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She felt goossebumps on her body as they stepped out of the airport. The place where she was born and grew up. The place where her family still lives, according to her. The place where she met him. She was afraid about so many things. She was scared about people's reactions when they'll come to know about her being an unmarried mother of twin daughters of Laksh Durgaprasad Maheshwari. She was nervous about meeting her family again.

"Mumma, ale we going to meet dadda?" asks Ishanvi, bringing her mother out of her thoughts.

Ragini looks down at her daughters but doesn't say anything. She's tired of telling them that they're never going to meet their father. But they never believes her.

"This way mam." says Ankit as he directs them towards a white colored expensive car.

Ragini tightens her grip on the small hands of her daughters as she starts walking towards the car. She didn't bring anything from Bangalore, not even clothes because Ankit said that they'll get everything they need.

She gets seated on the back seat of the car with the twins who were talking something to each other. Ankit sits on the passenger seat as the driver starts the car.

Ragini keeps looking at the city from the window of the car. Most of the things were looking unfamiliar. So much changed in these years. Her heartbeat quickens as they reaches the huge Maheshwari Mansion. The guards opens the large doors for them and the driver pulls the car inside the mansion.

Ankit came out of the car and opened the back door. He took the girls out and made them stand on their feet. Ragini also comes out and looks around. She follows Ankit towards the door of the house. He presses the doorbell and an old man opens the door after a few seconds. The old man smiles looking at them.

"We were waiting for you. Come inside." he says as he steps aside.

Ragini didn't miss to notice the happiness and admiration in the old man's eyes. They gets inside and looks at the large hall which comes in their view at the very first. There was a sofa set in the centre with a glass table in between. The house was in the combination of white and golden and it was indeed luxurious and beautiful. She looks on when she hears some whispers. She finds a few men and women standing in a row. They were looking like the staff. All of them were middle aged or old. They were smiling looking at Ragini and were going aww at her daughters.

"What's your name?" asks one of the women to Ishanvi.

"Ishanvi..." replies Ishanvi in her cute voice.

The woman then looks at Aanya.

"Aanya..." she relpies.

Everyone smiles looking at each other.

"Ishanvi Maheshwari and Aanya Maheshwari, perfect." says another middle aged man.

"Their eyes looks just like Laksh baba's." says one among them.

Ragini was just standing there with a confused face. All of them knew about the girls being Maheshwari. How and from when?

"Okay, you can talk with them later. They're going to live here only. Get back to work now." says Ankit dismissing them.

Everyone looks at him and unwantedly leaves from there.

"Please have a seat. I'll be just back." says Ankit to Ragini.

Ragini nods and Ankit also leaves from there. She was about to sit when her eyes catches a beautiful wall which has many photo frames hanging on it. She moves towards the wall to have a better look at the pictures. They were pictures of all of his family members. Her heart starts beating more fast as her eyes falls on his photos. There were pictures of him with his parents and grandparents. There were many pictures of him at different ages starting as a baby. She never saw his childhood pictures but she could recognize him very well because of his mesmerising Amber eyes. Then there was picture of him nearly at the age of Aanya and Ishanvi. In the picture, his face was smeared with ice-cream and he was showing his pearls to the camera, looking so cute. The similarities were visible between him and his daughters in that picture. There was a picture of him in school uniform in which his face was fallen maybe because he was forced to go to school. Followed by many more pictures of teenage, adulthood and then as a businessman at different places.

A gasp leaves her mouth as her eyes moves towards the last row of pictures. There were pictures of Aanya and Ishanvi. The family pictures he clicked were also there along with one picture of Ragini which she don't even remember about being clicked.

She was lost in her own web of thoughts that she didn't hear the sound of footsteps approaching the hall. She was brought out of her world only when she heard the very excited and happy voice of her daughters shouting "dadda...".

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion thinking about the reason her daughters were shouting for their father all of the sudden. Slowly, she turned around to see why her daughters were shouting. Her heart drops seeing the view in front of her. Her legs got rooted and her body denied to react while her mind denied to accept. Standing in front of her was the man she was staring in the pictures a few seconds ago. The man she thought was dead a month ago. Father of her daughters and the love of her life.

He was looking as if he hasn't eaten anything from months. His body was looking so weak and thin. There were dark circles under his golden eyes. His hair were looking like he hasn't cut them from a long time. Instead of the usual stubble, there was beard growing on his face. Still, she didn't fail to recognize him, neither her daughters did.

The twins ran to him and hugged him through his legs. Instead of scolding him like they always used to say, they started crying badly. Laksh sits on his knees and hugs them tightly as tears starts flowing endlessly from his eyes but still there was a smile playing on his lips. His eyes were glowing with happiness. Happiness of meeting is daughters after so long.

"Aww mera bachchas... Shh... Stop crying please." he says as he breaks the hug after sometime.

He wipes their tears and kisses them all over their faces.

"You came cho late. You ale bad." says Ishanvi sniffing.

"I'm sorry bachcha. I know I'm very late. Dadda is bad but he loves you very much. Please forgive dadda. If you want then I'll do sit ups also." he says caressing her face.

"Do shit ups then." says Aanya as she stops crying.

Laksh nods his head, smiling a little. He gets up. He holds his ears and starts doing sit ups while the girls starts counting.





"Alle, Aanu you folgot foul."

"Ha, foul..."

They keeps counting till they know counting.

Ragini was all the time looking at them like she was seeing ghost. She wasn't able to believe what she was witnessing. She couldn't believe that he is alive. She was thinking that she was having a dream with open eyes.

"You're not dead!" she speaks aloud.

Laksh stops doing sit ups and looks at her. It was only when he noticed her because she was standing a little away and he got too busy with his daughters.

"What do you think?" he asks.

"I was told that you died." she says expressionlessly and rudely.

Laksh was about to move towards her but stops when the girls signs him to take them in his arms. He takes them in his arms but couldn't move with them in his arms. He stumbles but somehow manages to balance. He makes the girls stand back on their feet.

"I'm sorry bachcha. I can't." he says sadly.

The girls pouts at that. Laksh was feeling very annoyed at that moment that he can't even hold his daughters. He calls Ankit in and tells him to take the girls away and show them the garden of the house. Ankit do the same. Laksh then moves towards Ragini and stands in front of her.

"Is it a good news or bad?" he asks chuckling painfully.

His eyes were showing how happy he was seeing her after so long. He was admiring his love silently. His heart knew how much he craved for this moment in the last three days. How much he wanted to see his family but he couldn't. Every second was like years for him.

Ragini was of course very happy that he was fine. She was feeling like she got her heart, her soul, her life back but she was very confused and angry as well. He was alive but he made her think that he was dead. Why? There were so many questions running in her mind. It was too much for her to digest.

Laksh doesn't seem affected when Ragini slaps him hard on his face, instead he was smiling. Ragini's eyes were flowing but her face was showing the anger and pain.

"What do you think of yourself, Mr Laksh Maheshwari? Just because of you, I was a living corpse in the last one month. I was living with the feeling that I  lost the only man I ever loved. I thought my daughters lost their father forever. I thought I was alone again. I thought that you were dead but you were alive all the time. Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to live with the feeling that you're never going to come back? You can't even imagine what all I have gone through in this one month. You're heartless. You're the most selfish person I have ever met. I hate you. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. You just know playing with my feelings. You always play with my emotions. What do you think of me? Am I a robot who doesn't have any feelings? I do have a heart and I also feel pain. I'm also a human!!!!" she shouts as she wipes her tears with both of her hands.

"Rag..." he tries to speak but Ragini cuts him off.

"No! Don't you dare to take my name from your mouth." she says angrily.

"I can explain." he says.

"I don't want any explanation. I'm going back with my daughters. I came here to fulfill your so called last wish but it's not needed I guess, because you're very much alive." she says as she starts walking away.

Laksh takes long steps and holds her hand, preventing her from going away. She tries to free her hand but he don't let her.

"Just leave my hand." she says gritting her teeth.

"No! Never!" he says shaking his head stubbornly.

"You have to listen to me." he says holding her shoulders.

"I don't want to." she says trying to push him away.

"No Ragini! You can't leave without listening to me again! I'll not let you repeat the same mistake again. Just because of our lack of communication and assumptions we wasted more than three years of our lives. I lost the pleasure to see the birth of my daughters and two and half years of their lives. I lost so much. We lost so much. If you went away then it'll be for forever this time. I can't let that happen. I can't let my family go away from me. Trust me Ragini, I didn't do anything on my own. I can explain everything. Please listen to me once. Please..." he begs in front of her.

Ragini frees herself from him but doesn't say anything.

"Dadda, come with us. We'll play in the garden." says Aanya as the girls comes towards their parents, running.

Laksh looks at them and smiles, nodding his head in a yes.

Ragini feels herself being turned around and the next second she feels a burning sensation on her left cheek.


Please vote and share your views about the chapter. Everyone drop all your plans of killing me because Laksh is very much alive😁.

Also, the story is finally reaching it's climax😌.

Thank you for reading.

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