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Laksh looks on shocked as he hears the sound of slap. He turns to look at Ragini who was looking at her family with tear filled eyes.

"Aunty, why did you slap oul mumma?" asks Aanya angrily to Sharmishtha.

Sharmishtha turns her eyes from Ragini to Aanya and Ishanvi along with Shekhar and Ragini's brother. They then looks back at Ragini.

"Aunty uncle please listen to her side once." says Laksh to Sharmishtha.

"Laksh, please leave us alone with our daughter for a while. Please..." says Shekhar.

Laksh nods understandingly. He holds the hands of his daughters and takes them out with him, not listening to their protesting. He takes them to the garden and sits with them on a bench.

"Dadda, who was that aunty? She's bad." says Ishanvi complaining.

Laksh shakes his head at that.

"No bachcha... She's not bad. She loves your mumma but she's upset with her. And she's not aunty. She's your mumma's mumma. She's good." says Laksh smiling at his daughter.

"Oooo... Otay"

"Yes..." says Laksh, patting his finger on the tip of their noses.

"Dadda, if mumma will get upshet with us then she'll oso shap us?" asks Ishanvi and both of the girls keeps their hands on their cheeks.

Laksh laughs at that.

"No, mumma will not! Even if she tried then dadda will not let her." he says winking at them.


The girls starts giggling at that. They stays there for sometime, talking this or that.

"Do you want to see your new room? It's very biiig." says Laksh.

"Yesh..." says both of them says smiling widely.

Laksh smiles seeing their happy faces as he takes them inside the house through the back door. He takes them upstairs to their room.

The girls looks at the room and starts running and jumping around. The room was very large and was painted in baby pink. There was a large princess bed in the centre and butterflies and stars were hanging on the ceiling, right above the bed. There were unlimited toys placed around. There were two cupboards standing in one corner and one large study table in the other corner with two chairs.

"You liked it?" asks Laksh.

"We loved it." says the girls jumping on the bed.

Laksh smiles feeling satisfied with his achievement. Making the room ready for his daughters in just two days was not an easy task for him. He made the designers do everything in front of his eyes, not caring about his health condition. But their happy faces were worth of everything.

"Aanu Ishu... Where are you?" he hears Ragini's voice.

He takes the girls out and finds Ragini looking for them.

"Come, they wants to meet you." says Ragini holding the hands of her daughters.

"Ragini, is everything okay?" asks Laksh worried.

"Hmm... It will take time for them to forgive me completely but they don't hate me. I told them everything. Why I decided to leave and didn't tell anything to them. I didn't want them to face the taunts of the society but I guess, I gave people another reason to taunt my family by leaving like that. Nothing went like I wanted. Nothing went better. It wasn't easy to make them understand and convincing them but I did that somehow. You know, they love me a lot. They never stopped loving me. They're more angry about the fact that I ran away without speaking to them but they said that they can't do anything about what happened. They're happy to get their daughter back with their granddaughters." says Ragini taking a deep breath.

Laksh nods and Ragini takes the girls with her. He follows her. He keeps standing at the stairs looking at his daughters mingling with their grandparents and uncle.

"Beta, come here." says Sharmishtha smiling at the twins.

The twins hesitantly moves towards her and sits on her either sides.

"What are your names?" asks Shekhar to them.



"So beautiful names, just like you both." says Ragini's brother smiling at them.

"Do you know who I am?" asks Sharmishtha.

The girls nods. Everyone looks at them surprised.

"You ale mumma'sh mumma..." replies Ishanvi cutely.

Everyone chuckles at that.

"I'm your nani." says Sharmishtha caressing her face.

They introduces themselves and keeps talking like that. Ragini's family couldn't stop themselves from loving the twins. They were too cute and innocent to resist.

Ragini looks at Laksh as a servant comes to him with some medicines and a glass of water. Laksh takes the medicines and the woman leaves from there.

"Ragu, you're coming with us? We're staying in our old house for a week before going back to Mumbai." says Sharmishtha looking in between Ragini and Laksh.

Ragini looks at her and then at Laksh before nodding her head in a yes.

"Mumma, dadda will oso come with us na?" asks Aanya.

"No baby..." replies Ragini.

"But we want to be with dadda." says Ishanvi.

Both of them runs towards Laksh and hugs him through his legs.

"We will not to go without dadda." says both of them together.

Ragini then looks at her parents.

"It's okay beta. They've met him after a long time. Let them stay with their father. We'll come back tomorrow to meet you." says Shekhar.

"Ragini, don't take any wrong decision this time. Laksh told us everything about you both and the situation your relationship is at present. Think before reaching any decision. Don't think only from your side but also from his side. Don't make any decision which you regret later." says Sharmishtha.

Ragini nods as she hugs her family and they leaves from there, bidding bye to her and the girls.

"My babies must be hungry. Let's have some yummy yummy food." says Laksh before moving towards the dining area with the girls.

He turns back and finds Ragini standing at the same place. He makes the girls sit on the chairs and then moves back to Ragini.

"Ragini..." he calls her.

Ragini looks at him.

"You must be hungry as well. Have some food." he says.

"No, I'm okay." she lies.

"Ragini please... Don't act like this. Come..." he says as he hold her hand.

"I just want to know the answers of my questions Laksh. Please don't make me suffer more. I can't take all this anymore." she says.

"I am sorry Ragini. You'll get all your answers. I'll give you all your answers. Please eat something first." he says as he takes her with him.

The servants starts serving them and four of them starts eating. Laksh was making the girls eat with his hands. The servants were also smiling seeing him happy. They were admiring him with his daughters. Laksh and the twins were talking and laughing while Ragini was eating silently.

After that they takes the girls to their room. Laksh tells them a story and both of them falls asleep.

"They're so happy after such a long time." says Ragini looking at her daughters who were sleeping peacefully.

Laksh smiles listening it as he moves towards her.

"Let's talk in study room?" he asks.

Ragini nods and both of them leaves the room.


Ragini was sitting on the couch while Laksh was standing, leaning to the table. They were like that from the past five minutes.

"Are you going to say something?" asks Ragini, finally breaking the silence.

Laksh sighs as he runs his hands through his hair. He moves towards her and sits in front of her, on the floor. Ragini looks on. She tries to get up but Laksh didn't let her.

"You know I was the only son of my parents, the only heir of all the Maheshwaris wealth." he says as he holds her hand.

Ragini nods with a confused face. He was talking like Ankit.

"Being rich isn't good always. In my case, it was worst." he continues.

Ragini looks at him with confusion. She wasn't understanding what he was trying to say.

"Say it clearly Laksh. Don't confuse me." she says.

"Okay... My father was also a single child of his parents like me. My grandfather had a brother but my grandfather started the business on his own, without the involvement or partnership of his brother. Everything we have today is only ours. My grandfather's brother's family have nothing to do with it but you know, money is the thing for which everyone gets greedy. They even forgets about their blood and relationships when it comes to money. Here was also a case like that. Nikhil Maheshwari, he's the only grandson of my grandfather's brother. He has nothing much in name of money and property. But he had his eyes on our wealth. For that, me and dad were the barriers in front of him because if there's no heir for our wealth then he can claim his right on everything of ours, being our blood related. And after dad died, I was the one and only barrier in front of his way. So, he tried killing me."

Ragini gasps as that. She clutches his hand tightly.

"He tried killing me right after dad's demise but I got saved somehow. At that time, we didn't know who was trying to kill me and why. After that, many times he tried to harm me in different ways and we came to know about his involvement. Infact, he was also involved in the accident of my parents. He knew that he wasn't going to get anything even after I die because everyone got to know about his real face. For that also, he found me responsible and was still behind my life just for his ego and satisfaction before going to jail. After those incidents, I was always surrounded by bodyguards. Every minute, I had threats to my life. I didn't like that because my life wasn't very precious for me as I didn't have anyone to live for and I didn't want to live for money and luxuries. Then when I went to Bangalore, I met you and my daughters. I got a reason to live. Living became important for me. I kept all my bodyguards away from me besides Ankit. He didn't listen to me. I didn't want you or my daughters to feel uncomfortable because of them." he says as he keeps his one hand on her right cheek.

"One day I was informed that Nikhil was seen in Bangalore. The police advised me to stay hidden. That's why I used to wear hoodie whenever I used to go out. That was the reason that I didn't change my daughters' names. If he would have come to know about me having two daughters and my wealth having two heirs then he would have targeted my daughters to reach me and see me suffering because they were easy targets. You asked na, why I wasn't telling anyone that I'm their father! This was the reason. I didn't want my bad to affect them. I was staying with you to bring you with me but one day I thought that me staying with you wasn't safe for three of you because Nikhil was secretly trying to reach me. Him getting to know about my family wasn't what I wanted. So I decided to come back to Kolkata, without you and our daughters. I didn't have any choice. Staying away from the three of you was better than putting you in danger. Losing you was the last thing I wanted. I thought I'll bring the three of you here with me once everything settles down and the police catches him but..." he says as a tear slips out of his eye.

Ragini shakes her head in no.

"But when we were on our way to the airport, we got attacked by some men and I got shot. You know Ragini, at that moment, only you and our daughters were on my mind. I just wanted to see the three of you before anything happening to me."

Ragini's eyes also wells up at that. She wipes his tears with her hands.

"I didn't die in their attack so after the surgery, when I was unconscious, one man of his got inside the ICU and he injected some drug in the glucose bottle which was attached to me. It was a kind of poison. But he couldn't inject the complete dose which is needed to kill a person maybe because someone got inside. When the doctors realised about it they informed the police and got to know about him through the CCTV footage. As the drug already got inside my body, it started affecting my brain and nervous system, and I slipped into coma."

Ragini widens her eyes at that. Her heart was beating very fast. The revelations were leaving her shocked, stunned and what not.

"The police could not guard me all the time. They needed to catch Nikhil because he was always sending his men. He was never coming out himself. So for my safety, the police declared me dead to the world and I was kept under observation at a secret place. Two weeks later, they found him and he was imprisoned but I was still in the coma. After police caught him, I was brought to my house. By god's grace, I came out of coma three days back and instantly I wanted to meet you but my body didn't cooperate. I was so weak that I couldn't even stand myself. I was so vulnerable. Then Ankit told me what all happened in one month and I immediately ordered him to bring the three of you here, to me." he says as he holds her face in between his hands and merges his forehead with hers.

Tears were flowing endlessly from their eyes. Ragini was feeling guilty for behaving like that with him. He also has suffered a lot. He wasn't happy, like her.

"I'm so sorry Laksh. I acted like that. I didn't know that you've gone through so much. I'm so sorry, please forgive me." she says as she hugs him tightly, not letting him go.

Laksh hugs her back more tightly like his life depends only on her. He breaks the hug after some minutes and looks directly in her eyes.

"Ragini, I want to say something. If I couldn't say it today then I doubt that I will ever be able to say it." he says in a nervous voice.

Ragini keeps looking at him as she nods her head, encouraging him to continue.

"I love you Ragini!!!"


So, everything is clear now. No more confusions. And also, Laksh confessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please share your views about the chapter.

I've been very very busy in the past few days that I couldn't update anything. Infact, I've come online after five days😰.

Please ignore any mistakes.
Thank you for reading.

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