Chapter Twenty Two: Promotion

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Shiro's POV

"I'm sorry Katie but I have to attend this. They called me and it's an emergency."

Pidge whines, crossing her arms. "Right now?"

"Right now," I cleared, getting off the couch that rested in my apartment living room and gripping onto my winter jacket that hung by the front door. Pidge watched, embracing herself in one of my blankets that I've given her to warm up in. "But the Christmas premiere is about to happen," Pidge whined, sniffling softly. The girl glanced at the large flat screen TV, a Christmas movie about to start.

I sighed, putting on the jacket. "I know baby but I got to go."

Pidge grunts in reply. Snow was pouring outside and I had to prepare for the messy weather within minutes. I simply waved a goodbye before I exited my apartment, locking the door behind me. I didn't want someone to break in to hurt or scare my engaged girlfriend. It want her safe and sound. Now I had to get myself down to my car so I could quickly go to the company building.

Pidges POV

'Yes! He's gone! Now to go exploring again!'

I slithered out of the blanket, letting the TV still be on, as I went into Shiro's bedroom once more. I opened the doors to see a messy room - clothes on the floor, a laptop on the bed pillows and some food wrappers around the bed stand. I could tell that last time he cleaned was just for the special occasion of first visiting his place- but I didn't care at this moment.

I went and opened Shiro's closet, the area large itself. There hung Shiro's clothes; ranging from simple t shirts to complex tuxedos. From the looks of it, the clothes were purchased somewhere expensive, not cheap like Walmart. I usually go to Walmart to get the clothes that I need.

I slowly pulled out a jacket, black and large for my petite figure. I studied it then brought the item up to my nose. I sniffed.

A huge smile grew on my face. 'It's smells just like my man!'

I excitedly put on the jacket, the sleeves too long and going past my arm length. I couldn't help it but grin cheek to cheek and flap the excess sleeve room left on the jacket. I inhaled the smell of my manly man. 'Reminds me of him.'


Shiro's POV

'I have to hurry!'

I parked my car in the garage building, running with a business suitcase in my right hand towards the garage elevator. Hardly any cars were around, only a few spotted here and there. My misty breath was floating in the air, my body shivering against the cold.

Pidges POV

'I'm hungry!'

I stuck my head in Shiro's refrigerator, glimpsing around for some food. I find some of Shiro's leftover soup from the restaurant we ate at about a week ago. My plans were to heat it up and slurp up the whole thing in one gulp.


Shiro's POV

"I'm here boss!" I panted, my heart racing against my skin from the running I just did. Boss smiles, sitting behind his desk casually as his hands were held together. A soft yet weak smile was on the old man's face, wrinkles deepening in his pale skin. His white hair was as bright as the raining snow from outside. His blue eyes soften under the office light. "Mr. Shirogane, you came in pretty quickly. Come, sit down. We have matters to discuss."

I nod and professionally sat down in a chair in front of my boss's desk. I prayed that I wasn't in trouble but was only important or good news. Boss shuffles some papers that rested on his desk before speaking, "Mr. Shirogane, I have thought about this for a long time."

       "Am I getting fired?" I quickly interrupted.

       Boss laughs. "No no! Your one of my best employees! Why would I fire you?"

      I relax, a sigh in relief. I honestly didn't know how to react if I got fired from this best money making job. Boss chuckles as he continues, "Mr. Shirogane, I'm retiring. I've thought about this for months and I believe your ready to lead the company. You will do good. From this day forward, you're now the new owner of this company."

       I stared in udder shock, speechless. I point at myself, "Me?"

      Boss nods. "Only you."

Still speechless, I just stare at my boss in happiness. The old man smiles, enjoying the reaction that I'm presenting. I never knew this day was going to come: one - I would be either fired or replaced, and two - this man never seemed to retire or die because for his age of being 70, he seems like a 50 year old man.

Pidges POV

Still wearing Shiro's oversized jacket, I dump the bowl of soup into the sink. I did finish the leftover meal in one slurp as I watched the Christmas premiere. Now there's commercials playing on the TV so I had time to go shove my nose around in my boyfriend's apartment a bit more.

I rushed back into Shiro's bedroom, planning the next evil thing to do to his property. I squeaked in happiness when I jumped onto his bed, catching and making sure his laptop doesn't hop off the bed. I placed down the expensive technology on the bed table beside and immediately went under the covers. The bed smelled even more like Shiro.

I giggle uncontrollably in such happiness, snuggling under the covers in much delight. Then a yawn hit me.


Shiro's POV

'I can't believe I'm now the owner of the company. That means I'm able to get double the payment and to run the business the way I want to run. Boss will be out of the office by next week. Now, what to do with all that money?'

My hands gripped onto my cars stirring wheel, gently driving through the pouring snow as I made my way back to my apartment. I hoped that Pidge was alright and I wouldn't find her dying or destroying my place. She might be a sweet flower girl but she got some evilness inside of her. I can just smell it.

My head roamed back into deep through, my eyes staring at the snow that rested on the black tar town street roads. 'Since Katie and I are going to get married soon, I can use the money for that preparation. But then what if we want kids? Then we will need a house. But by then, we will have enough money for a mansion,' I joked in my mind. 'The money also could be use for emergency situations like hospital bills or a new home from a house fire. Other than that, saving it is the best option. It can be used, if Katie and I ever have kids, for college funds. That's a good use for the money.'

Soon I reached my apartment building, parking in the garage and heading inside the complex. My body shook, trying to warm up my body temperature from the cold outside. By minutes, I reached to my apartment door and unlocked the door. 'Let's see what Katie has done. I have my bets that she destroyed the place. If she was ever attacked by an attacker, she'll kill them first before they can lay their eyes on her.'

As I opened the door, I was shocked to see my place not ruined. The TV was still on but on a different show and the kitchen lights were brightly shining through the large apartment. But there was no sign of Katie. The blanket that I last saw her snuggling onto was laying on the couch; cold and looked untouched for a long period of time.

I grunt, pouting as I made my way towards down the hallway. From there, I could see that the bedroom door was open. 'She must be in my bedroom then. She probably found those hot babe magazines under my bed. I need to seriously trash those.'

But as I entered my room, all I saw was my Katie sleeping under my bed covers. I expected a Katie about to yell at me on why I have inappropriate magazines or in the process in destroying my bedroom stuff. I even had a excuse to use if she did find those magazines - "I had those was I was a single man. A man got to fantasize, right?"

      But instead, I saw her snuggling onto my thick bed blanket, sleeping away softly in a sounding deep sleep. A small smile grew on my face, the sight so pure and innocent. It was personally too much for me to handle.

'I need to tell Katie the good news but she's seems so peaceful. Maybe when she wakes up within a hour or so, I'll tell her then. But for now, I'm going to sleep with her. This big man's needs his beauty sleep too,' I thought, removing my jacket and long sleeve shirt. I had a undershirt underneath, white and clean. Gently and trying not to wake up my girl, I crawled into bed and lightly slid myself under the covers beside Katie. Katie stirs a little but doesn't wake. A small chuckle left my mouth before I gently wrapped my large arms around my tiny girl.

I snuggle her onto my warm chest, closing my eyes. I soon drift into a deep and peaceful sleep myself.


Babies. Shiro thought about babies. Is he a baby man?

-jelly ;)

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