Chapter Twenty One: Future Wife & Husband (Engagement)

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I posted a new klance book: do you love me? It's only going to be 12 chapters long but very detailed and romantic story.

Also people wanted to know if Shiro has the robotic arm this story. Well, you decide! That's why I never mention it so you decide, in your mind and imagination, if Shiro had it or not ❤ Your imagination is more powerful than words.

Shiro's POV

"Can I come in now?"

"No!" Pidge squealed, trapped in the bathroom. The door was closed and locked, lights only visible shining through under the door. I waited right outside the room, waiting slightly impatiently in Colleen's house. Tonight was dinner night and I wanted to take her somewhere super fancy and to a beautiful place to where I will make her night be wonderful. I have plans and hopefully they won't get ruined along the way.

      December was finally here and Christmas was just around the corner; Just two more weeks to be correct. Colleen was in the living room with a cup of warm tea in her hands, wrapped in her favorite blanket as she walked the television in front of her. Myself was dressed in a fancy suit. My hands were in my pants pockets as I continued to wait on my girlfriend, feeling around a small and fuzzy box in my right pocket. That small box contained something special and dear to me, in which I would give to Pidge at the end of the night.

      First was dinner then we will go visit the large Christmas tree that rested in the center of the small town for people all around to see. It was beautifully decorated. There was something special awaiting for Pidge and I wanted to present it to her in the most romantic way.

      A bundle of noises before the bathroom door finally unlocks and opens. The light still shined, hitting Pidge as she exited the doorway. She was wearing a beautiful long dress, in color, it was red. It was outstanding on her, making her short hair and golden eyes stand out in a stunning way. She was wearing contacts tonight, no glasses needed for this event.

      I was honestly startled not to see the big and bulky glasses that laid on my girlfriends face but it was a nice change. No matter what, she would still look beautiful with or without them. Pidge had a coat wrapped around her right arm, now ready to go have dinner.

      'Wow, she looks amazing. So beautiful and sexy,' I thought, a grin immediately growing on my face. Pidge giggled, "You okay?"

       I nod slowly, "Oh, of course! You just taken my breath away."

      "How?" questioned Pidge, walking up and gently laying her hands on my chest in a slightly sexual way. The girl smiles, looking up at me in such admiration in her eyes. Nervous sweat started to kick in. "Oh, huh, because your so beautiful tonight."

       Pidge raises an eyebrow. I tense, 'Shit. Said that kinda wrong.'

       "I mean is that you always look beautiful but you look quite stunning for this special occasion. That red dress reflects off your golden eyes and hair very well. And first seeing you without those glasses sure have startled me."

       Pidge chuckles. "Better."

       The girl started to leave the hallway and enter the living room. Colleen slowly turned back and just smiled in much glee. I followed but stayed behind my girlfriend, rather tuning in their conversation instead of jumping in. "Oh darling! You look so sexy!" Colleen announced, slowly getting off the couch and approaching her daughter with open arms. "Your getting so grown up!"

     Pidge giggles, returning her mother's hug. "Oh mother. Don't make me blush so hard."

      Colleen just chuckles, pulling away and breaking the hug. The woman then leans in and kisses Pidge on the cheek quickly. "Now, you go have some fun," Colleen smiled. Pidge nods in response as I just smiled from their loving words.

       Lately, I've noticed that Colleen had gotten better and better. When I first met her, she was okay but now, she's more social than ever before. She just had her first experience outside (from hiding in the dark for 3 years now) when Pidge decided to take her on a small stroll around the neighborhood. From the looks of it, Pidge had also noticed that her own mother has been getting mentally and physically well than before. This just made Pidge ever more happier in her life. Her mother has now stopped taking pills and finally getting back into her daughters life.



      "I know," I chuckled, approaching a lady up front. The lady asks, "Reservation?"


       In seconds, the lady finds my last name and nods. "Follow me."

       Pidge and I follow the lady as she guided us to a nice and well prepared table beside a lovely window. A candle was light in the middle, two chairs facing each other. It was away from the crowd of people but not too isolated from the restaurant. It was prefect.

      As a man, I pulled opened a seat for my lady, gripping onto the edge of the chair. Pidge smiles, sitting down, "Such a gentlemen."

      I wink, "You know it."

       I pulled Pidge up close to the table and went to take my seat. The table wasn't small but also wasn't large. As mentioned before, it was just prefect. Soft live music played not too far - a soothing jazz. The whole restaurant wasn't too bright but however dimmed - only the light from the candle and the weak however romantic light that hung above each table. This made the atmosphere very romantic and warm. Welcoming to the presence of all types of couples.

A waiter comes over, dressed fancy with arms full of menus. He pulls out two menus and gently lays them in front of us. Pidge admires the manners.

"Drinks?" The waiter asked.

I replied, "Red Wine."

Pidge gives me a sharp glare that was mixed with horror and shock. The waiter nods and goes off on his way into the kitchen. I look at Pidge with a smirk on my face. "What?" I shrugged.

"I'm under aged," Pidge whispered loudly so no around would hear us but only I could pick up the words. I chuckled, "Relax. Not like we going to get caught."

Pidge rolls her eyes and picks up her menu. She scans it, reading and deciding in her mind of what she wanted. There were many dishes - too many for her to decide. But she soon came to a choice that she for sure wanted.

The waiter returned with two fancy wine glasses, putting them down and pouring out a glass for each of us of extremely expensive but fancy red wine. I smiled but Pidge continued to stare at the red liquid. The waiter then leaves once he has finished, allowing us more time to think of what we wanted to order.

"First time for alcohol?"

My girlfriend nods, still staring at the drink. "Try it, you might like it," I protest, grabbing and bringing the glass up to my lips to desire the sweet taste of the red liquid that burned into my tongue. Pidge still stared, afraid and shocked.


"How was your food?"

      Pidge took her last bite, chewed and swallowed before she spoke. "It was delicious," she smiled, gently putting the fork down. I smiled in response, studying the beauty that my girlfriend behold. Many people saw her tiny, petite and quiet but I saw something else. I saw beauty, life and courageous confidence that this young woman presented to me.

      She was beautiful. Her tiny figure and golden eyes made her look so feminine. The short golden hair finished off her beauty with a stunning style. Her pale skin reflected the happiness she always held even at the hardest points in her life. She suffered, struggled and even drained away some hope but she stayed strong and beaten the world with her love and curious self.

      She was life. She was my life. She gave me life. I never had a person give me much purpose to go on the work and labor in life. She gave me more happiness than any girlfriend I had. She gave me love.

She also had courageous confidence within her. Her confidence destroys her enemies and barriers along her life pathway. From the hard times from debt and missing family members, she somehow had the courage to stay strong and hope for the beautiful ending from all of this. I've never found a woman who had much power within themselves - and especially since she is so small. At first judgement and impression, she would have thought "weak" because they will never know the power that she has within that tiny body. It is quite magnificent.

From all this, she was a flower - small but colorful, powerful and filled with bright beauty. Flowers are less noticeable but are stunning when once known. She's like a flower girl. She was my flower girl.


"Oh! It's always so beautiful, year after year!" Pidge gasped. Her coat was wrapped around her, snuggling into her body heat as she approached the large decorated Christmas tree that stood in the middle of town square. The tree was there to encourage people into a beautiful Holliday and to promote time to spend with their families and friends. This year, it was decorated in different shades of blues.

I followed behind, my hands in my pockets as my felt myself begin to sweat in the cold air. It was a nervous sweat, not a "cool off" sweat. I wanted this to turn into a wonderful moment for us so I wanted to do this correctly.

      Pidge turns around with a huge smile on her face. "Do you like the tree?"

      I smiled back, "Every year."

Pidge giggled softly and turns back to look at the tree more. I still stood behind her, my right hand itching to pull out the small box out of my pocket but I forced myself to wait for a few more seconds. I took in a deep breath before I began speaking my words. "Katie?"

      Pidge turns to face me. "It's Pidge out here."

      "No, Katie. I have something to say."

       Pidge goes quiet, ready to listen to my words. I took another deep breath before continuing. "Katie, we have been dating for a long time. We met and dated for about a year, but ever since then, you made me so happy."

     Pidge remained silent, still listening. Her hands rubbed each other nervously and for warmth. 'Is he planning to dump me?' Pidge thought.

       I continued, "A year isn't a long time but it's a enough time for me to realize that your the most prefect person for me. I never knew I would be still here today, dating you, but here I am now. Your brilliant and outstanding, so confident in your own way. You may be tiny but your powerful by heart. Therefore, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

       Pidge furrowed but then shock hit her face immediately. She knew what was about to happen and she began to smile. I slowly pulled out the black box from out of my right pocket and slowly got down on one knee. "Katie, will you marry me and be my lovely wife?"

      I opened the small box to reveal a small, simple diamond ring. It was beautifully white, reflecting the blue lights from the large Christmas tree. A nervous smile was on my face, scared what her reply would be towards my marriage request. Pidge was speechless, covering her mouth in shock. Tears of happiness threatened to break. She quickly replied in much joy:



Oh. Fuck ya


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