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The ride was long and our legs ached. We sounded like thunder, our armour rattled and our horses snorted. We galloped up the hill, Gondor was under attack from orcs they were outnumbered and had lost so many of their number. The horn of Rohan was blown and the charge began, the orcs turned their gaze toward us. The ones on wargs turned and raced toward us their hungry jaws gaped open, they snarled and growled. We clashed with a thud horses hitting the bodies of the wargs. We stabbed and dismembered the filthy orcs. The clouds thundered and released its tears down onto us. Dagabrand and I rode on the outside escorting the injured soldiers into Gondor, but we were suddenly stopped by a ring of orcs. 

Dagabrand, frightened she reared up and threw me from her back but she still stood firm at my side. The spikes on her boots were going to serve well, the orcs tried to make the circle smaller but with the blade of my father I beat them back, their metal heavy as they struck my round shield, painted with the crest of Rohan. "The little rider doesn't want to go down!" one orc exclaimed as he attempted to slash my stomach but I leapt back like an agile fawn.  A few orcs slipped in the mud but Dagabrand took care of them.  Riders circled around the orcs and one by one took them out. Eomer pulled me onto the back of his horse and we carried on with our escort. 

But it was short lived as I was once again pulled off the back of the horse, the gates of Gondor shut in front of me. I turned, Dagabrand helped me onto her back her head held low we galloped through the orcs, to make it worse the Fellbeasts and their riders joined their ranks. They screeched louder we all covered our ears but we did not lower our weapons. The battlefield was soaked with both blood and rain, it coated our armour and dragged our horses down we both tired and slowed allowing the orcs to reclaim the ground they had lost. Just when we thought it was never going to end a bright light scared the orcs away. A few of my men and I chased off the last of them.

The gates finally opened and we began the job of bringing the injured in, I stayed down on the lower levels helping men into the courtyard. I cantered around the battlefield looking for the last of the wounded before heading back to Rohan, I didn't want to stay in Gondor overnight. Just before I left my horse spooked as a soldier grabbed his hoof, she shied away as the solider wheezed. I rubbed her neck and dismounted. "P....please don't leave me," he wheezed. I looked to the gates of Gondor they were slammed shut once again leaving us out in the cold. 

"Come, I'll take you back to Rohan," I said hauling him onto the back of my horse.

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