes ago, giving the environment a bright glow. It sure did lower the temperature, but I hoped that the clouds will soon move and allow the sun to shine again.

Hunk was running late, twelve minutes late to be correct. Everyone around us where either in tables or booths, talking to each other in low soft voices. A waiter starts walking close to us but Keith shakes his head, signaling the waiter that we were not ready to be waited on. We were still waiting for someone to come.

Seconds later, a large man starts rushing towards us, sitting down in a chair between Keith and I. Hunk panted, "Sorry for being late again. I ran down here because I remembered at the last minute that I had a appointment with you guys."

"You need a calendar buddy," offered Keith.

"I know," Hunk mumbled, looking towards my direction. "So, hows business?" the large man asked.

I shrugged, fixing my glasses that were on my face, "Getting slow lately. Not good."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Ya. Hope it speeds up soon. Need money for more of my mother's medication," I added in, fixing my white t shirt and black jeans. Keith wore his usual work suit, indicating that he just got off work. It was Thursday, a work day for me but Keith and I took off early. Keith got someone to keep watch on the workers to make sure they don't start a fire or kill something while he is away but I had to close early. I was self-employed so if things happen, I just got to roll with it. Keith had offered me one of his good-known friend, Coran to work with me. He told me that Coran is a genius and can learn fairly quick if he is new on the job. I've thought about it, but I won't have enough money to pay off some things if I had to pay someone else first. Not to be rude, but I got to survive too.

     Hunk suddenly smiled, "Hey guys, got myself a girl. We just in touch, not bj and gj. Hopefully one day, we would."

      Keith smiles softly, "Good for you. I'm still as lonely as ever."

     "Then go off and try to flirt. Keith, man, no girl wants you because your so grumpy all the time," Hunk teases, nudging Keith on the shrug teasingly. Keith rolls his eyes, his arm still crossed in the same position for awhile now. I'm surprised how he can hold into position that long.... he must have practiced.

     "Well, not really interested in girls at the moment," answered Keith, his eyes looking towards me and then to Hunk.

      Hunk teases up, seeing that he just went into deep thought, thinking to himself. It haven't passed a minute before he spoke up again, "So.... you like guys instead?"

       Keith tenses up immediately from Hunks words, irritated. Death can be seen within his eyes, his right eye twitching once again. "Well, no," lied Keith.

      Hunk says sarcastically, "Suuuuuree. Just to shy to admit it."

      "No! I'm not!"

      'These guys are being such big idiots right now,' I thought, not daring to enter into their conversation. My ears slowly tuned the two guys out, looking around at my surroundings at the restaurant. I've never been here before - one, I can't afford it yet two, I never knew this place was here. If I ever had a date of some sort, I would totally save up money and take them here. This place is totally worth the money.

      As I continued to look around, a familiar figure sat across the restaurant, in a table with a pretty looking lady. They were a couple, as you could tell, just chatting away among each other in peace. I couldn't identify that figure from a far distance, in order words, the restaurant was huge. Didn't really have much thought into but when I was about to look away, a similar pink color shined. My eyes trailed back at the figure and that girl, knowing flowers in that figures hands.

     I squinted my eyes, 'Are those my pink roses...?'

      Then realization hit me. My body quickly tenses up when I just realize who that figure was and how they got the pink roses I grew and sold. That incident from a week ago replays in my head, nervous sweating pouring down my face. 'That's Shiro! Oh my god! And is that girl his girlfriend he talked about?'

      Gulping, I forced myself to look back at Hunk and Keith, both fighting over Keith's sexuality. 'Oh god, still fighting over it?'

      Shaking my head slightly, I looked back at Shiro. He was wearing nice casual clothes, his hair nicely brushed and looking as fresh as ever. The girl in front of him, who is most likely Allura, was chatting away with Shiro with a smile. Her hands were now around the bundle of my grown pink roses, gripping onto them in a loving brace. Shiro just smiled towards Alluras conversations, seeing that he was deeply engulfed in her words.

      "Katie, why are you staring at that man," Keith questioned, breaking my train of thought.

     "Ohhhh, Katiey got a crushy~" Hunk smirked.

       Sharply turning my head, my glare of death shadowed upon them. A soft blush was smeared across my face, growling, "Don't call my that in public, you idiot!"

      "Stop being fussy!" Hunk smirked.

      I hissed, still glaring at the two boys. Keith smirked, "Why are you looking that guy anyways? To be honest, he's pretty hot."

I simply just glared, embarrassment read all over my face. "Y'all are jerks," I added.

Hunk chuckles softly, "We know."

      I stocked my tongue out, being rude to the males at the moment. "Well, mind your own business!" I hissed again.

Shiro's POV

"These smell lovely, thank you~" smiled Allura, hugging the roses to herself. I smiled, feeling myself feel good about myself for finding something that she actually likes. She's hard to please, even as my girlfriend, it gets hard to choose what she likes what. Allura was dressed in a beautiful red dress, her white hair reflecting upon her beauty.

'She's beautiful today,' I thought, my mind personally floating away from her conversation. I couldn't keep my focus on Allura, probably of her being a very chatty person in the first place. It's hard to keep your confuse on her. At first, it wasn't a problem, but after awhile, it's now a problem. Tho, as I started to daydream, my eyes caught a short hair girl with glasses talking to two other males in from of her from across the restaurant. The glance of that girl took my breath away, knowing that I've met her before at the second I recognized her. 'Oh, it's Pidge. I didn't know she was here.'

        A small smile grows on my face, still deep in thought, 'Still cute.'

      "Hey! Why you suddenly smiling?"

      "Huh?" I questioned, snapping my focus back at my girlfriend. Allura pouts, putting the roses on the table, laying them close to her. "Well, I was talking and suddenly you started to smile. And who were you looking at too?" questioned Allura.

      I sighed, laying my hands on the table, "None of your business."

     Allura goes quiet, defeat in her face. "Babe, it is my business. We got to support and trust each other. We are partners," objected Allura.

      "But we aren't married."

     "I know. By other words, you can't hide secrets from me."

      "I'm not," I argued, staring into Alluras eyes. Allura sighed, slowly nodding her head. "Okay."

Pidges POV

     "Your annoying," I smirked.

      "I know. I'm so quiet, seems to be annoying," Keith spoke, arms crossed as usual. That was correct - Keith is usually a very quiet person in nature.

Rolling my eyes, I slowly looked back at Shiro, which now looked like he was awkwardly talking to his girlfriend. The sun has finally approached out of the rolling clouds, shining through the windows in delight. The reflecting light lightened up Shiro's face, feeling myself blush even more. 'Even more handsome.'

A small gulp, a nervous one, went down my throat. 'Well, even with a guy like that, he'll have girls following his ass until he turns 80. I haven't even have a guy flirt with me since 6th grade. And that guy who did flirt back in 6th grade was a jerk anyways,' I thought, my eyes staring at Shiro.

3rd POV

Shiro was unknown that this small girl was staring directly at him. To be correct, Pidge was daydreaming over the boy, ignoring Keith and Hunk the whole time. Allura was still in her chatty conversations, enjoying Shiro's company. However, Shiro was slowly drifting away from Allura, not wanting her company as much as he wanted before.

When the two met, they were madly in love. Shiro couldn't keep his eyes off of Allura, always in thought of how beautiful and smart she was. However, it was drifting away now. He didn't feel the same as before towards her. He knew he'll have to tell her soon, most likely resulting in a fight and a break up; but why continue a relationship when one partner just doesn't want to return the love from the other partner?

This was happening to Shiro right now and he just has no clue why. He didn't understand - he thought he was prefect with Allura. Allura was prefect for him. It just didn't make sense.

Shiro's eyes again slowly drifting away from Allura and towards Pidge again, catching eye contact between the two. Pidge tensed up, looking away for a second, hoping that Shiro would too, but when she looked back, he was still looking. A small tint blush grew on Pidges pale face, adjusting her large glasses. Shiro softly smiles, slowly moving his hands behind the table, hiding them away from Allura. From that, Shiro did a soft wave towards Pidge. Pidge giggled to herself in response, doing a small wave back.

"Shiro! You ass! Your doing it again!" Allura yelled softly, growling under her breath. Shiro tenses up and quickly looked back at Allura, a apology look on his face, "Sorry!"

Pidge just chuckled from the couple, still giving Shiro that dreamy look.


Hellllo ❤


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